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What You’re Field Testing? | November 2023


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Lets get practical #fieldfocus, move up some more collaborative vibes in here and inspire each other.

So im curious to what everyone in here is field testing these days so in this thread let us know:
  1. What are you currently field testing?
  2. Why is this interesting?
  3. What are your practical learnings so far if you should sum it quickly? If you have none all good but be sure to follow up w FRs or just learnings somehow.
Shoot 😛

Im super curious to what everyone is tooling with...😀😀😀

Stunning 10s and bjs will rain from the above on all comment posters

Credit to @Glow for the instructions and this collaborative field testing idea, I am reposting it for a November 2023 edition.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
1. What are you currently field testing?

Seeing how far I can stretch long-term casual relationships.

Currently seeing 3 girls. x2 for 1 year+ and x1 for almost 2 years.

2. Why is this interesting?

Typical PUA knowledge suggests FB's last 3 months at a minimum and 6 months at the maximum.

Also good to develop this skillset because as a guy you may not always want to be in new girl mode.

3. What are your practical learnings so far if you should sum it quickly?

Giving a "no big deal" vibe, (slow) progression I.E casual outings 10 months in and consistent good experiences has made this one of my longest standing rotations yet.

Being comfortable with not seeing every girl every week and sometimes once a fortnight to even a month helps tons too.

Lastly 2nd gen verbals are great for setting frames that maintain good behaviour/low drama

E.g. Earlyyyyyy (date 1) I set frames of most people rush relationships and that's why they fail & I'm still benefiting from that now.
Said the same thing about sex being very important in relationships & sometimes they escalate on me when I just wanna chill so may have to rethink how I phrase it because it's working a little too well lol.

Great thread idea Fog / Glow


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
2. Why is this interesting?

Typical PUA knowledge suggests FB's last 3 months at a minimum and 6 months at the maximum.

Also good to develop this skillset because as a guy you may not always want to be in new girl mode.
I never heard this... puas get rid of fwrds due to boredom...... No cause they can't retain them...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
I never heard this... puas get rid of fwrds due to boredom...... No cause they can't retain them...

"Typical 2-4 months of a standard friend with benefits relationship." Girls Chase Article

Think you're just in a bubble of competent seducers...

Heck - even on this forum it's not uncommon to see a guy trying to convert an FB to Mono GF few weeks in


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
1. What are you currently field testing?

In my current SOTs, I discuss a lot of juicy stuff….one of the newer things I am discussing is non-chronological connections. This is the idea that connections or other feelings shared between you and the girl don’t always line up. Here’s a recent angle of it:
  • She may be experiencing a certain type of connection towards you, while you are experiencing a different type of connection towards her. Or you have a balanced mix of different connections towards her, while she’s completely filled up on one specific type of connection
2. Why is this interesting?
  • It shows deeper knowledge to girls of their feelings and problems with guys
  • It broadens their perspective that people feel different ways, there is no one right type of connection, that you don’t need to be EXACTLY on the same wavelength all the time in order to have a satisfying time, especially if you frame it as good.
  • It also helps me problem solve when there is a lack of calibration on my part, establishing harmony, showing an openness to working with her to make things better between us
3. What are your practical learnings so far if you should sum it quickly?

Me and a gal were really getting along. We had discussed non-chronological connection previously, and as I kept running the verbals, she turned into an extremely reactive sensual state and really started to open up towards me on a physical level, while I was still in an outwardly dominant state, normally associated with analysis, lack of feeling and empathy, and being in my head.

She got hungry as I changed her original state into a sensual state, so we went to a fast food place. Things had been picking up previously, but in the fast food place she got cold on me...starts ignoring me…doesn’t wanna be around me. I give her some space, and then re-approach her, but she gets extremely startled and cringes away from me. So I tell her ill be outside. Standing outside, I work to get into a more sensual state by grounding inward and being in the moment. When she comes out with her burger I let her know we have a non-chronological sensuality gap and that I went outside to fix my own sensuality so we could get on the same page about things. Once we have a chat about that and problem solve that, she is immediately touchy with me. And even more touchy than before. Like bumping into me constantly.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
1. What are you currently field testing?

State allowance, right now specifically the allowance of sensory states and imaginative states

2. Why is this interesting?

• i am calibrating to girls i am not naturally compatible with, increasing strategic flexibility
• i am accomplishing extended changes to my personality at will
• it opens up completely new verbal tactics & routes, and understandings of why they work
• overall I am developing a maturing skillset in this area after a couple years of work

3. What are your practical learnings so far if you should sum it quickly? If you have none all good but be sure to follow up w FRs or just learnings somehow.

Sensory State Characteristics
  • if it feels good, go with it
  • instinctual. you get hungry, you eat. no waffling over the decision
  • lack of worrying
  • grounded here in the now - whats happening between the senses and the environment
  • focused on positive experiences
  • exist outside time, no/little awareness of what makes you, you
  • not assigning meaning, it just is
  • less attached, less caring about what people think of you
  • satisfaction, euphoria, awe, pleasure; emotional over logical
  • flowing through space
  • more feeling inwards than outwards
Imaginative State Characteristics
  • low environmental awareness
  • non feeling, outcome independence
  • less analytical
  • more about exploring the possibilities
  • able to hold extremely broad frames
  • poor response ability
  • poor memory
  • no labels exist, every angle is objective
  • outside of here and/or now [time] around it.
  • good for exploring fantasies
Good Field Experience w Imagination Game

i was heavy in an imaginative state with a girl explaining the different types of fantasy and desire to her. soon after she said something that caused some lightness, I called attention to the here and now of this light weightlessness in the air...causing her to be intimate towards me. then i started exploring the possibilities of passion with her...shared sexual explosions & shared sexual simmering
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take