Met this amazing girl, she had everything I wanted we dated for 6 months, half was long distance however when I went to see her recently I made some major mistakes along the way. She proceeded to dead me out heavy, it felt almost abrupt little to no sex physical intimacy decreased overall. When she finally cut me off she told me it was because I wasn’t as adventurous as her. I took that and accepted it, however reflecting on it and through conversations with others I realized it just didn’t make sense. She knew I wasn’t adventurous when we first started dating, and repeatedly told me that it wasn’t an issue she can do those things with other people. Yet now it became an issue, I have an inkling that from our last conversation it could have been my overthinking or anxiety that turned her off.
Is it worth it for me to reach out and confirm? She let me go like 2 days ago. Normally I strictly never reach out after a break up because regardless of the goal, whether that’s getting her back or moving on it’s always better to just not reach out. But the legitimate reason for why she did this is bothering me so much, if I can’t get her back so be it I don’t plan on putting effort into that, but I really want to just improve and get better as a person as a whole. So I think understanding the why would be helpful, especially my anxiety and overthinking.
Is it worth it for me to reach out and confirm? She let me go like 2 days ago. Normally I strictly never reach out after a break up because regardless of the goal, whether that’s getting her back or moving on it’s always better to just not reach out. But the legitimate reason for why she did this is bothering me so much, if I can’t get her back so be it I don’t plan on putting effort into that, but I really want to just improve and get better as a person as a whole. So I think understanding the why would be helpful, especially my anxiety and overthinking.