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Which One are You? - A Vampire, Werewolf, or Pirate?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
So, a little while back, I came across one of the lecture videos of a pretty well-known Psychologist who's incite I find very applicable, and he described a recent study some google engineers did on the types of sexual fantasy characters females search, and they came up with 4 Archetypes:


And it is pretty easy to see how these relate to certain types of seductive pop culture male personalities. For instance:

Vampire = Jame Bond
Werewolf = Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
Pirate - Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow
Billionaire - this one is confusing. Could be Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne, but also could be an obese Russian Mafia Kingpin who is rich like a Billionaire...

And then there are cross overs:

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones could be both a Werewolf and a Pirate
Christian Bale, as stated Billionaire, but also a Vampire...
Steve McQueen, Vampire and/or Werewolf.

So which one are you??

I fit more into the Vampire arena because I'm kinda super professional on the exterior and it isn't until I bring the girl inn, discreetly, and privately that I become and "animal," or show the "eros."

And note, any kind of major athlete probably fits being a Werewolf.

I used this back in June with a girl I got out to coffee - to open the conversation up sexually. And then from it I actually found out that she was dating someone at the time. They met at the renaissance festival and he was dressed up as - A Pirate!
And she admitted that one of her biggest crushes when she was 13 was Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow.
So it does work well as a mild sex conversation transition...

And for shits n' giggles
I'm gonna add this quote I discovered from a coach whose Infield Videos I've watched a bit.
He cites a Jack Nicholson in the Film "As Good as it Gets"
When a female asks him how he knows how to write a woman's character so well, he answers - "I think of a Man, and take away logic and accountability..."

Fuckin'-A this hits soo true to me, and my experience with the frustration and anger in trying to communicate with females.
It's not a solution, but does highlight more of a truth.

Here's the Film Clip:

"Quote the Drinker" - "That's all I got for today..."
- Adam C


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2023
What exactly do these four archetypes mean?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
So these Four Archetypes highlight the "Blue Print" (as one coach calls it) for what different girls find sexually attractive.
Find her "Blue Print" then you can modify your game to spark her sexual attraction.

Think about it - a Vampire would be more refined, maybe wear a suit, thin Al Pacino in The God Father.
You'd be discrete, graceful, and subtle in seducing her, and focus on isolation...

Whereas Jack Sparrow, or even just a young Johnny Depp, or even a Jared Leto - both rock musicians, who are dangerous, and untamable... You'd be aggressive and more wild with her. Think public sex... (A Vampire Archetype probably wouldn't go for that.)

The Billionaire Archetype is a tough one to understand, because does it mean she's looking for a Provider Guy? Or a Guy who has the means for bigger more fantastical adventures than the more "in the moment" adventures of a Pirate? Or Werewolf.

This leads to the second point of the Psychologists video, that the Females Sexual fantasy desire - particularly for "untamable men" comes from a desire to "tame chaos" which then gives her a feeling of EARNED safety, and security.
I.E. she has a desire to SEDUCE or use SEX to ideally Tame Chaos.

Funny paradox part of this is, that if she does actually "tame" the "untameable guy" then she gets bored and moves on to try and find the next "untameable guy."

"Short story long," a shortcut to find a females Sexual "Blue Print" is to casually bring up this quote "interesting psychology lecture" you feel onto about what google engineers found to be the four main types of Female Sexual Fantasies - and then in a fun, teasing way ask which one she likes - probably focusing on the Vampire, Werewolf, or Pirate.
And then you'll more easily know how to more easily seduce her.
vampire = refined, discrete
Werewolf (like an athlete) brute/blunt
Pirate - rockstar, adventurous etc...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
"Short story long," a shortcut to find a females Sexual "Blue Print" is to casually bring up this quote "interesting psychology lecture" you feel onto about what google engineers found to be the four main types of Female Sexual Fantasies - and then in a fun, teasing way ask which one she likes - probably focusing on the Vampire, Werewolf, or Pirate.
And then you'll more easily know how to more easily seduce her.
vampire = refined, discrete
Werewolf (like an athlete) brute/blunt
Pirate - rockstar, adventurous etc...
Sounds interesting. I'll probably give it a try sometime.

I think I'd be a vampire as I always convey a calm, mature, intellectual type of vibe. That said, I use dry wit or occasional outrageous statements sometimes to pattern interrupt, like a pirate.

I don't commit to one persona, though; back in high school, I was a different person each class and hard to figure out. Even today, I never know what to project for the woman because I tend to adapt.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Sounds interesting. I'll probably give it a try sometime.

I think I'd be a vampire as I always convey a calm, mature, intellectual type of vibe. That said, I use dry wit or occasional outrageous statements sometimes to pattern interrupt, like a pirate.

I don't commit to one persona, though; back in high school, I was a different person each class and hard to figure out. Even today, I never know what to project for the woman because I tend to adapt.
Well sure, you can take on a persona, but I feel it's more about the girls sexual "blue print" and it's an easy conversation transition into sex talk that doesn't come off threatening, or uncalibrated. Especially if you use it as a fun transition:

You: Ohh, hey, I came across this interesting psychology lecture, because I'm always curious about how people work, that talked about how google engineers did a study on what girls search for as their sexual fantasy, and what they found was that there are three main types of characters that girls find sexually exciting - Vampire, Werewolf, and Pirate.
You: As a girl, which one do you think most girls would find sexually exciting?

Above is a generic example of a conversation transition, and anyone would have to flair it out personally to them, but it's an easier way to open up sex talk, and once you know her "blue print," say she likes Vampires, then you can subtly paly to that.

I've begun using it, and all of a sudden sex talk isn't so weird or scary, even on the first coffee, after normal teasing, and a bit of rapport stuff... (Of course, I do mostly Day Game, and meet more professional chicks, and do coffees, this might work differently in night game.)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
It's an easy conversation transition into sex talk that doesn't come off threatening, or uncalibrated.
I do campus game, so this might be up my alley for those very reasons. Thanks.
I'm always reading about how people work for my current job and my major, this seems natural if we ever talk about either. Usually, women find my major interesting.

say she likes Vampires, then you can subtly paly to that.
That's what I meant by 'persona'; I can comfortably adapt the way I present myself to fit her desires. Sometimes I'm more rebellious, sometimes I'm more mature.

I've begun using it, and all of a sudden sex talk isn't so weird or scary,
I'm currently working on establishing romantic frames, so this seems perfect. But I don't want to be too overtly sexual to be honest, so I think this is a pretty good way to add spice without overdoing it if I tone down the language a bit.

Her: What's your major?
Me: International Business.
Her: That sounds cool. What got you interested?
Me: 2 reasons. First, is traveling. (Deep dive into traveling to establish rapport and escalate)
Me: The other reason was that it's fascinating to learn how people act a fundamental level beyond differences in culture and environment. I came across this interesting psychology lecture by engineers at Google. You know what they discovered women across the globe shared?
Her: No, what?
Me: There are 3 main romantic fantasies women have: vampires, werewolves, and pirates. As a woman, which do you find the most exciting romantically?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
I do campus game, so this might be up my alley for those very reasons. Thanks.
I'm always reading about how people work for my current job and my major, this seems natural if we ever talk about either. Usually, women find my major interesting.

That's what I meant by 'persona'; I can comfortably adapt the way I present myself to fit her desires. Sometimes I'm more rebellious, sometimes I'm more mature.

I'm currently working on establishing romantic frames, so this seems perfect. But I don't want to be too overtly sexual to be honest, so I think this is a pretty good way to add spice without overdoing it if I tone down the language a bit.

Her: What's your major?
Me: International Business.
Her: That sounds cool. What got you interested?
Me: 2 reasons. First, is traveling. (Deep dive into traveling to establish rapport and escalate)
Me: The other reason was that it's fascinating to learn how people act a fundamental level beyond differences in culture and environment. I came across this interesting psychology lecture by engineers at Google. You know what they discovered women across the globe shared?
Her: No, what?
Me: There are 3 main romantic fantasies women have: vampires, werewolves, and pirates. As a woman, which do you find the most exciting romantically?
That's not bad. Still sounds a bit too platonic.
I'm coming from the same place where I would use my job or side creative stuff as a crutch for the conversation.
Best way I'm figuring out to create a "man to woman" frame, and sexual vibe is to begin teasing the hell out of her.
And by using push pulls correctly.

I approached, got the number of a college girl today.
And she verbally agreed to meet up next week.
But I used a push-pull as an opener:

ME: Excuse me, but I had to stop you cuz you have this really interesting look, and it seems like you might have a cool vibe.... BUT, I wasn't sure I should come over, cuz you have this real young thing going on too...that makes you look like you might still be in High School (awkward face). You in College?
Her: Yeah, I'm in college...
ME: Alright, then maybe we can get along. I got a couple minutes and then I gotta go, but lets walk together for a minute...
(We'll see what happens with her. She's pretty "juciey" and could be alotta fun!)

If you are referring to the above, as a conversation once you get the date. Then it can work.

I'm learning to steer clear of pretty much any work, or school talk. Just enough to let her know that I (or anyone else) have got enough decent stuff going on, and am not like living at home with my Parent who are taking care of me in your 30's...

I've encountered really hott girls who talk about the guys they are with, and they say - "really, I don't even know what he does, but he's exciting as hell to hang out with - so that's why were together..."


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
That's not bad. Still sounds a bit too platonic.
Hmm... any advice for sounding romantic without being sexual? Or am I going to have to accept that sexual vibes are essential?
But I used a push-pull as an opener:
Sounds smart. I'll work on my push and pulls since I rarely use them casually. The most I did once was asking a girl to play the 3 favorite animals game. When she said her favorite animal, I immediately got up, took a step away and said "Goodbye". She found it hilarious and tried to qualify herself. Like I said, my humor sometimes involves saying something outrageous after generally dry wit.
I'm learning to steer clear of pretty much any work, or school talk.
I talk about majors as small talk/screening before moving onto a deep dive. It tends to be a common question and women seem genuinely interested, so I think it adds value. I once started talking to a girl about her art major before qualifying her spontaneity, teasing her, and running gambits. Not only that, but my university has cool stuff for instadates (like art galleries for art majors, or a nature reserve for biologists). Majors tend to tell you a lot about someone while being distant enough from school to easily switch away and not look back.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Hmm... any advice for sounding romantic without being sexual? Or am I going to have to accept that sexual vibes are essential?

Sounds smart. I'll work on my push and pulls since I rarely use them casually. The most I did once was asking a girl to play the 3 favorite animals game. When she said her favorite animal, I immediately got up, took a step away and said "Goodbye". She found it hilarious and tried to qualify herself. Like I said, my humor sometimes involves saying something outrageous after generally dry wit.

I talk about majors as small talk/screening before moving onto a deep dive. It tends to be a common question and women seem genuinely interested, so I think it adds value. I once started talking to a girl about her art major before qualifying her spontaneity, teasing her, and running gambits. Not only that, but my university has cool stuff for instadates (like art galleries for art majors, or a nature reserve for biologists). Majors tend to tell you a lot about someone while being distant enough from school to easily switch away and not look back.
Sounding romantic without being sexual?? - I don't understand this question...
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I want to be put into the boyfriend category, not the lover category.

Is that impossible without sexual vibes and sex talk?
Don't worry about "cateogries". Just focus on taking her to bed and giving her a good experience. Repeat a few times, see her often enough, and you will be in boyfriend land faster than you can say fap.

Just be careful not to do this with a girl that you don't actually want as a long term girfirend, otherwise pain will ensue.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
Just focus on taking her to bed and giving her a good experience. Repeat a few times, see her often enough, and you will be in boyfriend land faster than you can say fap.
My point is I don't want to have sex so soon. Sex isn't my goal; a steady relationship is. Hence, I avoid sex talk. I'm kinda* religious.

But if that's what it takes, then I'll reconsider. I understand "starting a relationship from passion" as Hector says, and am open to learning, I just prefer to to not accept it yet.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
My point is I don't want to have sex so soon. Sex isn't my goal; a steady relationship is. Hence, I avoid sex talk. I'm kinda* religious.

But if that's what it takes, then I'll reconsider. I understand "starting a relationship from passion" as Hector says, and am open to learning, I just prefer to to not accept it yet.
Hummm, interesting.

Yeah, I come from a conservative background too, and have my issues with Sex & Girls, although its a bit different than yours, but coming from experience, and there are a lot of articles on the site about this, if you "slow-role" a girl, or have her "slow-role" you - then you open her up to having sex with other guys while you are put into the Boy Friend Category working on her and she essentially she "plays you..."

I have several stories of long-time GF's that in a traditional courtship I was like naively walking and thinking "dooo, dooo, de, dooo - "I'm working on this girl, and not having sex with any other girls, and so I think, is she not having any sex with other guys" WRONG!
At the same time she's getting pounded by Billy from the Bar saying - "Ohhh Fuck I'm cuming..."
Course I didn't find out about this until after I was deep into the relationship and I was like "WHAT THE FUCK!" - Quote the Critical Drinker.

Yeah, so now, as best I can - without coming off as try hard or needy - I try to have sex with her as soon as after we met, so then I don't have to contend with a quote "guy in between..."

Like one chick who went on a group snowshoeing trip over the weekend, and ended up Fucking one of the guys, when it was revealed she was like "it just happened" As if it was some kind of accident - "I just happened to be completely naked with Tim, and slipped and fell onto his dick, cuz he just happened to to be naked too... It just happened."
Ohhh, I love this statement from her "I had sex with him, but I realllllllly like you...." And I'm like "Fuck You.... If you liked me so much, why you'd have sex with him???"

Whatever. In the past and conjecture....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Hummm, interesting.

Yeah, I come from a conservative background too, and have my issues with Sex & Girls, although its a bit different than yours, but coming from experience, and there are a lot of articles on the site about this, if you "slow-role" a girl, or have her "slow-role" you - then you open her up to having sex with other guys while you are put into the Boy Friend Category working on her and she essentially she "plays you..."

I have several stories of long-time GF's that in a traditional courtship I was like naively walking and thinking "dooo, dooo, de, dooo - "I'm working on this girl, and not having sex with any other girls, and so I think, is she not having any sex with other guys" WRONG!
At the same time she's getting pounded by Billy from the Bar saying - "Ohhh Fuck I'm cuming..."
Course I didn't find out about this until after I was deep into the relationship and I was like "WHAT THE FUCK!" - Quote the Critical Drinker.

Yeah, so now, as best I can - without coming off as try hard or needy - I try to have sex with her as soon as after we met, so then I don't have to contend with a quote "guy in between..."

Like one chick who went on a group snowshoeing trip over the weekend, and ended up Fucking one of the guys, when it was revealed she was like "it just happened" As if it was some kind of accident - "I just happened to be completely naked with Tim, and slipped and fell onto his dick, cuz he just happened to to be naked too... It just happened."
Ohhh, I love this statement from her "I had sex with him, but I realllllllly like you...." And I'm like "Fuck You.... If you liked me so much, why you'd have sex with him???"

Whatever. In the past and conjecture....
*"Slow-Rolled" not roled