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Travel  Where should I move to...for my situation


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
Hey guys,

Just wanted to get some input. After reading a post from Chase here, I realized I really need to move to a place to create more opportunity for me. Especially when it comes to women.

Factors to consider:
-Currently, I just have my bike (as in bicycle) and my feet to get around.
-Not a fan of public transist.
-Into Day Game not Night Game
-I think I've finally outgrown chasing and sleeping with college girls.
-Rent is not a problem (I've lived rent free all over the US most of my life...I have my ways...no it does not involve using my body...unless it is a hot girl). Unless the area is very expensive

I really don't care to buy a car. I've become more and more minimalist and I love it. Besides, if I do, it would be a new one so there is little to no maintenance and a new car is out of my budget right now.

Right now I'm in Columbus, Ohio. My parents are approaching their 60s and they moved into a 5 story house (really 5 half stories but still). I felt obligated to help them move. Moving is done and I'm considering moving again myself. I'm way up north in Columbus, Ohio. There is a great biking trail I can take to downtown and OSU that takes about an hour. But I still need someone to drive me and my bike 6 miles south to where the trail begins.

I'm not interested in gaming on college campus anymore so OSU is out, downtown is hipster which is not my thing so day gaming downtown is out, there are really only two malls in the area...but I can't really bike to them and public transportation is nonexistent where I live.

I've been giving strong considerations to Las Vegas.

Here are my reasons:
-Tons of girls. Not just party girls, but women coming in for conventions, competitions, and business outings
-As much as I hate public transit (people on the bus scare me), Vegas is one of the best I've come across.
-I realized I do still like to go out at night. But only when the mood strikes me, which could be a Tuesday which isn't an option here.
-I find being in crowded places keeps my depression away the best.
-Rent surrounding the strip is cheap.

The only real con I keep thinking about is how nasty the strip is when you are walking outside (which can be rather depressing to me). All those card snappers. Plus a lot of people visiting Vegas (at least the people walking the strip) are ugly lowlifes. Not the best views, but inside the casinos are awesome (both the people and the atmosphere).

I know I screwed up before trying to relocate to San Diego. But that was because I moved to a part of San Diego I had not been before. I've been to Vegas several times and stayed there for about three weeks on my own and visited about every spot in Clark County. I originally planned on relocating there. I know it well.

New York sounds like an interesting option. I like the idea once you step outside of your building, all the stuff you want is right there. But rent would be too much of a hassle. If I did find a place, it would probably be in the poorer area forcing me to take the subway. I think the type of people I would come across there is exactly why I hate public transit. Plus, I've never been to New York...it would probably turn into another San Diego fiasco.

So ya I just wanted to get some thoughts from you guys.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
I was hoping to get one post on this.

Guess not...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
New York is great for this, yeah, but if you haven't been there hard to tell if you'd like it. It's certainly one of the easier places in the U.S. to meet cute girls.

Vegas is peculiar. It's not my taste, but if you like slutty girls partying hard, drinking, doing drugs, and looking for an experience, it's one of the best places for this. I have a few friends who live there and love it, although mostly all focus on getting a lot of connections in the nightclub / promoter scene, to skip the obscene covers some places have and skip the line / BS (last time I was there I had to bribe a bouncer to get into a nightspot I was meeting a girl at). I've tried day game in Vegas and found it less than stellar, though maybe it was just the times I was there.

One unconventional choice that might be worth checking out is Milwaukee... I've only spent a few weeks there, but was pleasantly surprised by both the caliber and friendliness of the women there. Apparently it gets very busy during summer, and they have some sort of summer fair or festival there that draws big crowds, though I haven't been there for that.

If you're looking to make things easier for yourself, I'd generally rule out anywhere that's become known as a major PUA spot - cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Seattle, San Diego, San Francisco, etc. If it produces a lot of PUAs, it's almost always out of necessity - lots of guys just don't get laid there, and/or there aren't very many attractive female options. At least one of the two is always true. After living in both DC and San Diego, I found DC a much easier place to game, although the selection of women isn't as consistently hot (though they do tend to have much more personal aspirations in DC than San Diego, I'll tell you that much). DC's great if you like brainy women who still stay slim and look good.

I've heard some good things about some parts of the Midwest and South, but haven't spent much time there so can't say for sure. Kansas City and St. Louis were ghost towns when I was in them; Atlanta is interesting, but kind of weird and very diverse - I'd need more than the 2 weeks I spent there to get a real feel for it. LA, for its part, is okay, but can't really hold a candle to NYC.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
Hey Metomeya,

I'm actually in a similar situation. Since I graduated from uni I've traveled around the states a bit testing out different cities while doing freelance work and odd jobs at mom & pop style bookstores while writing a book, but am now at a similar impasse back in my home town, where the environment just feels like shallow water -- I want to go where the action is, is my current attitude, as I all too often am just spinning my gears unnecessarily, in large part because of my unsupportive environment. Right now I'm trying to build fully location independent income streams (easier said than done) and then I plan on bouncing around Eurasia, but having my home base in Berlin (cheap rent, can stay for a long while with relative ease, great healthcare for relatively cheap or free, lots of young artsy people and entrepreneurs, etc.) My main perceived problem right now is basically building the financial infrastructure for the transition phase, as it'll probably take a few months to get situated, and probably half a year to get embedded with locals and make some quality friends. As a stimulus plan, I'm considering teaching English somewhere like China for a while, simply as a way to get situated, gain experiences, and force myself to take bolder action and get a move on. Though I find that path generally unsavory, I am still considering it as a short term solution to my location/economic problem.

You might want to consider bouncing out of the country for a while. It doesn't sound like you want to live in one specific place, it sounds more like you're interested in building up a wide array of experiences at a rapid clip. Maybe stay for a few months here and a few months there, until you find a situation that you like and decide to call home-base. Only barriers to this strategy are the economic one (can you make money anywhere while not wasting all your time doing menial labor?), the socio-political one (can you cross borders with ease, travel cheap, and make strong alliances fast with people of different creeds and nationalities consistently?), and the emotional one (it can be a bit wearing at times to be constantly on the road and not feeling like you're moving forward. Patience is a lot easier to practice when you can afford it.).

Curious to see what kind of action you take and where you go!

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
Wow, I was thinking there wasn't going to be a response to this thread and to get Chase to rely is great.

Oskar, I'll respond to your suggestion first before I forget. I can't leave the USA. Other countries get me depressed. I don't know if it is the old run down buildings, the poverty (in some countries), or faces I'm not familiar with. I love the United States too much to leave.

Beauty (people or scenery) makes me happy, but ugliness (again, people or scenery) make me depressed. I think this is true of everyone, but I believe I'm a little more sensitive to this factor than most.

New York City. If I was younger, I would have tried to get an internship or do a semester there. I feel like New York has hands down the most opportunity to succeed, but also the most opportunity to get trapped. I don't want San Diego again. In the end, I think the rent situation is going to make me say no. I couldn't settle living in a bad neighborhood and taking the subway with the scary people. Too bad, cause it might be my best option, but it is too much of a gamble.

Vegas. I have to agree. One time I went there every bounce was passive aggressive with me no for reason (I think they wanted me to react to give them reason to kick me out, or worst, punch me). I think it had to do with the party scene. They were doing drugs or fighting for the hottest girls there. But other times (especially weekdays) have been awesome.

I find the best way to avoid the aholes of the party scene is to avoid the clubs and pool parties that perpetuate the drug scene the most. In my experience it has been Planet Hollywood's club, Marquee Dayclub, Marquee Nightclub, and Rehab. Instead check out the clubs that cater more to their hotel guests than the drug scene. Pools are a great place to hit on girls. Just choose a Vegas pool with a mixed age group and hit on the younger girls. Just make sure to come off casual and not needy.

For those how are into the Vegas party scene, here is a great guide from Christian McQueen.

I would say day game on the strip is a no go (if someone is looking for a tourist spot to day game, I would say promenade in Santa Monica is great...but only for weekends). Don't know why, but the strip has ugly people on it and it looks nasty during the day (and hot as hell). Inside the casinos are a different story. The trick, I think, is to find out where the business conventions are being held that day and game the surrounding area. There is always plenty of retail shops, coffee shops, and cafes surrounding the convention areas. Sure, there will be a lot of older businesswomen, but I'm sure you can find a few girls in their early 20s who have a good head on her shoulders.

Also, with Vegas the suburbs are night and day compared to the strip. The people who live there don't ever go to the strip. So you could always game places like Summerlin. Those places remind me of the Phoenix suburbs that I love: everything is flat and well thought out before the streets are laid and the buildings are made.

Milwaukee. I don't know about Milwaukee. I'm in Columbus, Ohio right now and the northeast is hard to get around without a car. And it is a little bit like New York for me too, that is I feel like I have to take a trip there first before I could move there.

As much as I am getting away from party girls...I think I still have that itch to scratch at times. At least Vegas, I can take care of it that night instead of having to wait for the weekend.

Plus Vegas gets almost 40 million visitors a year which means it just beats Times Square for the most visited tourist spot. link I'm sure there are some quality girls in those numbers.

I found this interesting article by Danger and Play talking about Vegas. Definitely some new points there.

Christian McQueen also has an opinion post on living in Vegas. I have to agree with this last point that people are super friendly (this coming from a guy who grew up in Texas). Guess getting to live out all their desires on the weekends gives them no reason not to be friendly and happy. Keep in mind the area north of downtown (right over the highway) is full of poverty, crime, and homelessness. Just avoid that area and you should be fine.

Also, downtown has created those new, green bike lanes you see in progressive cycling cities. The bus only lanes are now open to cyclists. There is also a cool new bike center off the main bus building that will keep your bike inside, service your bike, and has showers. But obviously I would never bike the strip (that would be suicide), but the buses go down it regularly.

Ya, I think Las Vegas is where I wanna go!

Thanks for replying. I'll let you all know how things go.