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When She Gets Aggressive


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Once awhile, you occasionally meet girls who are more proactive in getting in your face. Kind of like a child whom starts to get more excited when you give her a good joke or good moment of laughter, or an enjoyable time.

This is one of the few things, aggressive things she will do,

- Start a fight with you as in punching you in the arm
- Kicking you on your a$$
- Trying to act more cuter with you by doing "stupid" things.

Well, at times, this girls will start getting more aggressive, especially when you participate with her in the above. One of those few experience i had was going into a "fight" with a girl. I take her energy and calibrate, and when she starts getting more aggressive later on, i decided to stop the fun. Here's where she starts to think i am going into auto-rejection. She starts to try to console me by sitting beside me and trying to lie her head on me and all those cute things she try to do.

I think this is one of the few ways to take her energy and make it yours, but knowing if she starts getting too aggressive, you drop everything.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

ZacAdam said:
I think this is one of the few ways to take her energy and make it yours, but knowing if she starts getting too aggressive, you drop everything.

Most definitely.

When people start putting more energy into something, it's very easy to make them think they've overstepped their bounds by dialing back, and when they're overdoing it on the aggressiveness, this is called for.

Works quite well with women who are being too gamey and trying to move backwards in the seduction, too. Take a breather and a chill pill, and wait for her to calm herself down - works most of the time.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Chase said:
Works quite well with women who are being too gamey and trying to move backwards in the seduction, too. Take a breather and a chill pill, and wait for her to calm herself down - works most of the time.

I seem to found this girls tend to have bad backgrounds as well, if they are more aggressive than normal girls. Not judging here but the girls are either

1) Stealing other girls boyfriend (rumours from many friends)
2) Not so good family (I have seen it)
3) Bad friends (Backstabbing and labels)

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take