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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 6, 2018
So I've been thinking... in the 20s we make an important broad choice. Do we go out and party and travel and indulge, making the most of our youthful energy to devour every unique experience we can find, and then strategically decide when it's time to "settle down" and "find stability"? Or do we put our nose in the books, stay focused on a goal at the expense of all those other things, get a great job at the end of that process, and then start the next phase rewarding ourselves with unique adventures one by one?

I think my own path started out that second way, ended up shifting to the first way due to life experiences, and now I'm at that point where I'm thinking I need to go back to the second way.

What did you guys do? We should discuss the merits of various ways of balancing focused discipline and laid back adventurousness.


Jun 30, 2018
Second way, all the way. If you can afford studying in a firld that will land you a good job and have the brains for it, do it, and get the highest degree you can.

Why? Because if you choose your field wisely, you'll be able to find a job that pays a lot, which means that you'll be able to enjoy life much better, you could travel abroad, go to concerts, and hell, if a girl has the choice to date an attractive guy in a second hand truck and making $80K a year and an attractive guy in a new Italian or German car and making $250K, I guess the path she'll take is obvious... Higher education is worth the money and hard work, of course if you choose the right path and don't go study English literature or gender studies.

For example, I got a master's degree, and I've got a very well paying job that I do from home, so now, with my wife, we're regularily going abroad for long periods of time, while we both have expensive hobbies (airsoft for me, ballet for her) and are saving money to get a good car. I could never have reached that with high school education.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake