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when is too picky?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
So I have this chick at work who everyone is obsessing over and I just don't see it. Most of them arent very good with woman either and she really wants to sleep with me badly. I read an article by chase a long time agi where this chick chased him around the club but kind of smelled. He said he should have just did it.

Any thoughts? Should I sleep with this girl? Should I continue to be picky. And go!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Iv experienced a similar thing where everyone is obsessed and i just cant see what is so great.

Anyways if you don't find her repulsive i think you should go for it because:
1. it will probably raise your status
2. Might as well have sex its fun right
3. Was looking for the Article about hwo she will look better with her clothes off but this will have to do plus it also make a good point how it feels the same when the lights go off

Anyways i think she is attracted to you cause your an outlier you aren't chasing her like the other guys


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
@ Mr. Obvious-

I think you mean this post, in Advanced:

... though these articles probably also apply:

@ Maximus-

If she was a stranger you'd never see again, I'd say if you're actively working on leveling up, then unless she just really puts you off or you have something else to lose, go ahead and do it, why not.

However, the workplace environment changes that a bit. When I was working, I was pretty cautious about not sleeping with girls from work that I wouldn't be fine having some sort of ongoing relationship with, because things get really sticky when you mix work and pleasure.

In this case, if she's someone you work with and she's sold on you hard, I'd say stay away, because there's a not-remote chance she's going to want something more than you want to give her, and cause who knows what kind of bloody hell for you in the workplace if she doesn't get it.
