this pertains to dates/day interactions without alcholol or drug involvement-To be honest the Key component is not the framing, escalation, or logistics, The key componenent (s) I have found is on the conversation and the way you present yourself during the date/interaction. You have to be smooth, sexy, genuine, cool,and a bit of a smartass. But most importantly you have to make her feel like she has a connection to you through deep diving. You could do all the sexual framing in the world, and have solid logistics but if you do not connect and make the interaction smooth and not awkward. You will go nowhere. so in essence EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT for they directly lead into eachother (relating to connection, to framing, to knowing when to make a move, to escalation to addressing objections, to completeing the deed, but the icing on the cake is relateing and sharing a connection.
At a party with drinking and drugs the keys are framing and escalation. but I stay away from picking up girls there. personal choice. (although I do partake in drinking and the substances from time to time)
Cheers, The Tool