You say you have to try to be decent and not be needy, try-hard, or creepy?
The first thing that pops to mind there is if you are having to try to do those things, there's a very good chance your attempts may not be as successful as you hope, especially if women are responding to a simple social media follow-up message by blocking or ignoring you.
HERE IS THE RULE to follow for follow-up communication:
If you meet her in person, anything important you have to say to her, say it in person.
Trying to build a genuine connection over social media or get something going over messages that you did not get going in-person is doomed to failure, 99 times out of 100.
The only exception is if you have an absolute banger social media, with super sexy and high status pics and lifestyle plastered all over it, people saying, "Wow, your lifestyle is INCREDIBLE!" when they go on your social media, etc.
Otherwise, if you do not have that kind of social media, you need to do all the groundwork in person. Then if you want to use social media messaging, you are just using it for logistics.
But I try to be gregarious and text to chat them up/catch up and I get these blow outs.
How well do you know them?
My experience taking social media contacts from girls back when I still did that was if it was a girl I only met once and did not ask out it's a complete waste of time.
If it's a girl I knew in-person over a span of months or years, I'd have a little more leeway with her but it burns out quick. Anything you want to do with her, you'd better get to the point fast because she's going to stop responding in a few messages if you don't.
I've seen them wear ethnic wear (some white that mirrors my culture and something I wore once in my pics w other girls), and when I msg'd her, saw the update, how cool!" she blocked me, shes non frm the same background/ethnicity as myself. like a lot of her pics before her blocking me, mirrored mine, it was uncanny...
It sounds like you are trying to bond with girls over their social media photos.
It's not clear to me how this is different from what 1000s of other guys are doing on girls' social media?
I know you know this... we call it "
Unless you have a really great dialogue with her on social media, with her also remarking on a lot of your photos, you should not be simping on her profile.
Girls who want male attention will allow it. But if she has a boyfriend or something and the guy doesn't like her having orbiters/simps, she will block you. If she has a guy she is talking to who she is into, and she is worried about him finding out she has guys who are simping on her, she will block you.
You really need to be doing this stuff in-person, not on social media.
Then, for the follow-up, use texting or a messaging app, not social media.