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'Why did you kiss me/why do you want to do this'- what do you say back?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 1, 2020
Say you kiss a girl in bed.

F: 'Why did you kiss me/why do you want to do this/what do you like about me'-

M: I'm horny [Most honest answer: ]

F: ....

Well okay I guess I stuffed three things into 'Why did you kiss me/why do you want to do this/what do you like about me'

What might be better phrases that are not too long? I've heard the first one of the three before, I don't remember what I said unfortunately tho it somehow worked out.

It seems like there is a risk of giving a long answer that doesn't jive w/ how she is feeling or to give an answer too one dimensional (you're hot, I'm horny). At this point, you don't know what she is thinking. She could be thinking the date hasn't gone that amazing/she hasn't shown that much physical interest so why are you going for it
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers