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What to do during daygame?


Aug 7, 2016
Hey there GC. I am a pretty minimalistic guy. I have spent a good deal of my life playing video games as one of my main hobbies, and going out and doing many of the things "normal" people do has never appealed to me. Naturally, this has made me a sort of homebody. I invest in other hobbies but many of them are difficult to meet people in (golf, shooting, bouldering, playing instruments, working out), and I am pretty knowledgeable about various topics and deep-dive easily so I can easily carry out conversations. But because of my more solitary lifestyle I am never really walking around downtown doing whatever the hell people do downtown. Shopping? Meeting friends for food (I eat at home pretty much every meal)? I just don't get it. Shouldn't you have some sort of other thing you are doing when you are walking around town daygaming? I feel that my "city" is too small to just prowl the streets several days a week without going into a building. People might start to recognize you or ask questions and it just feels weird to me. What do you think GC? Do you go daygame with the sole purpose of scouting out chicks? Do you multitask? This is one of the things keeping me from going out, I really don't know what I would say when a girl asks what I am doing downtown.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 9, 2016
Hey Dr!

I invest in other hobbies but many of them are difficult to meet people in

It's good that you invest in different hobbies and interest, that gives you depth and variety which are valuable traits no matter what. Video games are nice, as long as they don't keep you from doing the most important things. Working out it's excellent for many things, such as energy, health, confidence and good looks. You should pursue that permanently, I believe.
Also, have you tried dancing lesson? There's going to be plenty of attractive girls there most likely. Some kind of latin style would be ideal; these are usually very sexy and physical styles of dancing, yet smother and more elegant than simply grinding, you learn to lead girls non-verbally, be comfortable touching girl, and being sexy just in general.

Shouldn't you have some sort of other thing you are doing when you are walking around town daygaming?

Personally I go out just to day game sometimes, and I might do something in the meantime, (i.e. grabbing something to eat, checking a book at the library, looking for clothes) but not necessarily, and for what I've seen in the FR and journals of other members here, many just go out to meet girl too. If you're not comfortable, do it nonetheless, and after a while you should be. If you still need to have a reason, go out to take a walk, people watching, bird watching, or to grab coffee/tea (that's what minimalistic people do)

I feel that my "city" is too small to just prowl the streets several days a week without going into a building. People might start to recognize you or ask questions and it just feels weird to me.

There's nothing weird about it, you just do it to amuse yourself. It's your city under 150 000 people in total? If not, I doubt anyone will recognize you, save maybe you approach 15 girls, at the same spot, at the same time, every week. If it is that small, you could still do day game, just trying to keep it under the radar and following the advice Chase gives here: https://www.girlschase.com/content/will- ... pick-girls.

This is one of the things keeping me from going out, I really don't know what I would say when a girl asks what I am doing downtown.

Most don't even ask, but if you need to say something:

"I come from seeing a friend"
"Getting some fresh air, I can't stand being shut-in all day "
"I was on my way to X coffee place, to grab a drink, and unwind, and read a book"

What you say won't matter much as long as your fundamentals are in place and you keep the conversation focused on her. That is all.

Hope this helps you.
Until then,
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 17, 2014
Dr.RickSanchez said:
This is one of the things keeping me from going out, I really don't know what I would say when a girl asks what I am doing downtown.

You have no idea how much I used to worry about this. It was one of those things that kept going through my mind as I'd have to improvise something, and hampered me on approaching at first. But now that I'm more comfortable doing the approaching, and have talked to who knows how many women during daygame, it's almost never happened. There were the occasional times, but mostly these were when I was travelling, and they knew I was travelling. Even then, unless you give them a reason to think you're not usually in the area, they don't even think about it. Most people simply go on auto-pilot assuming if you're there, you've got a reason.