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wisemonkeyman's Newbie Assignment


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
A quick introduction before my journey begins. I'm David and I live in the beautiful but cold city of Edinburgh. I am 27 years old and have had a few relationships but wanted to embark on a journey of improvement.

I started reading GirlsChase last year after stumbling across an article about how to do better on POF. Needless to say, I decided then to start working on ways to better my life and experiences. I was in a bit of a bad place with workplace bullying and was signed off with stress. Since then I have quit my job, done a bit of traveling and tried to turn my life around.

I decided at new year that I would make two resolutions, having had a lot of frustration with opportunities missed and being single for quite a while:

  • 1. To take every opportunity that I get.
    2. To have as many adventures as possible.

I decided to do the Newbie Assignment after looking at the forum for a while. I think the best way to start any journey is to have some goals. So my goals are:

  • * To sleep with one girl.
    * To try and get a friend with benefits.
    * To get a relationship in the later half of the year once my career was back on track.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Shit yeah I fucking love it when someone comes on board with the newbie assignment :) kill it brother :) I'm subscribed... u need any help just ask.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Day 1
So the first exercise was to go out and find 4 places where lots of girls hang out. It wasn't that easy due to it being -2 outside and noone actually going out. I spread this over 3 days because I had other stuff on the rest of the time.

1) I decided that after I had my hair cut I would go into the cafe next door for a hot chocolate and to scout about the place. It is usually really busy and full of students. Today there was a group of 4 students and a couple sitting in chatting about trips they were going on. I guess it was cos it had snowed the night before and it was very cold outside. It was also 1030 so maybe I will have to come back at lunch time next time to get a proper feel for the place or switch up to a more mainstream coffee place.

2) I made a point of going on a trip to the biggest Waterstones in town. It was a little later than I planned to be there - about 4ish. Last time I was in, I met a friend there at 2 and there were quite a few cute girls there. This time it seemed to be full of people on their way home from work. I will have to come back about 2ish or at the weekend to see what it is like.

3) I decided to go for my third place to the local shopping mall, 5 minutes walk from home. I went there for lunch and saw quite a few nice looking girls. It is a very busy shopping center so quite a high rate of turn over. It is consistently busy with families, couples and some folk just wandering about on their own. Seems to be a bit of a community hub for the people in the area. I caught a few girls eyes when I was walking in so it might be a good place to hang out.

4) I decided the final place was going to be my friends favourite rock bar. We went there for about 1030. I met my exes best friend and her cousin who said I looked really good. There was quite a few girls around but not really my type.
We got talking to some girls outside but they were very young and a bit chavvy. Went on a brief detour to another club. Spent the rest of the night at the rock bar with friends. The numbers of nice girls was better later on.

My friend had two girls on his arm and spent the whole night chasing one of them - a very cute little ginger girl. When he was at the bar, she pulled me to side and said that she thought I was beautiful, even making a point of telling my friend that. She wouldn't let me go. He came back and danced with her but his hands were all over her, very publicly. They went downstairs and we later caught up with them. She asked where her friend was and when I told her, she kissed me on the cheek and whispered thank you in my ear. My friend went with her and then stormed back down saying she kissed a girl. He then stormed out. He later told me that she said she was a lesbian after she kissed him - not sure if this was just a test or if she was. We saw her when the bar shut with another guy,who looked a bit confused. I wonder if she will be out next week.

As an aside, I went out for dinner with my best friends girlfriend tonight (he was going to come but then pulled out). There were two girls who sat down at the table next to us who were very cute. The brunette was very pretty. I couldn't work out if they were together or going on a night out. I tried a little bit of casual glances over out the corner of my eye. The brunette seemed to be looking back or so I was told afterwards by my friends girlfriend. An opportunity missed?

Overall it was an interesting weekend and I guess a good start to my journey. The next lesson I think is posture, which I often struggle with being quite tall and a programmer - so hunched over a computer screen a lot.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
I spoke to my friend about the girl last week. He said that after he kissed her, she told him that she was a lesbian. I think he was too needy throughout the interaction and by storming away when she kissed the other girl, he messed up his chances with every other girl there.
I'm going to be starting the second day tonight at the rock bar and then tomorrow during the day. I'll also try to do do the 3rd part on Sunday minus the club.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
I like the Waterstone's. I remember one of my first insta-dates was from a bookstore (smaller though)... she still responds to my text too, though she has said she doesn't want to take things further. Did some other bookshop approaching recently when I was stuck in my head and not feeling confident. It's very low pressure.

Yeah, shoulda waved the brunette over to your table and had them come and join you... or failing that, just go sit down with them and say "hi there, I'm wisemonkeyman, I wanted to introduce myself"... shake hands etc... I mean there's many better openers you could use but it's basically down to confidence.

Sounds like good progress, at any rate.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Day 2
The second task is to go back to the 4 places and note the posture of people in the area. I also have to adjust my posture and see the results.

1) I went back to Elephants and Bagels for lunch. Before I went I practised walking a lot more confidently along the street. I watched the videos about having a Sexy walk.
The cafe had 2 big groups who were having a group meeting and two fairly cute girls who were having a catch up. The posture of the groups were quite relaxed. Some had their shoulders hunched though. The two girls were slouched in chairs. I tried sitting up straighter in a more confident position but they were all too involved in what they were doing.
I think the throughput here is not high enough.

2) I decided after the cafe that I would find another cafe for day 3. There is a very busy Costa Coffee ten minutes walk away. I was practising walking more confidently again on the way to Waterstones. I noticed a few people glancing my way and one girl stepped out of way.
Waterstones was very busy and there were a few nice girls there. A good range of postures here, some slouched and some guys with good posture. The girls I noticed seemed a bit hunched up with closed body language. I tried changing my walk again and got a few glances. People moved out of my way if I picked up a book and even when I was going to sections.

3) I went back to the shopping mall today. I drove there in my parents car - I never usually drive so had a different mindset today. Driving I think puts me in a different frame of mind so I was a bit more tense and spent a lot less time at these places than the other ones.
There were a lot of families and older people around today at about 3 o clock so not ideal for meeting any girls - there seemed to be more during the week during the day or at 1 o clock. There were a lot of people with fairly closed body language - hunched over or tense. It could be my changed mindset though so I will have to revisit this when I go back next week. I tried adjusting my walk and posture to be more confident. Everyone I noticed seemed to be in a rush so did not attract any more looks than normal.

4) I was planning on going back to the rock club but my friend invited me to a girl's birthday party that he knew. I thought I would be an outsider at first so was a little bit tenser when we arrived. There was quite a lot of groups of people all together who knew each other. They all seemed fairly relaxed and the girls on the dance floor were quite drunk. I changed my posture when I recognised some people I knew and became more relaxed and walked a bit more confidently. Nobody I noticed here was stooping but a lot of the guys didn't stand as tall as they could.
The birthday girl's dad was going around asking people how they knew her - I told him I met her after I left but we essentially worked in the same place. He really seemed to appreciate that and even shook my hand.
She was bouncing about the groups - I recognised her after meeting her once. She bounced up to the group and said thanks for coming then wanted us all to go dance. She took my hands and dragged me out into the dance floor, getting close to me. We did a bit of dancing but she bounced off to meet her other friends.
Later in the evening, I noticed her looking over at me with her friends. The next time she came up she pretty much ignored me and did the same the rest of the night. My friends told me later she had a boyfriend.

Overall a fairly mixed weekend. My friends want to go out on Valentines night next week so I will see what that brings.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Day 3
Today's assignment was to go out and work on my eye contact. Observe how people respond to eye contact and try to establish eye contact with 10 different people.

1)I went back to the shopping centre to try and improve my eye contact with people. I went and bought lunch and made an effort to look the woman serving me in the eye,holding eye contact the whole interaction about a minute. I also smiled at her when she looked at me. I found the experience exciting as I felt much warmer after and it felt like I had made her a lot happier. It was a good experience.

Feeling quite good after this, I sat and are lunch at a bench and tried to make eye contact with people passing by. Most people I looked at held eye contact for 2 seconds and then looked away. I'm not sure whether they were always busy or just were not good at holding eye contact.

I tried again when I was shopping with similar results. I managed to catch the eye of the guy recruiting for the British navy for a 5 or 6 seconds. I looked away after a few seconds then looked back at him. My total for here was 2 people.

2) I went Starbucks next to the bookshop for lunch. I looked at the barista in the eye when she was serving me and we started a conversation with a bit of small talk and lots of smiles. I also talked to the guy who made my hot chocolate,although eye contact was minimal so maybe 5 seconds for him and 20 for the girl who served me.

The place was very busy with a constant turnover. When I was trying to find a seat, there were two nice girls making moves to leave so I approached, looked the closest one in the eyes and asked if they about to leave in quite a warm tone. She smiled and said yes. It felt a lot more authentic when I looked her in the eyes and walked up to her confidently. I think the mistake I made there was that I didn't thank her. My total for here 3.

3) I went to the bookstore after lunch. I wandered about the place for 20 minutes, trying to catch people in the eye. Everyone I looked at had eyes flitting about and I wasn't able to catch anyone's eye. I bought a book and just behind me there was a nice girl with ginger hair. After I got served I hung about to put the book that I had bought into my bag. We had about 5 seconds of eye contact and I looked down to sort out my bag. She stopped looking at me after that so I left.

Disheartened by my lack of success, I decided to walk to the furthest bus stop as there was 20 minutes to kill. I tried catching as many people's eye as I could. A girl was standing behind me at the traffic lights and I looked round directly into her eyes. I gave her a slow smile and then carried on my way. My total for the bookshop was 2.

I didn't go out this weekend as everyone was all busy with Valentines day, but had a pretty good weekend anyway. I found this task particularly challenging and quite rewarding as well. I'm not sure how I can catch more people's eyes in the future as everyone seemed to be in a rush.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
4) I went out to the rock club last night, even thought I didn't want to go out. My aim was to try and establish eye contact with 2 girls. When I was getting off the bus on the way into town, a group of girls was getting on. One of the most striking girls in the group glanced at me so I held eye contact with her for about 5 seconds then looked away to the left. I looked back and she was still looking so I gave her a smile before getting off the bus.

My friend Louis met this girl who he had kissed before in the club. We met her a few weeks ago and there was a real tension when she came up to us. I had told him to pursue it further but he wasn't sure. He did pursue it tonight when I pushed him and kissed her again and got her number. Her friend kept glancing over at me. I held her gaze each time she looked over and a few times she looked down breaking the contact.

I was also standing at the quieter part of the bar and there was a group of girls directly opposite us who kept glancing over at us. I held eye contact with a few of them and smiled at them. It was quite a large group which I would love to have the confidence to approach but I was very nervous of it being such a large crowd. I would like to learn to approach large groups.

This leads me onto the start of day 4 in the next post.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Day 4
Today's challenge is to go up and say Hi/Introduce myself to 6 girls.

1) Following on from Day 3 I was at the rock club where I decided to start the next day's challenge. I have to say Hi to 6 girls. I had been discussing my experience of the challenge with my friends who were good at pushing me.

I spoke to a girl at the bar who had just come in next to me. I said hi and that I loved the hat that she was wearing. She ignored me so a bit of failure there.

Not put off, I went outside for a breath of fresh air. My friend was talking to a girl outside in the smoking area. I approached them and said hi. She said hi and then looked awkwardly around. I decided to defuse the tension by telling a joke so I asked her if she was out for "fresh air" as well. She laughed and waved her cigarette around and said yes she was out for "fresh air". My friend was quite interested in her so he continued his interaction with her and I spoke to another friend who had come up.

We met the girl that Louis liked outside the club with her friend. I decided to make a good introduction so I said hi my name is David to them both. We joked around a bit on the walk up to the taxi rank that they wanted to go to. The two girls kept smacking each other so I asked if they didn't like each other in a jokey tone. Usually I am not good at jokes like that, people seem to think I am very serious but they laughed and found it quite funny. We got to the taxi queue and the girls friend started telling us her name when we said goodbye. Louis's girl said this is Hayley and she jumped in and said in a flirty tone, my name's not Hayley it's....Zelda. She went quiet and looked around. I jumped in and said one of the best video games ever! She smiled as if she appreciated it and said Yeah! I got the sense that they wanted us to go with them back for an after party somewhere but Louis was not sure if the girl he liked wanted us to go, so we ended up just going home.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
OK, so I have been fairly quiet for the last few weeks trying to do the next task. My real issue is that I haven't done very many approaches before and I am unsure I guess of how to just go up to a random girl who hasn't given you any indications that she wants to start talking to you.

I do sometimes catch girls eyes in places but then I have a real approach anxiety about what to say to start talking to them.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Day 5
We were out for St Patricks Day. I decided tonight that my mission was to either kiss or go home with a girl. After eating quickly at a friends after work, we headed into town to meet the rest of the group. There was a quick mixup with which bar we were to go to, however it helped me when we went to the right bar as there was now a bit of social momentum and backstory.

We got talking immediately to a girl at the door selling raffle tickets who later came on the pub crawl we had signed up to. The bar was quite busy and there was a girl doing facepainting in one corner - she would paint a clover or whatever on your face. My friends decided to go and get their face painted. I decided to get it done as well - so joined the queue. I managed to get a Guinness hat at the bar and "won" a sparkly Ireland scarf in a charity box. I waited for maybe 20 minutes and the girl kept dotting back and forth to the bar. Another girl who I assume she had facepainted earlier came up to get hers touched up. When she was finished she looked round and gave me a clear eyeing up and then vanished back into the crowd. She was one of the prettiest girls I saw that night. The pub crawl then decided to move on.

At the next bar, I got a few girls coming up and stroking my new scarf - it was very girly but hey. My friends decided to play doubles at pool so I joined them. A few very nice looking girls were watching us playing pool and one approached me when it was my go and said she would like to take my shot. I laughed and said if she was going to score then she could do it. She qualified herself a bit by saying I am a very good pool player. She then asked me how to hold the cue properly and to aim. Her shot was good but didn't score - I smiled and said she did well and she went to rejoin her group. I am not sure what I should have done next here I guess. Something I need to work on.

One of my girl friends brought over a girl she had met in the toilets. She was a pretty American girl. The tour guide announced we were moving outside so it gave me a chance to talk to her more. She said she was from Mississippi and had been here one day. She complained about the weather and told me she was doing Free Med at college. Every other guy on the tour then zeroed in on her. At the next bar, I was standing at the bar and she leaned in and started talking to me, repeating what she had said before. I asked her to tell me some amazing things about where she is from. She started telling me about how it is 80 degrees at her home just now and she has had to wrap up here. She showed me the various layers that she had put on. My friend had a bit of a crush on her and approached us when I was talking to her. He clearly wanted to try and pull her. I am not sure how to recover from that when there is an over-abundance of guys all chasing one girl who clearly knows it.

At the next bar, I got involved in a drinking game with the group and said hey to another girl, who was very cute redhead. She was quite practical as well so really nice. After losing at the game she vanished. A bit later, on my way to the bathroom, I walked straight into the girl who was handing out raffle tickets by accident. I got a bit of a fright and said "Jesus Christ" before thinking. She said "Hey, I was waiting for you." then laughed and repeated what I had said before proceeding up the stairs.

After that I started feeling ill and ended up bailing so I didn't achieve my goal. I was a bit frustrated with myself for leaving but I was not making a good impression and my whole frame had collapsed. There was a girl who I was about to start talking to on the way home but couldn't get over the sick feeling.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
It sounds like all of these women basically fancied you. I guess it can be hard to override years of conditioning in order to notice that they were making themselves available. So what you had to do was talk to them for about 5min and then say "lets go sit on the couch over there" or similar. After another 10min something like "lets go outside, it's too loud in here" and then look for a private spot for a makeout or leave the tour and take her home (there's another thread about this in the Beginners board at the moment that I posted in just recently). It sounds like your conversation is kind of okay, since you're getting the basic data from the women (she's from Mississippi etc), although I wouldn't use the line of tell me something amazing about yourself -- because it makes her do all the work. You are the man, you do the work. ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
I think maybe some of them did but I sometimes fail to spot it. Also I am trying to overcome the fear of just talking to random girls that I encounter. It feels quite difficult for me to just talk to random people.

I was at Starbucks today and there was a nice girl standing behind me who I think gave some approach signals. I got a bit distracted by the barista due to some mixup with my Starbucks card (his tone suggested I was stupid and didn't understand how the cards work). His colleague in the meantime had started flirting with the girl, who seemed a bit bemused.

I had another encounter on the bus to work the other day with some girls who get on the bus all the time. I was sitting opposite this girl who kept on looking over at me and another girl got on and sat down next to me. The girl sitting next to me gave me a glance and a little smile. The rest of the journey there was quite an electric atmosphere in the air on that part of the bus. Not too sure what was going on there.

I am going on nightgame tonight to see if I can't accomplish last weeks task.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Day 6 - Half Day off
I have kind of gravitated more towards night game recently as I have been working all the time. I was out the other day to an interview dressed up in a suit. Tried out a different style of facial hair after not shaving for a few days but for the interview I was clean shaven so I presented well. A girl on the bus gave me a very flirty look when I got on the bus, however she seemed to be about 18.
I was out on a night out later that week on the Friday and we ended up at Cav, which is a nightclub where a lot of younger people seem to go. It is quite well known for hookups. I am not really a fan of meeting girls on the dancefloor. My friend kissed this girl and spent most of the night dancing with her. There were quite a few nice girls about but I didn't really approach anyone until the end of the evening. In the jacket queue at the end, I got talking to a couple and the girl was asking if I was going home alone. I said yes although looking back I should have said it depends who I meet later.
A group of people joined the queue behind us with two girls and a guy. The guy was evidently planning on going home with one of the girls. Her friend was saying to the guy "If she doesn't come back tomorrow morning safe and sound then I will hunt you down." After she said this she looked round at me and I replied "I get it you're quite violent and protective." She apologised and said that she was just looking out for her friend. I said that was good and important to look out for people you care about. My friend and the guy then recognised each other as friend's from work. I said to him that he should watch out for himself since these girls were quite risky.
When we went outside, the girl that the guy was going home with was walking along next to me and she was putting her jacket on. She ended up punching me lightly in the stomach by mistake. I laughed and said "I see you're friend isn't the only violent one." She then said that she was just going with the flow and having a good evening. My friend who was a little worse for the wear then dashed off down the street so I had to abandon my effort with this girl.
We got to the taxi queue at the other side of town and there was a nice looking Irish girl in front of us with two friends. I can't recall how exactly I started the conversation but we had a very animated conversation about where she was from in Dublin and what she thought the best place to go there was.
I have also tried to use Tinder quite recently for meeting girls. I started talking to a girl who matched with me. She had been in Edinburgh for a show at the theater and was using Tinder. She lives in Ayrshire which is about 1.5 hours way. I initially talked about her interests and had a bit of light banter. I think I had asked her who would win in a fight between Dumbledore and Gandalf. I eventually got her Facebook and we have been talking quite a lot on there and Snapchatting a bit as well. We are going out on a date in Glasgow for some drinks, food and to the theater.

Things seem to be progressing well. I just need to work on moving on after the initial introduction and working on my day game a lot more.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Half Day extension
I was out at the weekend with a few friends. I decided that for a change I was going to wear a shirt as I usually go out in a t-shirt and jeans. It was a checked designer shirt. The group was mainly girls who I have met a few times. We went to a chillout bar and one of the girls spent most of the evening sexy talking with me and drinking a lot. At about 11 we decided to go to the rock club that I usually go to.
There was two girls who I thought were quite nice but I was feeling like chilling out a bit before I started talking to anyone. Another group of girls came in who were all very cute. I timed my visit to the bar so that we crossed paths and they asked me to take a photo for them. After I had taken the photo, I asked the girl who's camera it was whether they were having a good night. She turned around and said "Buy us a drink!" I was a bit taken aback by this and hesitated so she turned away. I got my drink and then walked away.
A few of the girls were giving me some quite flirty looks. I was at the bar a bit later and one of them actually looked me up and down in a very flirty way. I was standing back with the group and another girl who I hadn't been paying any attention to walked up, handed me a beer and then kissed me in a very sexy way then walked away again.
The group then started splitting off to go home as the girl who had organised the night was too drunk so the night ended shortly after this. I didn't have any wingmen out with me to continue the night after this.
I think a few things were interesting here. The sexy chat early in the evening set me into a certain frame of mind. Changing the way I usually dressed made me feel more confident and subtly set the frame that I was in charge. Having a random girl come up and kiss me would have served me well later if I approached any other girl as they would have seen this.
Hopefully the start of a change!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Apologies for the lack of updates, I have been very busy but planning to get back on with the challenge this weekend.

I've completed reading the Girlschase Mastery and the package. I've also started reading The Game by Neil Strauss but it doesn't seem as good as the GirlsChase book. I also started making improvements to my appearance so have bought some new jeans and am trying to find some better shirts.

I went on a date with a girl from Tinder, although it wasn't ideal as we are from other ends of the country. We went to the theatre and then out for dinner/drinks. She was very cute and brought me a Harry Potter letter (a running joke that we had). We ended the night with a hug and I kissed her on cheek, although I think she wanted more but kind of bumped heads. She's dating someone else so conversation with her is a little awkward.

I also started messaging another girl on Tinder and going on a date with her when she is back from her holiday. A local girl so I will see where that goes.

My friends and I went on a trip down to Newcastle and there were a few girls there that I could have got together with but the logistics weren't great as our hotel was 6 miles outside of town and a £20 taxi away. A girl in the first club we were in, walked up to me said "OH, I haven't seen you for ages" then kissed me on the cheek and walked away. Another girl in a red dress at the bar next door was giving me not so subtle glances. When I was going to approach, another guy walked up to her so I smiled and talked to one of my friends until he went away. When he was gone, I moved over and she asked what we were down for. I said we were on a birthday weekend and she asked why I was letting the birthday boy buy shots. I turned around and he had ordered shots for everyone. She walked away when we were doing our shots.

I have a stag do this weekend and am hoping I can carry on with the challenge during the day. My next task is to compliment 6 girls!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
I am going out this weekend to do some of the challenge. I think it has been lacking focus lately. On my improvements to my appearance, I have changed the style of my facial hair. I used to be clean shaven and a friend suggested that I should try out not shaving for a while. The number of approach invitations I now get has gone up significantly. Most places I go there is some girl catching my eye. Someone suggested that I should try and get some designer stubble so I am going for that just now. My look is kind of rugged just now.

The stag do was kind of a right off as everyone kept buying shots. I didn't try hard enough to meet any girls, although my friend got a girls number who I might have been able to pull away from him. He made a big deal of taking her to the bar for a drink after he kissed her. She booty called him later on but he was kind of stingy and wouldn't go back to hers.

I also went on a date with another girl from Tinder. She is really nice, but has no idea what she is looking for just now as she just broke up with someone in a 7 year relationship. I'll keep in touch because she is really nice. Another 2 girls on Tinder were messaging me, but one seemed to get upset if I didn't reply and the other stopped after a while.

This weekend I was out at a friends birthday. One of the girls I really liked last year was out with her boyfriend. She told me she did't want any relationship after we fooled around and then later told me I was a great friend. I haven't really spoken to her much over the last 5-6 months since she got together with her boyfriend. She was being really flirty with me and some of the other guys. I brushed her off a bit, but kept things friendly as I do not wish to be friendzoned.

We chose a nightclub I was unfamiliar with which has a bad reputation for being quite chavvy. I am not a great dancer so I was tending to lean on a railing looking out over the dance floor. One girl in particular caught my eye, although there were a few I was interested in. After 5 minutes of watching her dancing, she purposefully turned around and looked straight into my eyes for about 20-30 seconds then walked away to the toilet. I spent most of the rest of the night trying to get the courage to approach since she was the most beautiful girl on the dancefloor. I saw her reject every single guy that approached. I was trying to get a couple of my wingmen to come meet the group but they were drinking quite heavily. Another girl on a hen do did try and flirt with me. I think I could have easily taken her home but my mind was not focussed. I left a message on one of the photos of the first girl but I am not confident of a response. I learned myself an important lesson there.

I need to push myself harder, do more approaches and actually engage more.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
It has been a while since my last post but I have been busy with work. I've no idea how people can manage to meet lots of girls and keep up with work. As a programmer, I have found it really challenging.

I haven't really progressed with the 14 day challenge, so this is more a note to myself as a kick up the backside to keep going. I got chatting to another girl on Tinder who was in town for a few days for the Highland Shows. We have been chatting non stop, although she is from Ireland so a bit difficult. I think she will be coming over to visit at some stage in September. Having talked to her so much it kind of feels like we are seeing each other but going to see when she comes over.

The Edinburgh Festival has just started which usually sees about 4.4. million tourists from different nationalities. This presents some interesting opportunities to have short term things with girls who are over. I was at Jason Byrne the other night and there was a girl in the queue in front of us who was very pretty although she looked quite high maintenance. I caught her eye a few times during the show. Another girl sitting in front of us was also quite cute and kept on trying to subtly look at me or my friend.

I decided to change my appearance a little to improve my results so have grown some designer stubble. 99% of the people I know have said it looks much better so I think I will keep it. It seems to have also altered my perception so now I am more inclined to say what I am thinking, which seems to appeal to the girls I have talked to.

I am on holiday next week so I am going to try and follow the rest of the 14 day challenge over that break.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Interestingly my friend who was hitting on the girl on Day 3 who I asked about "fresh air" has been talking about me and saying I cockblocked him. The girl was apparently more interested in me and he didn't have any success that night. He has now started some sort of vendetta about me.

My friends who I was out with had asked him along and asked how I was going to react to his coming. I said I didn't really care one way or the other since it was him that had the issue.

Hopefully I don't annoy any other friends.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Random night
So I was out recently at a garden party organised by two of my good friends. This was an end of the summer party and all of the lads were going. His mum was inviting over some friends but they were going to be away inside. A lot of the guys have either wives or long term girlfriends so competition was low. We were relaxing and playing drinking games and each time someone was to make a rule, someone was asked to go inside and ask the ladies to come out. I didn't at that stage because they had also asked me to put someones boxers on my head.

Towards the end of the game, the ladies did actually come outside and a lot of the guys crowded round them. Being not too fussed, I hung back and waited till the excitement had died down a little. I was also a little drunk. The guys had decided to go into town and had ordered a few taxis to take us. Being a little too drunk, I didn't notice the first taxi leaving and then missed the second one altogether. I was now left with two of the very muscly guys who had a long term girlfriend and a wife.

I enjoyed a bit of a chat with my friend's mother and decided to start drinking water, so went through to the kitchen. She kept telling me I liked one of the women who was there, who I had flirted with last time I met. She also told me I was really hot. When I went back through the two guys had decided we were playing a game of strip poker or something so I had to take my top off. The women took off their bras and then refused to do anything else.

After a bit, someone suggested a game of spin the bottle. It went round the circle, although I do not recall being given the opportunity to spin it, even though it landed on me a few times. I had to kiss the girl I had flirted with, who gave me a very passionate kiss, and two others. My friend's mum got me, but I just gave her a peck on the cheek. The party split off and the girl I liked started chatting to the two people in relationships. Her friends seemed to follow me wherever I went in the room. At about 3, there was a group decision to head home so I got a taxi home with one of guys.

I followed up the next day on Facebook and asked if the girl I had liked had got home OK. She said she had, but was so ill she was spending the day in bed. I cheekily asked her if it was an open invite and she replied saying "Absolutely not lol. Shocking behaviour what are you like!" I said I was only joking and proceeded to banter with her about the night before.