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FR++  why are they always on their period!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Very cute gym bunny.. shes actually a very sweet girly girl on the outside - she has her own fashion/makeup blog - lots of shots of her abs on there - so this might surprise:

We meet for some event she wanted to try and then went for yoghurt then to the bar I had planned to go to all along. I deep dive, she says she WAS a wild child when she was 15 - when I pressed her as to what it was (She was hesitant - I kept saying I dont judge) so wild about her she told me that she had a threesome with her bf and another guy back then, and then when she was a bit drunk she admitted she had got drunk at a party once and had 3 guys+ex inside her! Wow

So we get back to my place (I seem to have NO problem attracting a girl enough to get her into my place ) - there was a heap of resistance at the door when she realised we were going into my place - she said girls don't do that on the first date and that she doesn't have ONS (I'm assuming this is TOTAL BS given the info above?). Anyway I persisted - I said we'll just go up and chill on the patio for 5 mins and have some water and drop off my sunglasses - after her standing outside the door for a minute or two she came in..

She had already been begging to be kissed in the bar - I had teased her by "almost kissing her" the energy was awesome - but she was impatient - she clearly wanted it NOW - so I let her kiss me and pulled away and then she literally attacked me and gave me a proper kiss - finally a passionate girl! _BUT she is generally very cold and rational - its annoying how difficult it is to get her out of that mindset?- Was it a mistake to get so close to her - would that maybe increase resistance to coming to my place - this is still a big question for me...

I go up give her some water she refuses to come up to my room to smoke - says she doesn't want to smoke - says she wants to sit outside on the patio as agreed.. I let her sit out there for a bit then come back out - then I say I want to show her some photos - she finally agrees. In my room I start to escalate but she doesn't want me to feel her bum or down there - this is very strange - she posts pictures of her tight ass on istagram in underwear but here she almost seems self-conscious - just keeps saying "please don't touch me" (she had said this initially when we were out about me touching her hands and stomach - but she relaxed that). It turns out she is on her period - sha said she had almost cancelled because of it and very clearly states that she finds it VERY offputting and that she basically can't have sex cause blood almost makes her throw up. I say its not an issue for me - she says it is for her. - this is all a bit too logical for me - where did that passion go! - Maybe if I hadn't kissed her she would have lost herself in the big release more????????????

So I'm ontop of her trying to escalate for the 10th time - and she starts moaning and we basically simulate sex with her moaning very convincingly although she starts asking me how loud I like it - so she's trying to play with me here - not sure why - trying to tease.

So I give up after a while and just take her home. she texts me when she gets home saying she had a good time and thanks me for the drinks (see money issue below) This morning she sends me a text asking if we can meet thursday rather than monday (cause of period). I ask for friday she says she needs to go gym on friday - I say go gym early - she says she'll think about it...

She was quite clever here - I put her bag in the clock room so she didn't need to worry about it - but she left her wallet in her bag, I paod for the first round and then when it came to the next round I just said ok you're getting us the next round - she seemed to agree - so we ordered they came and then the bill came I gave it to her and she didn't have her wallet! Obviously I had to pay since we were on a different floor that brought the tab to almost $70! FUCK - Did I loose a lot of gorund here - I feel it might have put me in bf territory too much! In future I will make 100% sure she can pay! I feel like I should get this back - was thinking of insisting she pays for the next two rounds next time?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 9, 2013
Regarding the paying on the last point -- I personally have no problem paying for something small like a drink, especially if it's a joint check, but when I do I'll look at her with a friendly but somewhat serious face and say, "You owe me a beer."

I'm not sure how deep you're in with this girl -- she seems super resistant and like she's trying to be kind of controlling/put you on a traditional boyfriend route -- but in general, I'd say it's fine to pay for things if you make it very clear that they're going to pay you back, and you're just covering them this time. This does a few beneficial things:

1. If she's not in a position to pay / was expecting you to pay, it can save her face in the rare case that she just can't. This can be a boon for young, underemployed girls.
2. It indicates that this isn't a freebie -- she OWES you something for it. You are not some simpering nice guy trying to impress her / traditionally court her.
3. It implies you're going to see each other again / there is a shared beer in your future.

As for the encounter on the whole, I'll leave that to more experienced hands.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012

so looks like I didn't text her enough and she's gone into auto rejection - she still came over BUT she wouldn't let me touch her when she came in and we had sex BUT - she refused to kiss me - said that I "mised your chance - I just go off people that don't text me - loose interest" - we hung out for the whole day after in the park verbally she was nice and I even gently fingered her there - BUT she was still refusing to kiss me properly like she did on the first night.....

How do I handle the AR....

I might have gone overboard - I tried manhandle kissing her about 5 times (across the whole day so quite spaced out) also kissed her face - most that happend was kissing on lips - not engaged - I was trying to soften her up! - Now it seems totally ridiculous what I was doing.... not sure how to correct for AR and too much kissing/chasing since they are opposites!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Pah.. LMR sucks, especially when her reasons sound soo good (girls are practiced at resisting).

The issue is, you accepted things that she said and felt they were good reasons, such as:

sha said she had almost cancelled because of it and very clearly states that she finds it VERY offputting and that she basically can't have sex cause blood almost makes her throw up. I say its not an issue for me - she says it is for her.

The moment you accept this, she has a lot of power. You need to be quick on your wit to deny and logical objection. Says she can't stand the sight of blood and she'll throw up? Playfully tell her she can close her eyes. Says she doesn't like the way it feels when she's on her period? Playfully bet her that it'll feel even better.

You gotta keep a playful approach. As soon as you start getting overly logical about things and bend to the ways that she wants things, you both lose.

how loud I like it

Good chance to be dominant. "You'll be as loud as I want you to be" said with a bad boy grin.

Everything is an opportunity girlsfollow. Everything. She's testing you as all girls do, and you want to pass as a lover.

That being said, good job on the sex, but she is still playing with you and testing you.

mised your chance - I just go off people that don't text me - loose interest

She's painting the picture as her being the one that controls things. It also sounds like you went into chase position and started to try harder. This was probably a result of your diagnosis of auto-rejection. In the case of handling auto-rejection, I would suggest that it came about as a result of lack of disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend. Explain that you aren't her friend or boyfriend, so you'll leave the long text conversations to them. Then move on to deep diving and creating warmer feelings to get out of the current trough.


- Let her chase you, like she was for that first kiss; don't chase her now. You very may well lose her because you were too far into potential boyfriend zone and now aren't living up to her expectations, so make it clear you aren't someone that is likely to get roped into a serious relationship.
- Work on escalation in the bedroom and make sure to take everything they say with a grain of salt. Says she's tired? Tell her that's okay, the dayquil is in the cabinet and continue. You need to work towards gently tossing objections aside with real, logical solutions that show minimum effort.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake