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FR  When buying a girl a drink goes wrong


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
To start out with I rarely ever buy drinks for girls. If I do, 99% of the time it's because I tried to trick them into buying me a drink but failed.

So tonight at the club, I see this gorgeous white brunette girl wearing a pretty dress. I open her by complimenting her on it and it goes decently enough. We're trying to get to the bar to order and when we get there I end up in a bad position to talk to her. So she orders and then leaves. Later when I head towards the bathroom I see her waiting outside for her friend. I stop to chat with her and it goes a lot better than the first encounter. Eventually I do have to pee so I try to get her number and she says "I don't believe in giving out my number, I believe in fate, if we see each other again then it's meant to be". I say that doesn't make any sense and leave since I smell her bs excuse. So later, walking around I see her again and reopen her, she seems excited to see me. Her friend suggest I buy her a shot and I shake my head. She says "yeah you should, it was my birthday yesterday!" and I say "nope, it's my birthday today so technically you should buy me a shot". She says "nope, guys should buy girls drinks" and I reply with "yeah, this is the 21st century, whatever happened to equal rights?" and she says "I don't care about that! I just want a drink haha". I ask her hypothetically what she would want and she tells me about this drink and it starts to sound good and eventually I cave and tell her I'll buy her one drink. She goes with me to the bar and says I better have one with her. So we talk and drink. It goes well.

She says she loves the song that's playing so I say that we are definitely dancing after this. I take her hand and lead her to the dancefloor. Her friend stops her and says "we have to talk about birthday plans, it'll take 2 minutes we'll meet you out there". And I say "yeah, we'll meet you out there, let's go" and start to lead her away again and her friend grabs her friend and says "no....we need to talk now". I say, "if you want to talk, then talk now but make it fast, I'll wait right here with her". She says ok....then drags her friend away from me ripping her hand away from mine and walking away. I start to head in that direction and then her guy friend stops me by putting out his arm and physically blocking me. I get a little hostile and say "are you going to stop me?" and he says "man....I know her, I'm her friend...she always uses guys like this, I wouldn't stop you but I gotta warn you". I say "thanks for the advice and head over in that direction.

I see the girls, they are with one guy, then the guy comes over and says "the girl says you're creeping her out and you gotta leave." I laugh and say "yeah, she can tell me that herself" and he says "she's not going to talk to you, do I look like an ass who would lie to you?" and I say "yeah, you actually really do, what's your name?" and he says "it doesn't matter, I will go get security if I need to, who are they going to believe, a girl or a guy?" and I laugh again and say "I know all the bouncers here...not a single one of them will bounce me, go ahead and get the bouncer if you want." The guy says "alright let's go". We walk a few feet and look for a bouncer, then it hits me that this definitely is not worth the effort. Yeah, the bouncer isn't going to kick me out, but he could easily just tell me to leave the girl alone. Despite his faux sense of authority I could tell that he was a total wuss, he tried putting his hand on my back, I cussed at him to take it off and he immediately removed it. And I've already had 3 red flags from this girl, how she refused to give me her number in the first place and left me so easily after drinks, her guy friend that tried to warn me, and now this guy. I easily could have thrashed him or one upped him...but seriously, what's the point? I didn't want to get kicked out, having a good relationship with the staff, and I didn't want to spend the night in jail. So I tell him to forget it, that he's one dumb man, and I leave.

Later as the club is closing, the girl finds me again and says "Scofield! Take a picture with me!" I half shake my head but she comes up and puts her arm around me and before I know it I'm forcing a half smile for a picture. Afterwards I turn to her and say "I thought you didn't want to talk to me" and she says "I don't know what you're talking about" but in a way that made it obvious she did. I then ask for her number again and she says "I don't have a phone" and at this point I've had enough of her bs and pat her on the back and tell her to have a good night and leave, making sure to genuinely thank her first guy friend for his warning.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Was this the hot girl in the black and white dress with the fatty friends at the end??

If it was I even chickened out opening this girl. Good job pushing it tho Scof.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Tyme2k said:
Was this the hot girl in the black and white dress with the fatty friends at the end??

If it was I even chickened out opening this girl. Good job pushing it tho Scof.

Yup that was her haha. I got played...but honestly don't really care.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers