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When people talk “behind your back” in front of you?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Y’all should read chases article on how to make a zinger of a comeback. That post is very empowering.
I’m making comebacks left and right now and people trying to tool me look so silly. Thx Chase!

But right now the problem isn’t with direct confrontation, but when someone talks shit 2 feet in front of you basically expecting you to hear it.
I try and sneak in one of the techniques chase suggested but it just looks weird.

This sometimes happens to me even right after they talk to me. It’ll usually go from softer insults (“you’re not that good”) in from of my face to stronger insults (“this guy sucks ass”) to someone else.
He was obviously TRYING to start a fight there, but too scared to do it directly.

(I suspect that this happens because I’m one of the taller, more muscular dudes on the football team and they get a little scared to try and confront me head on.)

I once responded to this with a “Say it to my face then pussy” with confident body language and eye contact.
They tried to escalate, saw that I didnt budge, and backed off fast.

I realize this isn’t sustainable because a fight could have started right then and there if the guy was bigger or bolder.

Not that I’m scared of fighting, but just that I’m not trying to get in school trouble and lose my spot. (This situation was very public, lots of people were watching)

How would you guys react in a situation like this?
Is there a way to keep your confident composure, frame his attempts as weak, and still avoid a fight?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
How would you guys react in a situation like this?
Is there a way to keep your confident composure, frame his attempts as weak, and still avoid a fight?

But right now the problem isn’t with direct confrontation, but when someone talks shit 2 feet in front of you basically expecting you to hear it.
I try and sneak in one of the techniques chase suggested but it just looks weird.

this is difficult.

LEt me share a story. It happens a few times here even in the forums. Unbelievable but it happens.

One of them named is The Indian Race Troll.
There's a few that appeared over the years.

So here's here.

There used to be one senior member whom many Girlschase members really love and he offers a lot of insight. He has a high rank and that makes him very hard to question his motives. He would appear in other people's post and start putting some of them down.

The way he do it wasn't direct but it was obvious that it is meant to be dismissive towards the poster. He drove away one of the other senior member, never to returned.

In fact, i was one of those guys on the receiving end of this dismissive posting. But here's the ultimate secret:

Because Other Girlschase forum members don't see it, experience it, they can't discern it, until it is too late. And sometimes, they even side with the perpetrator.

So, how do you fight this nefarious evil?

1)Know Your OFFICIAL Rank/Status In That Location

2)Know Your UNOFFICIAL Rank/Status In That Location. (They are 2 completely different things. Are you on the good side of the people recently or no. People don't respect legacy. People only remembers 2 seconds before.)

3)Fix Your Weaknesses as much as possible (What that social circle roasted you on. Work on it)

4)Recognize whether your Social circle are generally good people (Do they laugh at you or they laugh with you? Sometimes you stay at social circle because the place has a lot of value but it is full of drama. Example: Real Madrid, WWE, Community Clubs, Philanthropist clubs, etc)

5)Never go direct.

Bring out the war in him. Then you engage. (This is related to number 4. If your society is generally selfish, narcissist, then it is all about value. If they are generally good people, it's all about who is seen as the victim)

Anyway, so yeah. I hope this helps.

if anyone wonders why females are angry, why Black lifes matter exist, why Woke-ism exist... This is it. It has become a game of chicken, on a global scale.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Y’all should read chases article on how to make a zinger of a comeback. That post is very empowering.
I’m making comebacks left and right now and people trying to tool me look so silly. Thx Chase!

But right now the problem isn’t with direct confrontation, but when someone talks shit 2 feet in front of you basically expecting you to hear it.
I try and sneak in one of the techniques chase suggested but it just looks weird.

This sometimes happens to me even right after they talk to me. It’ll usually go from softer insults (“you’re not that good”) in from of my face to stronger insults (“this guy sucks ass”) to someone else.
He was obviously TRYING to start a fight there, but too scared to do it directly.

(I suspect that this happens because I’m one of the taller, more muscular dudes on the football team and they get a little scared to try and confront me head on.)

I once responded to this with a “Say it to my face then pussy” with confident body language and eye contact.
They tried to escalate, saw that I didnt budge, and backed off fast.

I realize this isn’t sustainable because a fight could have started right then and there if the guy was bigger or bolder.

Not that I’m scared of fighting, but just that I’m not trying to get in school trouble and lose my spot. (This situation was very public, lots of people were watching)

How would you guys react in a situation like this?
Is there a way to keep your confident composure, frame his attempts as weak, and still avoid a fight?
Read my post here: https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...-picked-on-with-amog-fights-disrespect.23755/

i am really good at this like to be honest never seen anybody better, it is a useless good mastery, but i am really good i don't think i haver ever in my life lost a roast, or someone trying to fuck with me or anything like that... Not even puahaters back in the day could take me.... But anyways:

-first what is the intention of the person, you need to understand the why are they fucking with you?

- are they jealous, are you a threat, did you say something that they took offense, did someone tell them you said something (even if not true), did they misunderstand the comment you made

^ this is super important to understand the why, cause things will be addressed based on that intelligence, is the same with women (usually women try to shit test mainly in relationships to see were are your boundaries, if you care for them etc...)

- if you misdiagnosed and address "they are jealous" and you are dealing with something else is bad.

- is this constantly happen (maybe you are triggering the behavior)

- how is a coach allowing this behavior "this guy sucks" that is on the coach... I would never let anyone on my team talk about that to another, unless like a pick up group and we are busting balls for honest criticism, and like "brah that was retarded" but if offense then you apologize to the person....But this doesn't sound like that in your case that is on the coach.

I personally ignore BUT IF the dude is tooling you... I would Take the dude aside (preferably privately) and say in calm unreactive manner, "dude, i heard what you say that is not cool is disrespectful)

if this does not work then of course you have to tool him (must guys unfortunately don't know how to tool or bust balls, so nevermind)... Follow the same pattern we do with shit test exaggerate "yeah i am horrible i don't know what i am even doing on the team" or ignore, or fuck with them you are talking form experience about "sucking" i am not homo i like women, stop projecting (this is me tooling)...

- physical fight should be avoided, yesterday unfortunatly i had a problem with my wing, long story short, he is a natural that does not know, i draw women in with non verbal actions subcommunications (hoovering), therefore women are giving me open body language to make it easy to open them, after my hard work, he does not know what i am doing and always open, and when i try to explain, he gets angry... I got tired of this and speeded up more than i want to my timing of opening before he opens, he got mad cause he thinks i am cockblocking and stealing(step 1 diagnosis)..... after club when i was trying to explain this to him after, he said "dude you have a big ego" he did not let me explain (peaceful conflict resolution), interrupting what i just explained, he kept getting angry repeating dude you "have a big ego" after the 3rd interruption of me trying, i had to fight back "what are you a psychologist" now he was getting angry and sense physical confrontation, then i just said hi to one of the guys to pattern interrupt and avoid the fight (i would have won the physical fight, but i was trying to avoid by walking away). my point is to try to avoid fighting as much as possible.

- if this is a constant problem/annoyance dude leave the team...

read this: https://www.theskillsmethod.com/how-to-deal-with-confrontation-and-disagreements-amog/
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Read my post here: https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...-picked-on-with-amog-fights-disrespect.23755/

i am really good at this like to be honest never seen anybody better, it is a useless good mastery, but i am really good i don't think i haver ever in my life lost a roast, or someone trying to fuck with me or anything like that... Not even puahaters back in the day could take me.... But anyways:

-first what is the intention of the person, you need to understand the why are they fucking with you?

- are they jealous, are you a threat, did you say something that they took offense, did someone tell them you said something (even if not true), did they misunderstand the comment you made

^ this is super important to understand the why, cause things will be addressed based on that intelligence, is the same with women (usually women try to shit test mainly in relationships to see were are your boundaries, if you care for them etc...)

- if you misdiagnosed and address "they are jealous" and you are dealing with something else is bad.

- is this constantly happen (maybe you are triggering the behavior)

- how is a coach allowing this behavior "this guy sucks" that is on the coach... I would never let anyone on my team talk about that to another, unless like a pick up group and we are busting balls for honest criticism, and like "brah that was retarded" but if offense then you apologize to the person....But this doesn't sound like that in your case that is on the coach.

I personally ignore BUT IF the dude is tooling you... I would Take the dude aside (preferably privately) and say in calm unreactive manner, "dude, i heard what you say that is not cool is disrespectful)

if this does not work then of course you have to tool him (must guys unfortunately don't know how to tool or bust balls, so nevermind)... Follow the same pattern we do with shit test exaggerate "yeah i am horrible i don't know what i am even doing on the team" or ignore, or fuck with them you are talking form experience about "sucking" i am not homo i like women, stop projecting (this is me tooling)...

- physical fight should be avoided, yesterday unfortunatly i had a problem with my wing, long story short, he is a natural that does not know, i draw women in with non verbal actions subcommunications (hoovering), therefore women are giving me open body language to make it easy to open them, after my hard work, he does not know what i am doing and always open, and when i try to explain, he gets angry... I got tired of this and speeded up more than i want to my timing of opening before he opens, he got mad cause he thinks i am cockblocking and stealing(step 1 diagnosis)..... after club when i was trying to explain this to him after, he said "dude you have a big ego" he did not let me explain (peaceful conflict resolution), interrupting what i just explained, he kept getting angry repeating dude you "have a big ego" after the 3rd interruption of me trying, i had to fight back "what are you a psychologist" now he was getting angry and sense physical confrontation, then i just said hi to one of the guys to pattern interrupt and avoid the fight (i would have won the physical fight, but i was trying to avoid by walking away). my point is to try to avoid fighting as much as possible.

- if this is a constant problem/annoyance dude leave the team...

read this: https://www.theskillsmethod.com/how-to-deal-with-confrontation-and-disagreements-amog/
I appreciate the detailed response. I’ll definitely look into it


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
A few advice to you.

1st : Time to go pick up some martial arts classes so you would not be faced with such a situation.
2nd: That's right because cowards only talk behind people's back so why do you bother (It's hard, especially when I learnt about it and nothing I can do because it's not supposed to be known to me. Then once again take about 1-2 weeks for me to get over it? Once again, those people that speak badly of you behind your back are just seeking attention and those who are around would have bad impression of them too) ?
3rd: Stop hanging out with people that dislike you, it sucks to always put on a shield around you
4th: You need to improve on your EQ, girls might not be attracted to guys who are always on aggression, protect the girls at the right time will do magic.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers