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Openers  Who You Wanna Be Gambit [Extreme Stimulator]


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
This gambit is called “Who You Wanna Be”. It’s specifically for daygame and functions as an opener.

It’s where you give her a perspective on her self…specifically her ideal self.

It’s very impactful. Girls make comments that it feels like:
  • a spiritual experience
  • a huge coincidence
  • something really special to them
Where does this impact come from? The ideal self encompasses a big part of identity, and achieving it is an emotionally profound experience. This gambit speaks directly to her self-concept and plays on the current alignment of her current self and future self. If there’s any alignment there, it gives her a boost of self esteem and brings her closer to a peak experience…thus triggering powerful emotions.

Here’s how it goes…

FOG: hey. I have something important to tell you
HB: lets hear it!
FOG: you have plans for who you wanna be right? Like the best version of yourself.
HB: yes.
FOG: well you’re not there yet but…I get this sense you’re well on your way.
HB: *blushing*
FOG: like you’re getting closer and closer…and when you get there it will be amazing, like you’ll be a whole new person and all your dreams will have come true… its easy to imagine how it will feel. probably pretty good right?
HB: yeah!

The general structure is this:
  1. reference their best self,
  2. encourage and motivate them on it, and
  3. highlight the peak experience of accomplishing their best self.
Sexual Transition

Because this gambit delivers a lot of emotions, it's natural to transition into a sexual topic right after. This gets girls horny quickly into the interaction.

FOG: not everyone is like this though, some people have no plans for who they wanna be….and you know what ive noticed about these people?
HB: what?
FOG: it’s that they can easily become who society wants them to be. like when they’re faced with a decision to be their own person, or to follow the herd, they follow the herd. And as time goes on, they’re no longer their own person…instead, they’ve become the person that their friends, parents or the media want them to be.
HB: so true!
FOG: like with my friend, she grew up in a really religious household. Her parents were very controlling of her, and you know what’s happened to her?
GIRL: what?
FOG: now she’s just broken up with her boyfriend and she’s seeing a new guy. It’s going really well, like they have an amazing connection. But she’s worried that if she takes the next step with him, she’s gonna feel ashamed of herself. And it’s because growing up, her parents made her feel shame for expressing her sexuality. I don’t think it’s fair that she feels shame just for wanting to have a pleasurable experience, you know?

  • Regarding the fantasy archetypes, it works well on princesses.
  • It doesn’t work as well on girls who: lean towards living in the moment, feel like they’re going nowhere or are suicidal.
  • Girls who are suicidal will let you know right away!
  • The initial screen can be adapted to be more relevant to the girls who live in the moment ie “do you have plans for who you wanna be, or do you live in the moment?
Further Reading

The Ideal Self As The Driver of Intentional Change
Peak Experience
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers