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Socializing  What to do about the Cute but Average girl?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Hey There Guys,

I'm back with another question and asking for continued advice on my Quest to Master Day Game!

So I did a coffee meet-up (i.e. "date") today with this Cute but Average girl who I did a 2 minute Day Game approach Monday... She was the first approach of the day and the week, and I was surprised she even responded to the Ice Breaker text Monday evening. I asked a more experience acquaintance if I should follow up with her since I had approached some other far more attractive females like this hott Russian who turned out to have fiancé - and he said YES move forward with her for "momentum..."

So it turns out she is a Pharmacist, which means she makes far more than I do, for now at least. She's Assyrian which in her words is an Orthodox Christian from Iraq. She was born here but her family and social network are all conservative Orthodox Christian. She doesn't drink, or really party. Although she is independent having traveled to London and Paris by herself to tour their Art Museum and see Assyrian artifacts. She's thin cute and simple. I liked her purple puma shoes. It seemed like she had some nervous ticks, which lightened up during the coffee, and I even teased her about being shy when she told me she was a Leo, and I was like - "that's funny, you seem super shy and the complete opposite of a Leo. Except maybe you can scratch me with those gel nails of yours..." Tomorrow is her birthday, and her biggest thing she'll be doing is going to this 100 year-old steak house in a nearby suburb.
I deep-dived her a little bit - the correct way - asking about her profession choice as compared to my more creative adventurous profession. She said she's not creative at all, and she chose to be a Pharmacist because of it's security - and she alluded to like having a family, etc...

What's interesting or funny, is how or why I was able to hook her from a 2 minute approach and have her respond back and set-up plans, whereas the approach yesterday who I spent far more time with, and literally seeded plans - hasn't responded AT ALL to the Ice Breaker Text, or the Value Text I sent her today.

That girl was a tall pretty attractive Mexican walking her dog in daisy-duke neon green shorts, and tank top - with D breasts and what I call "hoochie nails." She turned out to be a kids psychologist at the local school district but she does more paperwork than analysis. We connected over Joshua Tree which she did a camping trip with her girl friend and they tripped shrooms, etc. I asked if she was a coffee and conversation person or "happy hour girl." She alluded to getting a little crazy over happy hour in which I stated "okay, then we should do coffee then..." She wouldn't answer and we were interrupted by neighbors walking their dog. In my mind I was like - Go AWAY Neighbors, stop cockblocking me and let me CLOSE! With a fake smile on my face of course. The neighbors left and I asked - So are we down to do coffee? She kinda hemmed and hahhed - and I though - Man, not a good sign, what did I miss here to not get her excited... Finally with out me twisting her arm she said - "Okay, sure." I moved next to her to get the correct number and do the initial text. She kinda backed away, keeping her space. So I did the initial text. Asked what her schedule was. She said she was going up north to visit her parents for a couple of days. We joked about how hott it is up north. And then went on our ways.
I wished her a fun trip for my Ice Breaker text yesterday night - Nothing. Then text her a value text this afternoon, joking about the heat up there, and including a photo I shot up near where she's visiting from April in which it's all lush and green. Now it's all barren and brown and yellow. And...... Nothing.


Questions - How or why did the 2 minute approach with the conservative Pharmacist yield a result vs. 10 - 15 minute conversation with the daisy-duke attractive Mexican?

What do I need to do more or differently to get the more attractive female here in these interactions, and get solid numbers that lead to meet-ups (i.e. dates) - although there is some room for interpretation on Value of each girl here. Which leads to some more interesting conversation and questions here.

The Average Cute Girl almost already would be great Girlfriend/Wife material. Pharmacist, doesn't drink or party, is really tight with her family, etc...
Kinda funny that she picks me when I really am that kinda - "Lover or Loser" guy right now. That's the Chase article.
I'm not technically a "Loser" but my Job is transitional with the Entertainment Industry and all. And I've kinda literally just been traveling the Southwest, doing ghetto motels and Photographing landscapes, state and national parks and building up my Photography portfolio for some burgeoning opportunities in LA.

Sooo, to use some Classic Sayings here:
"I'm kinda between a rock and hard place" here with this Cute but Average Girl.
On the one hand, like my Father would say - "A bird in the hand, is better than two in the bush..."
Yet like a close Family Friend would say - "If you always do, what you've always done, you always get what you've always gotten..."
If I came to this seduction world, wanting to learn on how to become a LOVER GUY, with some of the most attractive females I can get, then....
Why would I go backwards into the Conservative Long-Term Average but Cute Girl relationship thing that I have always done, which wasn't all that satisfying and I knew I could quote "somehow do better?"

But then again, like the more experienced acquaintance said - Move forward with her to gain momentum.
I'm planning on texting her tomorrow - "Fun coffee yesterday. Have a fun bday at the 100 year old restaurant"

Unfortunately right now, I kinda only really have enough time and energy for one girl.
So do I put time and energy into Cute but Average girl. Or, let her go - and how do I do that nicely.
But then I don't have anything, but it pushes me to push harder with Day Game and figure out how to finally capture and score these 8's and above I have been consistently approaching and getting numbers - but no solid "meet-ups!"

Curious what folks from the group have to say.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 10, 2017
First, the Cute girl approach worked better than the hot girl approach, (you seem to think you need a different one for hot girls) so you should base your approach on that. Keep going with the cute girl (You are not going to recover with the hot one). A definite mistake with the hot one who said she liked happy hour but you kept pressing for coffee till she agreed to get rid of you.

Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
Looking at your report, and your other post on here, you are very focused on wanting the hottest girls? Why?
-Is it to boost your ego,
-Are you competitive with other guys wanting the hotter girls than they have – again your ego
or for another reason?

We all want a girl that is easy on the eye but there will always be hotter girls than the one you are seeing. After you’ve been seeing any girl for a while others start to look hotter as your brain gets used to seeing the one you have?

I’m not making any judgements, but I’ve frequently dated the hottest girl in the room but if there’s no connection then I get bored very quickly.

When I chat to a girl, I reach a point so she is interested, then communicate that I’m interested in a date, Coffee/drink/etc, and leave it with her to chase. In fairness I pick up much more in large social circles so she’s around longer than in do day-game although supermarkets present lots of opportunities as you go round meeting the same girls several times.

Questions - How or why did the 2 minute approach with the conservative Pharmacist yield a result vs. 10 - 15 minute conversation with the daisy-duke attractive Mexican?

To answer your question, I think you possibly gave the Mexican too many reasons she didn’t want to date you, whereas the Pharmacists was left intrigued. Girls often want a tangible reason not to date you, they use this to reinforce a feeling on not being sure. The longer you stay in set can sometimes increase that feeling.

Personally, I would date the Pharmacist but not make any commitment to anything long term. Enjoy her company, enjoy her physically and enjoy her as a friend. Just because she comes from a religious background doesn’t mean she isn’t looking for life experiences outside of that stereotypical lifestyle. You can still maintain the “Lover” frame or FWB, you don’t need to let her push you into the BF box.

From my experience focus on the feelings you’re generating in her, they often mirror the feelings that you are experiencing. Girls “logic” is much more affected by how they are feeling than Guy “logic”.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I found aspects of your story hard to parse properly at this hour, but a couple ideas come to mind:

-Think in terms of your gut, not systems (what the heck is a Value Text anyway?). Most men starting out seem to have good-enough instincts but don’t trust them blindly.
-Pursuing hot girls is not worth it at this stage unless they are very young or approaching cougar age. If DG is challenge mode, hot girls are extreme mode.
-Cute girls who genuinely like you, especially in SC-ish situations, are more forgiving and a lot of it is just communication and classic emotional/physical seduction.

By the way, Christian Arabs are supper cool. My favorite bank teller is one, and so was one of my elementary school buddies.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Hey Fellas, so I'm kinda blanking on what to do next with this Average but Cute girl. It doesn't seem over.
I text her:

ME: Enjoyed coffee and conversation yesterday. Hope you have fun at your 100 yr-old restaurant for your Leo bday
Her: Same here lol. Thanks. Have a good weekend as well.

Now since I'm kinda soo ambivalent about her, I'm brain farting on what to do next. Asking her to hang out this weekend is out. Also because I am working this weekend and couldn't really find any free time for her or any other girl.

She works 8-5 M-F so I guess we could do another coffee on her lunch break next week??
Kinda seems like the same as last week.
She doesn't do Happy Hour, and I don't drink either.
And my Buddy's free magic show isn't until the 7th...

So I'm not sure where to go with her...

As far as the comments above:
Who am I competing against to show I can get the quote "Hottest" girls?? - ME! I'm competing against me, and for ME.
Frankly no-one really gives a shit if I get a really hott girl. IN-FACT! Getting the Hottest Girl brings a lot of shit from weak and jealous people if it's advertised.

However, there is a "Mastery of the Social Arts" as frequently stated on the chase website. And quote the "Hottest Girls" have a higher threshold of "Social Mastery." especially seducing them...Therefore If I have been striving sooo hard to Master Socialization having come from such a social deficit in adolescence - why the Hell Not "Master the Social Arts?' "Compliance" And the highest "Compliance with advanced social girls - "Sexual Compliance..."

When I'm on my Death Bed - I'd rather say - "I mastered socializing, and had these xyz experiences with xyz females," than say "Well I took the safe standard way of doing things okay..."

Finally- in my profession - I am continuously exposed to, and interacting with the quote "Hottest" girls. Whether it's the Erotic Models and OF girls. The High End comic book actress etc..., Attractive News Anchors and Weather Girls, competitive Sexy Business chicks... Who am I forgetting??

Gratefully I am consistently exposed to them, so WHY NOT - "Master the Social Arts" and fully experience them.
It seems depressing as Fuck when the people quote "next to me" are saying - "Ohhhhh, she's way out of my league." "I could never get her..." "She only goes out with Stunning or Elon Musk." Etc... And they project it on to me.
I'm like - who the fuck are you. That's you issue - not mine...

If I were looking for a relationship. This Average But Cute girl would work well. But I have had this girl. ALOT. Already...
I haven't gotten a lot of the "More Pronounced," (we'll say) ones I highlighted above.
And if I can get them - why not??

It comes down to what I'd say to myself on the Death Bed - right??
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers