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Why you want to have Alpha Female on your side


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
This is a field report from a night which happened several months ago, but it was such a great lesson to me at that I decided to share it either way.


It was Sunday evening, and I was out in my favorite food court. The place was pretty empty. Sunday evening is not the busiest time in my town. I had a walk around the venue and I saw this three set. Three blondies. Not only it was probably the only opportunity to have any interactions that night, but also one of them had huge titties :) This is usually enough of motivation for me to approach.


They were in a bar area sipping their drinks, and I came over with my own. I started with a social conversation asking pretty normal questions, why are they there, what they are doing etc. If you are handsome and confident usually this is enough to start off.

It happened to be their after-party drink. They flew to my city for a wedding which took place on Saturday and they had another 1 or 2 days of vacations afterwards. So they basically decided to go out and enjoy the city. The wedding was definitely a great topic to focus on. It was fresh, they had fun there, they had stories to share, and it's a light, easy topic to talk about.


My most important learning when it comes to approaching three sets is first to befriend everyone on a basic level. You don't really want anyone to be left behind, feeling hostile against you, and working against you in the background.

And the second most important thing is to identify who the alpha female is. I remember reading this seduction advice somewhere: "She trusts her friend's judgment about you, more than her own." So if the alpha female trusts you, you can get trust even if your target girl doesn't trust you enough.

After about 15-20 minutes I knew who the alpha female of the group was, and I knew it wasn't my girl.


It was around 10-11pm and the food court was about to be closed. I told them that we can't stay here anymore but I've been living in this town for a long time, I'm here by the car and I can drive them to another place which is still open for another hour or two. Initially they were little sceptical, whether they should trust me, but they seemed to be determined to try another place.

On our way to the car and during the drive, I tried to be as relaxed and low-ley as possible. I kept the 'we've known each other for years and it's totally safe to drive with me' vibe. And it worked. I focused on driving, played some music and kept a casual conversation during our short drive.

I'm pretty sure that this change of location and the drive increased trust and comfort big time.


The second venue was a little bit more busy than the previous one but it was rather slow. This is typical during that time and day in my town.

We ordered drinks and sat all together.

While waiting in the line for drinks I chatted with everyone but also started physically escalate on my target. Unfortunately, I overdid it and I saw little discomfort on her face. That was a sign for me. I backed off and went back to conversation mode.


Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), this venue was pretty boring. We all sat together but I was more invested in the conversation with my girl, and I saw that the other two girls were started to get bored and most likely they will be willing to go back to the hotel soon. I was trying to use whatever time I had left to build some connection with my girl. It was going okeish but not spectacular. Unfortunately my mind was half occupied with the logistics. What is it that I'm gonna do in 15 minutes when the other girls want to leave? How am I gonna pull her? I knew that if I don't pull her tonight, it's end of story. They were flying back tomorrow or the next day. I wasn't sure. But even if it was a day after, I wasn't sure if I have enough group connection to ask them all out again.

I went to bathroom to disassociate from the group and think about my short term plan. BUT I HAD NONE. With all my experience I didn't have any good plan forward. But I knew I want to do something. So I decided to be spontanenous and trust my seductive intuition in the moment.


When I returned I saw that the two of the girls were getting ready to leave, but my girl still her had drink. Previously, they saw that me and my girl had a little thing going between two of us and they were kind enought to give us some time alone. They went for a cigarette and told us that they are going to wait for us outside.


And then the IDEA OF THE EVENING POPPED UP IN MY MIND. I knew that in order to pull I will need to get her friends' approval. Specifically the alpha female. So when we went out to join them outdoors, I came over to the alpha female ans spoke aloud so all of them could here: "Hey Lady Boss, how about I give you and your friend a ride to your hotel and will bring Anna first thing in the morning. I know that you are having sightseeing plans tomorrow so I will ensure you can start on time." I don't recall exactly what she replied but she was fine with it (to decide on behalf of her friend, haha). I guess it was a good mix of: a) egoistic self-interest of not having to deal with taxis, instead if she agreed she had a free ride to the hotel b) acknowledging her dominant position in the female hierarchy as I called her 'Lady Boss' c) having enough comfort and trust which I managed to build during the evening, so she could actually know that she is not living her friend with a psychopath.

Either way, she accepted my proposal, I drove them back to the hotel, took my girl to my place, and the rest is history.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Nicely done, @Jan.

That was a great call on asking the alpha girl to approve of you taking home her friend. Solved all the logistics hurdles and the pull itself in one fell swoop. Awesome job!

Inquiring minds want to know though: was the one you shagged the one with the huge gazoombas? 😃



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
I knew that in order to pull I will need to get her friends' approval. Specifically the alpha female. So when we went out to join them outdoors, I came over to the alpha female ans spoke aloud so all of them could here: "Hey Lady Boss, how about I give you and your friend a ride to your hotel and will bring Anna first thing in the morning. I know that you are having sightseeing plans tomorrow so I will ensure you can start on time." I don't recall exactly what she replied but she was fine with it (to decide on behalf of her friend, haha).
This is so smooth, and a great inspiration! What an imaginative idea, and so boldly executed.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
Thanks @Marty. I remember this situation very well. It gave me a strong confidence boost because it was TRULY SPONTANEOUS. I remember being in the bathroom, analysing and planning, but mostly feeling like in deep shit as I didn't have a good idea what to do next. I decided to improvise, and it was the best decision.

This situation made me reevaluate the merits of natural (spontaneous) game. In my view, natural game is the best type of game if you want to develop a real, long lasting self-confidence. Once you expose yourself to number of situations where you don't know what to do, and don't have a plan, and come back from them with upper hand, you truly starting believing that you can succeed in any situation. So you finally stop making excuses :)

And like with all other faculties, the more you train your spontaneity, the stronger it become :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Once you expose yourself to number of situations where you don't know what to do, and don't have a plan, and come back from them with upper hand, you truly starting believing that you can succeed in any situation.
This is true in so many other areas of life too. Nice to know that it can be applied also in this particularly rewarding field.
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