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When are you ready for a relationship?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Hey guys,
So this is hypothetical, I'm not in this positions right now but I'm curious...

As I get better and meet, date and bed more women I find things changing for me. I hesitate to say, almost a dark-side.
I find myself turning down women which I previously would have chased because I know I can meet women closer to what I REALLY want. But even when I meet those women, I want to go meet more. It's almost like a buzz. Each time it's almost like moving up a level in a video game (terrible analogy, I know). I overcome another sticking point, I meet women with more and more qualities I like but it's never enough... I want to go for the high score and find one with all the qualities of the last AND MORE!

Does that sound totally dumb?

It's just that I've met plenty girls which I would have gladly been in a relationship with in the past, but once I've slept with them, I just feel I can do more. Like, maybe there's an even better woman out there.

At some point that has to stop. I really and genuinely would love a relationship with a great woman but I feel like I just won't let myself get into a relationship anymore unless I think it's for real. Like, there is no possibility that I will wake up tomorrow and want to sleep with someone else, that this woman I'm with is really and truly all I want, flaws and all.

Has anyone else struggled with this? I've said it over and over. If I wanted to, I'd be in a relationship right now, it has been on the table a few times this year but I turned it down. Sometimes I feel glad I did and other times I feel stupid for doing so.

Any opinions guys?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take