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What went wrong/what to do?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2024
Guys i went out with this freaky ass chick, we were vibing, having fun and all, we laughing, we go back to her place, we fucked, we speak again on instagram, i try to set up the 2nd date, then i get hit with this “I do not have time this Saturday. but idk if i feel like meeting up again, if i do I don’t feel more then friends 🙈😊

Wtf went wrong, how can you prevent such from happening?

btw during sex we went 2 rounds, first one was fast, 2nd one was longer with a creampie, then after the 2nd round she just wears her clothes and says i ain’t in the mood, i was thinking maybe sex game or some other shit.

what y’all think? How should i respond?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers