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Wealth  What I Learn About DEBT, and Why You SHOULD READ THIS


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hello people,

The government's job is to make money out of you. And every companies job is to maximize returns. The first is the assumption that he or she will be President of the United States. The second is we all do it. Might as well i screw you first.

One might ask, why Zac says this?

Recently, i realize that while saving money is great, it is a fucking bollocks. It's like a retirement sales pitch. It is used to keep people down. That's what the government wants you to do. This is what every companies wants you to do but hey here's a great product from me, i am different.

For the first time in my life (this is just a statement to say, it's bullshit also), i get it. It reaffirms and reaffirms. I get why the left wing is crazy. One might say that Zac is associative thinking. He is associating something unrelated at all.

Nope. I see everything.

Here's the thing: As long as we believe the person or idea infront of us, we can't win. This is not just practical. You can look at it from a philosophical standpoint. I dare someone to challenge me. Almost everyone from the past to the present, never ever disagree with the fundamental message that i try to get across.

I hate this. I don't know if it is a part of me that is frustrated with my life, or that i don't believe the world should be this way, or all of it.

The lesson is: Be like 'Donald Trump'. Default it/Use bankruptcy laws/etc. One might ask why. It's because it's a game that is really rigged against you. If you believe you can win, you mistaken. Doesn't mean that you should abuse your employers or companies selling iphones and samsung but that's the idea. And before you thinking of doing that, they already did.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2017
I doubt you've ever known anyone who was truly wealthy and/or who lost everything to bankruptcy. Bankruptcy isn't the end of the world and it can be an effective tool for reorganizing one's finances (personal or corporate), but... there aren't too many folks who would say, "Wow, I'm really glad I went BK because that was a lot of fun! I really screwed those debt holders!" Nope, not gonna happen. BK is generally a very painful process that the vast majority of folks would rather not repeat. I'm sure if you asked Donald Trump if he'd like to go BK again to get rid of all that pesky debt he continues to service, he'd look at you like you came from Mars.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I think you miss the fundamental point of my post.

I'm saying that we should do our best to do the "right thing" (pay bills on time, give to charity, try to make girls life's better, etc)

But the game is rigged against you, too.

And that's the point I am trying to get across. If you don't understand what I am trying to say, or perhaps this is what many people and MANY GIRLS ARE DUMBFOUNDED...

Many girls stand on the ground that men built and claim that they are oppressed.

Same thing.

Is my sentence not put correctly or is it this is the fundamental human delusion perceive by causality....

But anyway, Bankruptcy is not fun. And it is a tool.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2017
Perhaps you feel that the "game" (of finance, I gather) is rigged against you. I definitely don't feel that it's rigged against me. On the contrary, I feel like the game is rigged in my favor. I embrace it and hope it never changes. But that's just me. Different folks have had different experiences and base their views on those experiences.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Hey Zac,

ZacAdam said:
I think you miss the fundamental point of my post.
I have to say that I initially missed the point, too. Thanks for clarifying.

I'm saying that we should do our best to do the "right thing" (pay bills on time, give to charity, try to make girls life's better, etc)

But the game is rigged against you, too.
It's exactly like girls. The guy who doesn't know game finds that girls are ungrateful to all the nice attention they provide, and instead prefer to go for losers that treat them like jerks. Doesn't seem to make sense... Unless you learn game.

Same here. The "game" (governments, corporate world, whatever you meant here) is rigged against you and doesn't make sense, unless you learn how it works, learn to play by its rules, and learn to harness it to serve your interests. After you done that, then the "game" starts working in your favor. Exactly like slazenger is saying.

But anyway, Bankruptcy is not fun. And it is a tool.
This one, you may still have to explain. On a forum about building wealth, are you advising to go for personal bankruptcy?



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Seppuku, Slanzenger,

Seppuku said:
It's exactly like girls. The guy who doesn't know game finds that girls are ungrateful to all the nice attention they provide, and instead prefer to go for losers that treat them like jerks. Doesn't seem to make sense... Unless you learn game.

Same here. The "game" (governments, corporate world, whatever you meant here) is rigged against you and doesn't make sense, unless you learn how it works, learn to play by its rules, and learn to harness it to serve your interests. After you done that, then the "game" starts working in your favor. Exactly like slazenger is saying.

Let me make it simple for you guys.

You guys want me to look from your standpoint? That is learn how the "game" works, learn to serve your interest, learn the rules? Sure, I can do that.

Now, here is where you guys will never

able to stand from where i am unless there is a genuine humility, awareness to see/listen.

Here's two questions. Pick One. Both are leading you to the slaughter.

1)If I am God, i want you to be a Women now. Can you accept that?


2)If you work for my Mcdonalds, it's $7 per hour, for life

The thing is, i assume you guys will start doing 3 things.
First, You guys will complain that Zac is talking shit, and associate things that doesn't make sense, like why would i want to be a women, and why involve God in this (even though i don't believe in a deity of islam or christianity).
Second, you guys will say that why should i stand in your position.

Third, The government is the government, Girls are Girls, the rules are rules. I'm just playing by those rules.

Lastly, you guys might ask why should i get only $7 per hour for Life? I want more. I want more than that. (And that's exactly i am trying to point out. This time round, I fucking win and you guys fucking lose. Now, i am the boss and you are the employee.

This is just an example. But do you guys recognize how i turn the frame back on you guys? :)

i don't need you guys to understand anything else. Just be aware how i turn the frame back on you guys, if you guys are even aware that the frame exist, or knows. If you also recognize that it can exist some passive aggression on the end of the sentence.

Btw, why can't i shoot you guys with a Glock 18? It serves as 'my best interest'. Then if you realize that while i agree rules are rules, girls are girls. But aren't you guys mad when i sleep with your women? And suddenly we all learn that there's a need for real rules, like going to jail when you kill someone, and then there's the self interest, which we all have.

We must separate that.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hello people,

Pardon me for being a 'fucktard'. This is the wrong place. I guess that i need to do something drastic, like standing infront of a tank (tank man in history, china). Something like that.

I rather die trying to belong in history.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2017
Two quotes come to mind:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Where you stand depends upon where you sit.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Yea, Where you stand depends upon where you sit. Sure, but the chair is still blue, if the chair is blue. You remind me of network marketing companies, who manage to make many people think that it is their company, or like most guys, even on Girlschase, where your girlfriend makes you think you have freedom.

I finally get what Chase Amante and why Chase Amante, do not hang around or have Friends with benefits. There's a certain delusional quality that you have to sell, because it innately reflects people as they are. However, you are always aware of that glitch as long as you keep learning and aware of what we learn.

Not to praise (but take it if you want, because it's something that is a fundamental flaw we all have) you but your response brings me enlightenment on how we all operate. That delusional quality, but as long as it serves us, fuck everyone else. :) and really mean, fuck everyone else.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2017
^^ Honestly, I didn't follow a single thing after the first sentence.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Then you do know that you should not respond though. Your conviction is not strong.

To express that you didn't follow my sentence means you still questioning whether your thought process is sustainable against my argument.

And jabbing me doesn't change the fact that my message is already spread/written. Looks cool and maybe it is but this is the wrong crowd where tribalism is not encouraged.


But anyway, I quit being 'Napoleon'. You need to know the battlefield you standing to then know you are fighting.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2017
ZacAdam said:

Then you do know that you should not respond though. Your conviction is not strong.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." - Betrand Russell

Well, I guess we know which camp you and Trump are in.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

You do realize that how easy you reveal yourself? :) And now, you associating me with Trump.

Common now... You started this. And when I tell you what I think, you implying I am dishonest without regards to what I said. And now, you using quotes and associative thinking as shade of your ad Hominem.

I'm cool if you have no empathy for the people who build the place where you stand. We all do this to varying degrees.

But You doing ad hominem while trying to maintain social circle standing in Girlschase, while telling me you have doubts on my sincerity but using the tools of my house you just burn, I find it quite amusing.

You reveal yourself. And hey,

I'm not your enemy, really. :)



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2017
ZacAdam said:
You do realize that how easy you reveal yourself? :) And now, you associating me with Trump.

Actually, you directly associated yourself with Trump in your original post - you named him specifically and approved of how he deals with debt. Do you read your own posts?

ZacAdam said:
Common now... You started this.

Actually you started this with your original post which flies in the face of any form of financial sanity.

Sorry, man, but you have no idea what you're talking about on this topic. The first thing to do when you're in a hole is stop digging.

I'll say this, however... it's unintentionally entertaining. So, there's that.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

'Be like Donald Trump'. Not Be (but that's not the point.)

So wait wait, Now I want you to listen and Girlschase to listen...

So Even if I "approved" of Donald Trump, why is it wrong? Is it because he is "wrong", you lose and he wins? Suddenly life is not so much fun, when we on the other side, doesn't it?

And that's exacty the thing I'm showing.

And to your next question?

What is financial sanity?

Let me see. Every business owner innately knows they pay their employees less. Everyone knows they try to find the cheapest prices while maintaining good quality.

So if me saying that using bankruptcy to your advantage is flying the face of any form of financial sanity,

But the ironic thing is you have NO FUCKING PROBLEM noting that it is about reorganizing one's finances and bla bla

So, I reveal you twice. :) That is.. you have no problem if it works in your favour but you have a problem if it works against you.

This is an assumption, for you attack me by saying that 'which camp Trump and I are in'. I assume that's a "bad" statement.

Feel free to clarify.

I hope I get why you think that Trump is evil, when you pretty much tells me that you operate from the same sphere.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2017
ZacAdam said:

Let me see. Every business owner innately knows they pay their employees less. Everyone knows they try to find the cheapest prices while maintaining good quality.

So if me saying that using bankruptcy to your advantage is flying the face of any form of financial sanity,

But the ironic thing is you have NO FUCKING PROBLEM noting that it is about reorganizing one's finances and bla bla

So, I reveal you twice. :) That is.. you have no problem if it works in your favour but you have a problem if it works against you.

You're engaging in childish sophistry. Your original suggestion was that one should screw the "rigged" system by leveraging up and going BK - like Donald Trump did in the early-90s and has continued to do at the (smaller) entity level (on occasion) since. My advice is very simple... don't go BK in the first place. It's unpleasant.

You can try to twist it around however you like but your original point is ridiculous. Re-interpreting it after this has been pointed out isn't helping. The only thing that's been "revealed" here is that what you know about finance would fit in a thimble. It's patently obvious.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

slazenger said:
You're engaging in childish sophistry.

By telling it like it is that every business owner innately knows they pay their employees less. Everyone knows they try to find the cheapest prices while maintaining good quality?

and btw, you still haven't accept who you are (that is you only have problems if it work against your favor... :) ) and that you throwing 'childish sophistry' is a defense, at process level. Why i am saying this is because you have not tried to argue my points, here. and also, you throwing labels at me.

That's fine because you noted you are more concern about this, below.

slazenger said:
The only thing that's been "revealed" here is that what you know about finance would fit in a thimble. It's patently obvious.
slazenger said:
You can try to twist it around however you like

What i know about finance is questionable. True But

I never twist anything. Your concern was purely finance level. My concern is purely at fundamental level. But it's people like you that i wish the world blows up more. I see this with girls often, where they don't give a fuck about men but hate when their brother gets shit by their fellow women. or most first world men.

I don't know it's a delusion that ppl need to sell stuff/etc, that brings up to your personal lifes (which it is).... or it is that fundamental education, the system... though ironic because i am part of that.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2017
ZacAdam said:
What i know about finance is questionable. True But
If this had been your original premise you could've avoided the original post and everything that followed.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Move to journal
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