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Why you should re-consider drinking


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I have to admit...

I don't really like going along with these types of posts.
Don't drink, don't wank, don't wash your hair, don't clip your nails... bro, it's the new PUA fad, everyones doing it and everyone's getting laid.

At the end of the day, drinking is a choice. If you want to drink, then drink.
If you don't then don't.

You don't have to get hammered if you're drinking. I'm Irish myself and I face a lot of stereotypes here in the U.S. In some circles when I have 2 drinks I start getting the looks and comments ... "Oh, Irish guy is off...!"
But personally for Irish standards between my friends back home, I'm a lite-moderate drinker. But in the U.S. I'd be considered a heavy drinker... but really I seem to be able to handle a lot more. I can have several beers without it really effecting my personality in any way, yet 1 or 2 shots and I see "bro's" at bars passing out, starting fights and puking everywhere, so the perception in there.

I'm not an advocate of getting wasted drunk, but I enjoy a drink if I go to a bar, I don't really drink during the week or at home.
I'd find it weird to just stop citing reasons that I'm picking up girls and this will help me... there's a lot more and better things to focus on.

If someone doesn't drink in general, there's no reason to start.
If someone does and does so responsibly and can still handle themselves well, I don't see a problem.

It's only a problem when people abuse it or don't know their limits and this goes far beyond the reach of a PUA site.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I've gone through periods where I was drinking tons and getting black out drunk and picking up chicks or ending up in jail or getting my pocket picked or waking up in strange places, and people thought I was an alcoholic. And I've also gone through periods where I just quit drinking and would still go out and hang out with all my drinker friends and drink nothing but ice water or Red Bull. The best bet for my money is a few cocktails, sipped slowly. Gives you enough buzz that you're reacting more quickly with lower inhibitions, but not so much that you're saying or doing the wrong things.

I never got into the taste of beer either. All my college friends told me it was an acquired taste that they'd acquired because they had trouble getting hard liquor. I never had that kind of trouble, so I never had to resort to acclimating myself to beer. I didn't start to find the taste of beer remotely passable until maybe 27 or 28... I still think it tastes like bubbly urine, though... just not as bad.

Jack and Coke for me. Used to love Red Bull and vodka too, but every bad night I've ever had started or ended with Red Bull vodkas.

My full thoughts on drinking and picking up are here: Sex and Alcohol - not too different from what's in this post already.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake