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FR  Will Power of Steel


Apr 14, 2013
This is my first of hopefully many approaches. Hope you enjoy.

Friday night at around 11 me and some friends went to a shisha bar down town to kill some time before a party we were planning to attend later on in the night. The place was completely pact save for a table of six occupied by two dark haired age girls both a 7. There was four of us that night so I took it as a sign that this was went to be. I introduced myself to the two girls then the two girls to the rest of my friends and we sat and talked/smoked for a good forty-five min.

While we were at the bar I sat next to the girl i decided to make my target and things went along pretty well. Using the fundamentals described on this site worked wonders for me! Especially chase's explanation of eye contact, very solid stuff. Any way, I was deep diving along talking about her and what she does, what she likes to do, ect. I'm not a frequent smoker so I had her teach me to do smoke rings, which I got to do pretty well. Every thing was going great, little bit of light light touching her when ever I adressed her being as low energy and smooth as i could and getting alot of ioi's. Then right when I got the "Bambi Eyes" she falters and blurts out that she is in a relationship of three years.

Naturally I take this as a challenge.

I didn't make a big deal out of it laughed a bit commended her for her honesty and proceded the gradual escalation as before. After another meager attempt at making smoke rings (made two) she teased me about it and I challenged her to make them after I shotgunned the smoke to her mouth (inhale smoke, kiss her, then she exhale smoke while kissing). She enthusiastically agreed until she looked out the window and saw a bunch of guys who are "friends of her bf." Worst timing ever. They came in and sat down next to us so I talked to them for a bit and my friends and I left with the girls to the party we were planning on going to.

Once we got in line to the party we met a few of our female friends who joined our group. The only thing is that they pre-gamed for the night a bit too enthusiastically and the bouncer refused to let them in, not much of a surprise there. Instead of leaving them there we went to a bar nextdoor instead. We got to the bar which was pretty crowded and I pulled my girl away from the group and looked into her eyes brought her in for a kiss. She was not receptive so I remained unfazed and we went back to join our friends at the bar. That lasted about 30 seconds. So after another round of drinks and talking we all start dancing again. After a song and half we start dancing really close I go in for another kiss which is again shot down on the grounds that she is "really faithful to her boyfriend" which only made me try harder. I ramped up the sexual tension as far as I could. Used Push-pull, lots of physical contact, the "ESP model of escalation" (found in Tactics & Techniques), and I could tell she was really into it. So much so that she wouldn't look me in the eyes because she couldn't trust herself to not do anything. But the only thing I could pull from her was the smallest of small kisses on the lips. Quite annoying. At this point it was time me to go, (Im 18 and have a 3am curfew bleh) so I told her I was leaving and at was now or never. She have me another peck to try and tried to get me to stay but I was tired and sleep sounded nice. I said by to her and her friend, complemented her on her iron like resolve, rounded up the boys and went home.

Reflection: Didn't really get any where but it was alot of fun and I learned a few things for next time.
1. ISOLATE HER ASAP after hooking her! Things would of gone smoother had her friend not been there. The friends at the bar also didn't help at all.
2. Having her teach you something seems like a good idea, going to try that more.

Any thoughts reflections or criticism are always appreciated. Thanks for reading :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Great FR. I think you did well, but I think you should look less at the challenge but more as do you really want to fuck up this girls world? She said 3 years man, that's pretty commited... You can use your powers for good or for evil, but I can assure you if you use them for good you will have a much better life and the women you do have experiences with will appreciate and respect you on a whole nother level.

If you're out wrecking relationships and out just to fulfill your own desires you will have many regrets and so will the girls.

My only suggestion to you is game the entire venue. In this case you said the two places were packed and you focused on a 7 who was in a commited relationship. If you would have gamed everyone you may have found yourself a 9 that you could have pulled by 130am and the 7 would have noticed only heightening her attraction for you.


Apr 14, 2013
Wise words Tyme2k. This did cross my mind earlier and I'll be more careful not to be a home wrecker. Gaming the whole venue is also solid advice. The only thing is that the shishabar was filled with middle aged men so there were slim pickings there. I should of done this at the second bar like you said and use the girls we brought for preselection. Hind sight is 20/20 I guess.

Thanks and happy huntings


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
If you're out wrecking relationships and out just to fulfill your own desires you will have many regrets and so will the girls.

He's not out to wreck the relationship. It's about him and the girl. If the girl is in a great relationship and would be faithful to her boyfriend no matter what, she will. If she is in a bad relationship and is looking for a route out, she will recognize it and decide to be with the sexier man. She isn't a helpless girl. She realizes that a fling once in a while will not ruin a relationship that is amazing.

In this situation, it seems better that not much came of the event. I honestly would have number closed on her at a high point. This way, if she realizes that things aren't going right with her current boyfriend, she is able to contact you.

Women being trapped in relationships with men they aren't happy with is a major problem. There is frequent pressure on them to stay with them no matter what, but the reality is she may not be enjoying the relationship at all, especially if it is stalling at 3 years and the connection has vanished because of the man not moving things along in the right progression.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake