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FR  When She Compliments You, Turn Around and Scream


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hi guys,

Here's a pic of me out daygaming today (I'm the blue):

After going through the four stages of grief and bitching inwardly for an hour or so, I decided not to quit game after all. Some of you must know what I'm talking about; I have hissy fits about quitting every single day. Anyway, the more I get rejected, the more GC material starts to seem both real and relevant. For example, Chase mentioned in an article that girls who like you won't compliment you much. Girls who don't will and it'll usually be patronizing. Today, I got loads of compliments and zero results. Here's a snippet of a few:

Girl A
Her: Does walking up to women like this usually work for you? *severely skeptical tone and facial expression*
Me: Yes! I actually have thousands of children! :)
Her: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *she bends over backwards in laughter for maybe 30 seconds. Ever get the feeling that somebody's laughing their ass off at you?*
Her: Well I can see why it works for you. You have a very good personality. I'm actually on the way to see my boyfriend though.

Girl B

Me: Do you have two minutes to chat? *I've been walking alongside her for about a minute*
Her: No but I can walk this way with you.
*we walk and talk a bit more*
Her: Oh, darn this is the wrong way. See what you do, making me walk the wrong direction?
Me: Haha it's great. Now we get to chat more
*She breaks away to walk in another direction a minute later*
Me: Well lets chill sometime
Her: *she looks as if she's thinking, but says "no." I persist a few times and she starts smiling*
Her: Maybe we'll cross each others paths again on the street! You're a great salesman though! *or she might have said, "you'll make a great salesman though!" Can't quite remember*
Girl C

Me: I like your voice. It's like the cross between a baby's voice and a mature woman's. Right in the middle.
Her: Well thank you...I like yours too. You are very well spoken...and articulate...*bullshit. It felt like she just wanted to "return the favor"*
*fast forward a few minutes*
Me: You've got your "A" game on in terms of dress...except...ah, we wouldn't get along because...of your tennis shoes. *She's wearing a fancy outfit that's ruined by these blue sneakers and I tease her mercilessly for it. She eats it up because she knows I'm kidding*
Her: No...we wouldn't because of who's going to come pick me up..*here, she drops the IHAB*

This has been repeated in many other cases. Now, while I've never had a day 2 (this still makes me laugh...and cry. Kidding! sort of.), I've noticed that girls that have gone on instant dates with me have never, ever, ever complimented me. The next time a girl begins to utter a compliment I'm going to turn around and scream. I might even sprint in the other direction.

I've been listening to "The Red Queen" on audio. It says that over time, people learn their place in the SMP via repeated rejection. Hahahahaha:

I'm holding out for some sort of amazing, sexual compliment. Preferably something explicit.

Party on you guys.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
I think out of all the people on this site you motivate me the most G_P. Don't get me wrong I love reading Anatman, NJ's, boss status guys LR's but you my friend grind like a boss. You push through your emotions like a boss. And lastly you say "FUCK YOU" to the thing that's saying you're not going to make it and go out and trudge on anyway.

Face it if you didn't think you were capable of picking up a stupid girl you would've thrown in the towel a long time ago.

But yeah everytime I read your shit I look at myself and think of what a lazy vagina I am just bathing in fucking comfort. Then I BITCH slap myself with my cock and command myself to go chat up some women.

Btw I've never had a day 2 either and I'm a year and 4 months in.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 12, 2013
Casanova.Jr said:
Haven't seen this article, do you remember it? I'd like to read it. However I 100% agree with this, when I get a compliment from a girl (during cold approach, social circle is entirely different) its either. A) After my direct opener or statement of interest. Which is always followed by the classic "I have a boyfriend" speech. Or B) During texting, which is followed by a long apologizing text on why she can't meet up with me. So yeah, I can relate to that.


It was the 14 Terrible Signs You're Deep in the Friend Zone.

G_P, don't sweat it too much. But make sure you have your fundamentals down pat. How exactly are you opening these girls? The first one you didn't say, the second one you didn't make your interest known from the outset (either with a compliment or what have you) so you probably came across as a nuisance. The third one you must've said in the middle of the interaction because how could you have heard her voice before you opened her? (unless she was talking to someone else ie cashier)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Rob, you beautiful bastard:

Then I BITCH slap myself with my cock and command myself to go chat up some women.

Great imagery hahahaha. Thanks for the kind words man. Yeah, I push; you have to be careful though b/c sometimes (at least for me) it can lead to dark battles with extreme bitterness. To fend it off I eat loads of candy or watch comedy for hours afterwards - all at the expense of other more productive life activities :))

maybe just a little scream will suffice :p

Lol, thanks Cas. I gave a little yelp for that one :)

Sounds interesting, I'd like to know more.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dabkDlMw_UI for a visual example of the study "The Red Queen" describes. Thing is, instead of numbers, replace "looks" for women and "looks + dominance + sexiness + wittiness + conspicuous spending" for men.

Personally, I think Chase's articles are more practical; they boil down some of the theories in the book and give you actionable advice. Read "The Red Queen" if you're interested in the sex lives of monkeys, birds, and the history of anthropology.

G_P, don't sweat it too much. But make sure you have your fundamentals down pat.

Thanks Vash! Yeah, I'm working on those.

How exactly are you opening these girls?

I left out some details b/c I was in a rush; I opened all of them with direct compliments

The third one you must've said in the middle of the interaction because how could you have heard her voice before you opened her?


The first one you didn't say:

True, this was it:

Me: Hi, I have to tell you something....you look very nice... I like your leather jacket. It makes you look like a badass, like you'd start trouble - no problem
Her: hahaha thank you!

I'm going to go out now so maybe there'll be a post tonight. Thanks again you guys for the encouragement!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take