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Calls & Texts  What Stage They Don't Text Back


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2013
Hey Guys,

First time posting here.

So I've noticed that in my time texting when new girls who I meet at bars, parties, etc (especially one's that were enjoying being around you, touching you back, etc) there is usually a certain part of the text conversation where they don't text back. I'm assuming its the same for everyone and thats: when you ask to set up a date. I usually text them 20-30 minutes after meeting them or the leave the party. They'll text back. They text day I'll exchange a flirty text or two, but when you go to set up the date, they won't text back.

Does anyone have a cool, casual way to get responses?



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
- TheWrangler

TheWrangler said:
So I've noticed that in my time texting when new girls who I meet at bars, parties, etc (especially one's that were enjoying being around you, touching you back, etc) there is usually a certain part of the text conversation where they don't text back. I'm assuming its the same for everyone and thats: when you ask to set up a date. I usually text them 20-30 minutes after meeting them or the leave the party. They'll text back. They text day I'll exchange a flirty text or two, but when you go to set up the date, they won't text back.

Does anyone have a cool, casual way to get responses?

Perhaps it was your friendly vibe that made them don't reply to your text, and it's awkward you ask them out. However, sometimes you get girls who no matter how good you are, they just won't turn up or reply to set up a meet because they got boyfriends and stuff. Likewise it's best you text the girls again three days later if she didn't reply. Give her a certain time frame, cut her out if it's too long.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2013
That could be a reason, and there could be hundreds of other reasons. I want to get your guys opinion on my texting game. Am I not being coy enough? Too jokey? Here's one of the latest.

ME: Hey NAME! Cool to meet you tonight! Don't lose this number ;) - NAME 
HER: Hey! I will not. This restaurant is poppin' at the moment. You're of course welcome to visit UO. Every day. Or whatever.
ME: Haha. Thank you so much for the invite to UO. Can't wait to hang out with you while you work...
HER: It's one of those "invitation only" type places.
ME: Hmm...sounds bad for business. Here's a more intriguing invitation. Let's grab drinks, you and me. What's your schedule look like next week?

She didn't reply so two days later:

ME: Hey NAME! I know you're upset that I blew off your invitation of going to UO everyday, but we both know drinks would be much more fun. Let me know when you're free

Don't know if this gives any new insight to why I'm getting no response.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
I'll tell you why, I'm currently working on this every night now, are you ready?

You need to set up the day 2 in person when you are still vibing. The only text you should have to send is "get home safe, I'm totally kicking your ass at skiball on tuesday!" and "7pm at Republic right?"

I'm going to add that you should only be going for a day 2 in the first place if logistics are impossible for a SNL. You need to always remember that attractive women, high quality women with value are very BUSY women. They don't have time to waste on guys they just met. They are surrounded by orbiters and validation givers, why would they want some guy they spoke to for 15 minutes at a bar? You may be thinking but we connected we deep dived together, NO it doesn't matter. To them the connection is lost when you didn't lead them to sex or out of the venue or somewhere!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2013
Tyme2k, you're completely right. I never even realized this until now but almost 100% of the girls that respond, I had at least mentioned getting together in some way when we were talking upon meeting. And close to 100% of the girls who don't respond, I didn't bring up getting together later, even though were vibing pretty hard. Thanks for pointing this out.

Now my one comment is that I don't think you need to get as specific as "7pm at Republic on Tuesday" for where you're going on day 2 unless it comes up naturally in your conversation. I've had success with just saying "oh, we need to get together later and you can teach me more about ______" (some hobby or thing she's into) or "Yeah, you'll definitely have to come check out my neighborhood sometime. I'll show you around."

I never get too specific on setting up the 2nd day upon meeting/getting a girls number. Tyme2k, have you noticed that you've had more success with that?