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What makes her feel like wanting to invest?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
I know that investment from her side is an important component, and that my and her investment should be fairly similar, with my investment slightly lower.

I'm curious however what is that makes a woman willing to invest from her own initiative, without me asking her for it.

I dated these two chicks in the last few weeks, and they both act different even thought I thought I treat them fairly similar.

One of them however, is much more willing to invest on her own, with the other one though, the only investment I got from her is a date, and staying in touch over text. I today realized that I overinvested with the second one, and she put my into a potential boyfriend category.

Is investment somehow related to attainability, value?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Yes, exactly! It is a function of value and attainability.

If you are thirsty and see a frothy beer commercial (value) and have one in the fridge (attainability), you might just be willing to invest enough to get up off the couch and get it.

If the commercial does a great job displaying those bubbles (more value), but you do not have one in the fridge (less attainability), you might still be willing to get up off the couch and go to the store.

If you are not of drinking age, it will be difficult for you to get it, so you auto-reject from low attainability and won't get off the couch.

This is not a perfect analogy because the beer cannot really be "too easy" to the point where attainability's too high, like if it's sitting on the coffee table. But if you already drank a lot, you might have diminishing returns of value with every beer and not be enticed by the commercial, like a hot girl on Tinder.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
I know that investment from her side is an important component, and that my and her investment should be fairly similar, with my investment slightly lower.

I'm curious however what is that makes a woman willing to invest from her own initiative, without me asking her for it.

I dated these two chicks in the last few weeks, and they both act different even thought I thought I treat them fairly similar.

One of them however, is much more willing to invest on her own, with the other one though, the only investment I got from her is a date, and staying in touch over text. I today realized that I overinvested with the second one, and she put my into a potential boyfriend category.

Is investment somehow related to attainability, value?
Some girls are “autoinvesters”, some girls aren’t, and only investment when asked.

It’s important to calibrate to the girl, as though they all have things in common individual personalities affect your seduction.

To calibrate simply reward what invest you do get. Temper your investment with hers. AND ask for the investment you need.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
I know that investment from her side is an important component, and that my and her investment should be fairly similar, with my investment slightly lower.

I'm curious however what is that makes a woman willing to invest from her own initiative, without me asking her for it.

I dated these two chicks in the last few weeks, and they both act different even thought I thought I treat them fairly similar.

One of them however, is much more willing to invest on her own, with the other one though, the only investment I got from her is a date, and staying in touch over text. I today realized that I overinvested with the second one, and she put my into a potential boyfriend category.

Is investment somehow related to attainability, value?

Put simply, it's anticipation of a reward. The reward can be more attention, warmth, and (ideally) sex.

How you reward women is important because it frames your whole seduction. If you reward a woman investing in you by giving her money or anything else "boyfriendy", you're signing yourself up to be a boyfriend. However, if you reward her investment with a more intimate touch, sexual eye contact, or by escalating / hitting a window, you start being seen as a lover.

In the beginning, you'll have to ask / demand the investment usually. But once you get the ball rolling and she starts to clearly see that she'll get rewarded by investing in you, they may even start investing themselves.

Some girls will even start investing in you if you seem like you'd be a good fit based on your fundamentals (this is what an approach invitation is). She's anticipating the reward of an approach from an attractive man.

You can somewhat turn girls into autoinvestors this way, but like topcat said some girls need asking every time. You'll just see them get more comfortable with your demands.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Oh and the more you increase her investment in you like the others said, the more her perception of your value grows.

I think it was Razorjack who said here that if you worked to buy your dream car and then won the same exact model the next day, if you were going to sell one of them, you would keep the one you worked for.

I think it was Chase's book that also mentions rumination investment... How much she thinks of you when you're not there. I think that's one of the reasons push-pull works so well. I heard Hot and Cold by Katy Perry on the radio today and thought of this haha.


Feb 18, 2015
I know that investment from her side is an important component, and that my and her investment should be fairly similar, with my investment slightly lower.

I'm curious however what is that makes a woman willing to invest from her own initiative, without me asking her for it.

I dated these two chicks in the last few weeks, and they both act different even thought I thought I treat them fairly similar.

One of them however, is much more willing to invest on her own, with the other one though, the only investment I got from her is a date, and staying in touch over text. I today realized that I overinvested with the second one, and she put my into a potential boyfriend category.

Is investment somehow related to attainability, value?
I think there is one more dimension to it, which is perhaps the most important (maybe not talked about often, because it's blatantly obvious - but for example I need it spelled out).

In my experience a key factor is, her 'needs', and how well they are being fulfilled by other men in her life. This factor's a lot into how well they behave with you (and by extension how much they invest in you.).

Take the example of a girl with a boyfriend, she is very unlikely to auto-invest in you, as her needs (an important one being attention) are being fulfilled by her partner.
Another example a girl you are seeing but she is also seeing another guy - depending on how much of her needs are being met by this other guy will show in her investment towards you. If they're not being met very well, she will seek your attention and value more readily and be more willing to invest in you.
Finally, the example of a completely single girl with her needs not being met elsewhere. She is more likely to auto-invest and respond favorably to your compliance requests if she sees you have the potential to meet her needs (your value). This is where your behavior will have the most impact on her as well.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
It’s important to calibrate to the girl, as though they all have things in common individual personalities affect your seduction.
I'm just starting to work on investment and compliance and I have to ask, is it possible for girls to make an equal investment in very different ways?

I asked 2 girls to show me their hands after pointing out their accessories. The first girl word a handmade bracelet. She gave me her hand and let me stroke it and her bracelet. She then told me the sentimental value her bracelet had. The second girl (very shy) wore a distinct ring. She showed me her hand, took off her ring, and handed it to me it while telling me about why she liked it.

Is it possible these 2 are equally "large" investments to them? One woman offers her hand, the other offers something of monetary value, both trust me. Or did one comply more and I'm too new to know better? Just checking the theory so I can calibrate better.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
I'm just starting to work on investment and compliance and I have to ask, is it possible for girls to make an equal investment in very different ways?

I asked 2 girls to show me their hands after pointing out their accessories. The first girl word a handmade bracelet. She gave me her hand and let me stroke it and her bracelet. She then told me the sentimental value her bracelet had. The second girl (very shy) wore a distinct ring. She showed me her hand, took off her ring, and handed it to me it while telling me about why she liked it.

Is it possible these 2 are equally "large" investments to them? One woman offers her hand, the other offers something of monetary value, both trust me. Or did one comply more and I'm too new to know better? Just checking the theory so I can calibrate better.
Yeah you’re too focused on the specifics.

You asked for compliance you got compliance.

The correct action is to reward it. And escalate the compliance toward the bedroom.

Which one did you sleep with? that determines which one complied more.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
Which one did you sleep with? that determines which one complied more.
You think too much of me.

Bracelet girl gave me her number and we've been texting. This is the furthest I've ever been. Ring girl is a lot slower, social circle stuff.

But I think I get it. Thanks. Just stack compliance and build up towards the same goal. All that matters is that the bar moved and I rewarded it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
You think too much of me.

Bracelet girl gave me her number and we've been texting. This is the furthest I've ever been. Ring girl is a lot slower, social circle stuff.

But I think I get it. Thanks. Just stack compliance and build up towards the same goal. All that matters is that the bar moved and I rewarded it.

Reward compliance towards the bedroom. Punish lack of compliance with lack of attention.

More complicated is addressing lack of compliance, but that has its nuances and comes with experience.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Tension is good with making a girl invest as well

Preselection creates tension
takeawags create tension
Drama obviously creates tension