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When Progress Moves Slowly


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Today marks the fourth day in a row that I’ve gone out and see zero girls to approach. The days of summer are gone where everybody had the time to go out and do things… The cold Minnesota air stifles their passion for life and school further locks them into their own routines, indoors, and away from the rest of the public.

I don’t think in all the time I was practicing during the summer that it was ever this scarce out there. Sure, during the summer, options weren’t always so abundant either. The pretty girls in my town seem to seldom have a reason to go out. When they’re not partying, they’re distracting themselves on their phones, or seeking emotional validation via social media… None of which require going out during the day. Those that did go out were often either with parents, which made pickup more difficult to pull off, or were dressed so mediocre that, although you knew she’d look better with those clothes off, it became impossible to give a sincere compliment. My options throughout the day were almost never exceptional, but these days, there seem to be no options... Not even in the local bar did any girls relatively close to my age ever show up. My main goal this winter was to break through a plateau that seemed to have set in previously, but when I’m out during the day, it’s as though every reasonably attractive girl had walked off the face of the earth. I do, in many ways feel like I’m better and more grounded with this than I was in the summer, but I seem to have much fewer occasions to test things out and allow failure to teach me along my way.

There are a lot of things out there that could easily help me break this learning curve. I’m eager for the day I can move out of this boring little town and go to the city where the atmosphere isn’t so stifled with a high amount of parents and a low amount of youth. I also look forward to being able to go into clubs and bars to try out night game for the first time. As for How To Make Girls Chase, I also need to wait for when I have my own credit card and can pay for it independently. I’ve got the money, and I’m more than willing to make the investment, but unless there’s a way to buy it in print, I’d first have to get it through my parents… Not sure what Confucian values have to say about seduction lol.

Anyway, the purpose of this wasn’t to complain or anything, I just wanted to ask for perspectives. For guys that are, or recently have been in my situation, how do you think of it when things seem to be going so slowly? And if any advance guys might be reading this, looking back at your trials, how did you pull your way through these dull slow spots?

Though it might not accurately portray real life situations, but if my daygame options continue to be so scarce, there’s always my speech team meets ;)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

I remember Zphix having the same issue - little supply from living in suburbia. He'd visit places like Walmart, and other large department stores. Are you trying anything like that? You can have a check at some of his posts.

Something easier said than done - have you thought about entering social circles with your type of girls in them? House parties are popular in Sububia - maybe you'd be able to set up one with an available friend's house and invite some of the cuter girls over.

What are you defining as your plateau?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012

Haha, Zphix. I remember reading about his trials with this as well. Within little time, he's done one remarkable job with such supply issues, and I've got to give him props for that. You, he, and I all pretty much started at the same time, and I was kind of disappointed to see that one of my comrades in arms had left not too long before I started up again.

I have thought about house parties, but I haven't been invited to any of those yet. Before I discovered Girls Chase and actively sought personal development, I was a totally different guy. A lot of people in my grade accepted my change and treat me like I've been this way all along, but there are also a lot of them that want to stick me back into the label they had created for me in years prior. This leaves me with half the party crowd thinking I'm a cool dude with brass balls and the other half thinking I'm a liar, a sellout, and a fake... In any case, my current workout routine is something I prioritize higher than my pickup progress, and it allows for neither alcohol, nor missing a single hour of sleep. The plus side is that this routine ends in about 2 months.
Sounds crazy, but hey, I've got a goal, and no amount of girls would be able to distract me.

I have thought the party scene would be interesting though. I'll probably look really comfortable in my own skin compared to everyone else since I've been doing this kind of stuff in non-social contexts, and without the use of liquid courage.


As for my plateau, last time around, I got a huge amount of number closes during the summer... and they turned into a huge amount of number flakes. It was only towards the end that I began to have some luck... I ended up finally getting two within the last week of summer, but my success with getting numbers without flakes, but I still had little to show for my effort. In the end, I also got my wing to approach, but he was finding successes as soon as I got around to approaching.

This time around, I was planning on troubleshooting what I did wrong last summer and finding a way to fix it and get dates from my day game this time around. I've gotten a real number for every time I've gone to a speech meet, but that doesn't count because I can shoot my value up high by showing off on stage... Something I can't do during day game.

Where do you normally go?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake