Damn, what a deep question.
This is going to get pretty subjective, I guess.
I would say masculinity is the set of virtues that qualify a male as a man.
Historically, being considered a man was not a given… much was expected from men and in order to be considered one, you had to go through a initiation rite to prove your worth.
In modern society, initiation rites survive somehow but they are being overthrown in the name of inclusiveness.
Masculinity (unlike modern femininity) is exclusive.
Men usually won’t consider other males their equals unless they show certain virtues.
While those virtues are not precisely defined and the specifics vary across cultures, I saw one author summarize them as:
- Strenght (physical but also mental)
- Courage (take risks and survive)
- Mastery (excel at your craft)
- Honor (loyalty to your group)
A woman can have all four of these virtues… yet, they are not expected from her.
A man can lack these virtues… and if he does, he will be shunned for it.
Modern times have altered masculinity both objectively and subjectively.
The biggest changes:
- Strenght is no longer required for work nor protection, so while it is still an integral part of masculinity, it is devalued.
- Mastery is now open to women and while many women do become masters at their fields, most top experts tend to be men even in female centric fields.
- Courage is still important, although taking social risks is more important than taking physical risks. This is a valued virtue that is expected from men.
- Honor is pretty tricky because it really is about your loyalty to the group…
What makes you good at being a man doesn’t make you a good man.
You’re a good man only if you’re loyal.
Think of a strong, courageous, masterful man who isn’t your friend and doesn’t share your worldview… at best he is a risk… at worst he is an enemy, and a powerful one.
Honor is then the most valuable virtue a man can have… the loyalty to his group / family / country.
If you think about it, modern media manipulates men to be allies of movements that don’t benefit them… feminism, egalitarianism, open borders… all of this is bad for you as a man… but you gotta be an ally… because you see, they rather have you weak and confused but chained by your loyalty than have you strong and courageous but free.