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When the friend zone test is half real...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 17, 2015
One problem I've had is that through connecting with women and also staying framed as just a lover, girls can see feelings happening ahead (at least that's what I think is happening).

This is the kind of thing that can shock M/w complexes.

So I met a girl through day game and we hit it off like crazy. It was perfect! She asked me out to eat right there and walked me to the bus. My place was super messy lol so I didn't go for it. We connected so well that I was pretty sure it wouldn't lose her by not following through.

So, this girl has a boyfriend of 7 years who moved away recently for work, so they're on a semi break where they visit here and there but she's either in an open thing now, or was hinting that she wants me despite a long distance thing.

I'm new to seduction so am taking stupid risks sometimes just to see what happens. I'm so new to this that it feels like testing your grenades at the beginning of a video game lol you can keep dying but aren't losing any progress yet.

So I kind of mirrored her situation and texted her one night that my lover was jealous that I met her (I hadn't mentioned any other girls yet). She responded a bit surprised and we quickly agreed that neither of us are into the marriage thing (I.e. she expressed being OK with casual).

The next day she texted saying she'd been a little drunk (suuuure) and that she wants to be friends "quite a lot" but can't be any more than that.

Now, I think this is a bit different than usual because she actually meant it. We got along so well that she seems to want to ensure that I'm non needy and not going to fall in love with her before she moves back in with her boyfriend eventually.

So I straight up told her that she didn't cause a rift with my lover and it was just a way to express that I'm the kind of guy who offers safe haven despite what else a girl has going on (because I'd forced my lover to take a date with someone her own age who's looking for something serious). That's literally what I said straight up and was the first bit of sexual intent (other than LOTS of body language prior on the date).

She said OK, went to visit her BF/ex for a full week camping trip, then came back and accepted my date request with two times that she's free this week. She says they've been fighting a lot so I think this is more so wanting the good emotions she's found with me for the first time in a longgg time. I don't get the sense they've ever had an open arrangement before or even now).

So, she is clearly going to fall in love with me if our sex is good (among other criteria), but this was so different than a single woman just testing your intent. She was down for the intent and was testing that I'm lover material, not casual-guy-who-could-turn-head-over-heels for her.

Boom, she has me for sperm and him to raise our children (kidding of course, but here is female evolutionary strategy in an incredibly sweet girl).
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers