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Logistics  When im bringing girls to my place..


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 29, 2013
They automatically goes sit on the sofa, so HOW i move them to bed without being awkward?
Any "master lines" to use? or should i just fill top of the sofa with dirty laundry, so they cant sit anywhere else, than my bed? x)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 27, 2014
Make sure the TV is in your room and not in front of the sofa.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 26, 2014
if you live alone just escalate on the sofa. If you live alone you can pretty much escalate anywhere. Is there a rule saying you can only fuck a girl on your bed? Just escalate someplace comfortable not like in the laundry room or something. All you have to do is get your penis inside of her for a few minutes then you can move to the bed for more comfort. If I can get a girl to fuck me in some bushes of a public park, then you can certainly get a girl to fuck you on your sofa in the privacy of your home. Just go with the flow and don't be awkward about it. If she sits on the couch just go sit next to her. If you have already done a lot to build the vibe before you got home then escalate right away. Thats the key really, build the vibe before hand. At this point you are really only at your house to fuck, not build rapport. She doesn't want to sit around on either side of the couch waiting for you to make a move. Just sit next to her and start kissing her.

If you don't live alone just say something like "Let's go to my room, thats more of my space. I can show you my artwork" Have a reason to go to your room. "Let's watch a movie in my room" "Let's go to my room, I can show you that album I was talking about" . You don't need an elaborate excuse. Most of the time the fact that it is your space and not the communal space is enough. I mean, she didn't come over to hang out with your room mamtes. Just be sure to make this happen the moment you get in the house rather than waiting till she is already comfortable in the living room. You are the leader and this is your house, she doesn't know the dynamic around the house so she is looking for you you to guide her. Often when we walk in I will say "I am going to grab a drink, do you want something?" while I am getting drinks she has a moment to scope the house and feel comfortable. When I come back sometimes she is looking at a book shelf or sitting on the couch. It doesn't matter what she is doing I simply say "hey lets go to my room, we can chill out more there"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 12, 2013
I agree with Escher. Who said you had to bring her to your bed to start escalating?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
I think the bed actually gives you more LMR lol


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
escalate on the sofa then move to bed.... or just fuck on the sofa
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 27, 2014
As others have said, if you created the vibe beforehand, the only reason you are at your house is to have sex. So just focus on that. Put on some music (if it's easily available), sit close to her and just escalate. You don't even need to talk much or at all if the mood is right. Start kissing and soon after caress her pussy through the pants. Slowly start to undress her. She'll probably start undressing you at the same time. Keep it moving forward. At last penetrate her for a few minutes on the sofa and then you can ask her to come with you to the bedroom. And she will.

The Marksman

Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 22, 2014
rickroll said:
They automatically goes sit on the sofa, so HOW i move them to bed without being awkward?
Any "master lines" to use? or should i just fill top of the sofa with dirty laundry, so they cant sit anywhere else, than my bed? x)

Depending on the size of your house, and whether or not they've been there before, you could always go the "Welcome to my home, I'll give you a quick tour so you don't get lost trying to find the bathroom." and just go into showing her around real quick, ending with your room. It sets up a non pressure reason to move her around the house, gives her an invested reason for needing to know where things are (the bathroom) and allows you to naturally lead her to your room, where you can continue on.

Won't work %100 of the time obviously but what does with PU? haha

- The Marksman


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
When I want to watch a movie with a girl, in my room, in my bed, I just lead her there. Either something like "come on, we're watching it in here" or perhaps I don't say anything at all. There's a nicer TV in the living room with a very comfortable couch. Once, I didn't even have the TV in my room anymore, just brought the laptop in and then set it up in a way so we could spoon. Though, now I just like to make things happen on said comfy couch.

Point being, you don't need a good reason, you don't even need one at all. Ideally the reason is because you two are dying to rip each other clothes off. The important thing is to establish compliance and have her comfortable with you leading. And of course, all of this is necessary in the PU as a whole!

Hope this sparks your fire, baby!


Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
if your strong and fit just start escalating on the couch then in the heat of the moment when you see she is really into it pick her up kiss her neck a little and carrier her onto your bed and continue escalating (kiss her body, remove the rest of her clothes). (i find this way you look dominant)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2013
You want to interrupt hooking up when she really gets into it and is on top of you. Gently push her away you and say "Oh, I'm being so rude. I haven't even given you tour of the place.." Let her respond. It's usually positive. Then "Let me show you around" pick her up and take her to your room.