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Observations  When it comes to picking up girls, do not disregard the environment where it tak


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 9, 2014
Hey guys! How's the world of seduction been treating y'all? Awesome, yeah?

Anyways, I've noticed a few things with DAYGAME pick-up that I believe should interest folks who are truly passionate about buffing up their game to the high heavens. As a caveat, I only do DAYGAME (at least for now), so this observation may not be completely applicable to NIGHTGAME. Although, I think its application in NIGHTGAME will be quite significant.

So here's my observation...

Girls, when approached, respond differently when they think there too many RELEVANT (this is relative, anyways) people watching them from when they think there nobody who's fain to see what their response would be. Talk about anti-slut defense? Lol.
In Nigeria where I currently live, slut-shaming is a big and serious issue. So girls are always on their guards.
Personally, I have gotten to a stage where I don't give a hoot about whoever or how many people are watching me make an approach. Sadly though, only a handful of girls can sincerely say same.

I don't know how it is in places like America or Europe, but over here in Africa, girls, even when they find you super-crazy-sexy, are most likely(9 times out of 10) going to throw you under the bus when approached in places where there are just too many prying eyes and eager ears. On the other hand, that same girl would be smiling and playing with her hair if approached in a less risky environment, even if it's only a few meters away from the initial spot where she had rejected you.

So guys, be subtle with your approaches. Don't just think about yourself when you approach....think of the girl too. Make it easy for her to accept you.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: When it comes to picking up girls, do not disregard the environment where it


I'd say it's pretty similar just about anywhere. The same rules apply in the States -- as a matter of fact, we have many guys on here who keep attempting to pick up "sorority girls" in front of all of their sorority sisters (a.k.a. friends), and we have to tell them that doing so is going to lower their odds immensely.

This is why places like the grocery store are so opportune for approaching the most attractive women; they are usually by themselves and not with any friends around them. They are much more open to meeting guys and being whisked away on a date by sexy man that they are sure none of their friends will find out about unless they decide to tell them.

Of course, girls are also very aware of the fact that it looks a bit slutty for them to be hit on in public and make themselves seem "easy," so being rather calm and low-key in a public environment can help as well. If a guy was to watch me from a distance picking up a girl in a grocery store, it should almost appear to him as if two friends that hadn't seen each other in awhile found each other, swapped numbers, and then went on their way. It should be very difficult for him to tell that the guy just "picked her up" as a stranger.

The better you are with discretion, the more success you will have. =)

- Franco