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Who's that in the Mirror?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I'm going to post this in the beginners sections because it may help more for it to be here. As some of you may realise I've pretty much got my shit together, most days now, but I've still on occasion got the odd 'kink' here and there.

Yesterday I had one of those days where it seemed like every girl couldnt take their eyes off me. It happens more and more these days, wether it had always happened and I notice more or wether its not happening as much as I think and it's some kind of 'trick' I'm playing on myself (though highly unlikely) isn't clear, and isn't important, but there's no doubt in my
mind that people love me, but here's the bit I have trouble with.

Wether parts of my psyche just haven't caught up or whatever, but on occasion I look in the mirror and what I see there is just a slightly balding guy, with a pointy face and not great skin, who's looking old and tired. Now I just can't get my head round why these girls are looking at me, it's clearly not in a bad way, THEY don't think I'm a hideous freak, and I certainly don't believe I'm THAT BAD but whatever it is I can't understand, as a lot of the time it's girls I don't know and/or haven't even spoken to. So either I'm ok looking, or there's something else they can 'sense' (for want of a better word) and despite my looks Im giving off something girls like.

Maybe I don't have to understand, but it'd be nice to know :)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Hey Flames,

It is nothing to worry or over think about. You are only realising this recently as you up your game, and become more aware.
In actual fact, girls have been looking at you ever since day 1 you walk the street. Girls love to look more than guys. Guys just never noticed this because of their lack of awareness! Not to mention that girls are very good at using their peripheral vision.

Why do they look? - They are Screening you. That is really it. It is neither good or bad.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Thanks Light.

I'm not really worried just a reflective post really :) Things dont really phase me anymore.

Oh just to make things a bit clearer I'm not talking them just glancing at me, though quite a few are just that. I'm talking eyes following me round the room, double takes and heavy EC. I admit it used to both bother and moderately unnerve me but I've got used to it. :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Are you sure it's not your smell? lol... I'm just joking.

Jokes aside, it could be the confident aura or another unique aura which you may have around you that people are sensing.
Have you come accross a time, when someone enters a room, and immediately you just know there is going to be trouble... or you know this person is awesome? Thats what aura is.

One thing I do, is when I notice people looking at me intensely, I make sure to let them know that I know they are looking.
I will look back and give them a smile and say "hi" or "good morning" while I carry on walking.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Yeah your right I probably do smell :)

It could be my confidence which I've been working on over the last few years and maybe just simply my 'attitude' I suppose.

Your right with that last paragraph though, that's exactly what I do and what ppl should do for that matter.