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Whats going on with me?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2014
Greetings members of gc, I need help from you.

So last couple of weeks I'm acting and feeling very weird. I can't find a way to motivate myself to study, nor to play my musical instruments or to hang out with my buddies (what I used to do in past). The biggest concern is the study part because this is the last year of high school and my grades are shitty at this point, to be honest. I find all my class mates to play video games and just do nothing so I guess thats the problem? I also don't want to meet new girls at the moment. I'm 18 and I know I am talented for electronics engineering, programming, music and stuff. People tell me that I'm smart all the time but I don't realize that. I honestly hope that I won't ruin this 4 years of electronics engineering and fail to get into college, really wanted to become successful man. Now idk whats the issue. Help guys, I really need it :S

Thanks in advance gc

ps: If I chose wrong section please don't afoul me.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Quit masturbating if you currently are (are limit it to once per week maximum), surround yourself with friends that actually have an ounce of ambition/energy, and find one thing that interests you a bit and go fucking do it!

As far as motivating yourself to study goes you need to find a way to link pain into not studying/getting bad grades. I hate studying (and need to be doing it right now) but I force myself to wake up and the first thing I do is study for 2-6 hours (with a break here and there) and then it's done for the day and I can move on to doing something I want to do (like post here on the forums). I know that if I put off studying I'm going to get bad grades and all my tuition money will go down the drain. Maybe for you your parents won't let you go party on Friday night if you don't get good grades or something idk. Find a way to link pain to not studying.

Also realize that being lazy hurts your sense of self worth. Whenever we are productive we feel a sense of enjoyment and worth for creating something. Leaving the house, killing something, and bringing it back home. On the other hand when we aren't productive we feel like lazy losers and after a while we are lazy losers and then we don't do anything about it because of course that's not what a lazy loser would do!

That's the reason why Sweeden (one of the places with the easiest living conditions) has such a high suicide rate. There all on welfare from the government and have no purpose or motivation to do anything. Thus they have no purpose in life and without any purpose what's the reason to live?

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take