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When she gets nasty, disrespectful or bitchy over text


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Sometimes you are texting a person that was into you in person or online or _____________fill in the blank... She gets a bit nasty or bitchy... Sometime this happens after sex, is kind of similar to shit text, but you need to treat a bit different..... The reasons are different:

- she may have had a bad day.
- she may have had a stage change
-you may have overreached a bit (in other words you know she is into you and you get overly cocky and greedy in your text, usually this is not intentional you just got too comfortable)
-she may be liking you and falling for you a bit, but she feels she lose power or control....

^most redpillers/overly puaish guys will fuck this up or most people in general will fuck it up....Usually going into logical explanations, or worst frame battles... Or handling this like a shit test which is wrong....

Before i teach you what works you don't want to do in this situations:

-When you clearly were the one that fucked up (in other words you cross her boundaries, or a big misunderstanding over text were you hurt, offended her or cross boundaries, obviously usually unintentionally.... for those cases you need to go into strategic positions of weakness)

-when she is flaking

- when she is not compliant.

This is to be used in situations, when she likes you, she has been compliant and invested, but out of the blue she snaps, or get bitchy, or she is socially weird and her attempts of flirting come across as snapping, bitchy, insults....

Depending on this there are some things I have field tested:

example 1: rejection to a flintiness, positive attention, compliment etc.... Disclaimer.- these are made up, cause i am not going to go through my billion texts of me or people i help, but is very realistic...

hb: hey skills, how you doing
skills: no good :-(
me: cause i miss you,🤪 , so what are you doing besides thinking of me and smiling?
hb: what makes you thing that, don't flatter yourself, you ain't all that

so she obviously uncalibrated, she likes me, but she feels out of control that she is giving power a bit.... So, red pillers tate lights and most puas will get into stupid ass frame battles, which is unnecessary... So here one way i handle things like this....

Skills: note to self, Laura does not know how to flirt :-(


^ usually this will take care of it, and then you go back to "anyways, blah blah" don't plow on silly flirtinees and humor now, go back to normal convos at least for a bit.... "so are you at work, blah blah..."

Second scenario kind of similar:

Hb: I am here doing my nails and hair, what are you up to?
me: here at the gym trying to look fit and sexy for our upcoming date?
Hb: uggh! you are so into yourself narcissist (this is very unusual i am trying to create examples on purpose of calibration from an hb, reason i am saying this cause that soft close is one of the best)

so you can just rephrase, being none reactive and continue....

Skills: is that your weird way of telling me you love me, well, the feeling is mutual i love you too.... Anyways, blah blah (back to normal convo)


scenario #3 chase frame grab back....

hb: cool convo blah blah
pua: cool convo blah blah
hb: cont. cool convo blah blah
pua: cont. cool convo blah blah

out of the blue, weird snap

hb: had to think twice because some smartass think using smart words in todays convos is normal. (ouch kind of nasty, bitchy, uncalibrated shit)....

^ in this type of scenario you can create the none sensical conspiracy (actually i even done this in person too)

Skills: wowoW! who is this texting? can you please give the phone back to the sweet kind girl i met at the club that had this amazing chemistry with me please....You go away and bring my sweet laura back, if no i am calling the policy, and let them know you mean nasty monster have kidnapped her....

^ i just re- enforce for the good behavior to be back, insulted her, and flirted in one sentence......

Guys this is unusual i had stuff like this happen only with a very small minority of women, (once was my main from corona, if it was not for corona i would have gotten rid of her, and she would have never been a main, you can see her here at the beginning of video intro)...

I had this with 1 European girl (they are more sensitive to the American cocky funny humor at times, just some, i think is cultural differences, but again mental masturbation)

I also had it with the more Eminem want to be girls (does Latin and white girls that are heavily influence by hip hop culture), which i barely date those girls...

So very unlikely to happen, but just in case, now you have some answers, as always field test.... and please no retarded red pill frame battles...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 21, 2021
Skills: wowoW! who is this texting? can you please give the phone back to the sweet kind girl i met at the club that had this amazing chemistry with me please....You go away and bring my sweet laura back, if no i am calling the policy, and let them know you mean nasty monster have kidnapped her....

^ i just re- enforce for the good behavior to be back, insulted her, and flirted in one sentence......
I like this.. there are so many aspects handled in that one text
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers