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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
I first got into yoga while I was studying buddhism and quigong. All three of these practices require you/help you to become strong in mind, body and spirit. It's all about facing up to your struggles with a deep breath and a smile across your face and a deep love for yourself and one another.

I wanted to bring up yoga as a good place to meet women, but really it's just a practice that can make you stronger. Sure, there tends to be beautiful girls that take care of themselves in these classes. The point is, however, I think if you go to class with priority of facing the truth about yourself, you may get much more out of it than going for the sake of picking up one of those girls.

To bring this full circle... Let's say you do struggle through it, with all of your will and learn something great... You end the class feeling like you've accomplished something with real meaning, and you have done it along side a room full of people (cuties included) that have just done the same.

Where else can you find this kind of experience?

Today was the first day back to a yoga class in maybe 8 months or longer...
Last class I remember having trouble lifting my leg into a pose. As I was doing what I could to maintain my balance, the girl next to me who I had been eyeing up, grabbed my leg and lifted it in position with a light smile. She was definitely cute... I made a rookie mistake of playing aloof with this girl who seemed interested. Nothing came of this, no surprise there... At the end of class I asked another girl how she got so flexible, genuinely wanted to see if I could bend like that myself. She said it was from practice and complimented my tattoo. I had some issue with my hand that cramped up and she massaged it for me.

Today's Class I ended it feeling dead. Dead from all the mistreatment I have put myself through for the past 5 months. Determined to become whole again I'm practicing yoga among other new habits I consider "good" for me. Although I felt dead this time, I did sense a familiar feeling, a sense that I am in the right place.

I hope sharing this will inspire you to go to a class and experience this. Harmony with your mind, body and soul is confidence in yourself. Something necessary to give women want they want. Attending classes is literally killing two stones with one bird. Becoming a better man that women desire, in a room full of women. ;)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
The troubling thing with Yoga is that you can get a "this guy comes here to do this" vibe very easily if you go in there guns blazing and start asking numbers right away. Probably want to settle into the class a little and get the instructors to like you a lot so that women will open up very easily for you. Also women will very easily be able to become attracted to you beforehand if you are a physically attractive man.

Also Yoga is pretty fun and relaxing anyways. I never tried seduction in there because I did yoga at the same studio as my mom and most of the women in there that were attractive were in their young 20s, and I was 17 at the time and it was surprising to me that no girls my age were in there. Met some pretty cool chicks though, and this was before I got into seduction anyways so it would've been likely I would just look like a fool trying to seduce them.

I definitely think that if you have the time you should get into practicing yoga, even at home. Find the right studio with good teachers and you'll usually find some pretty fit women too.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Ross said:
The troubling thing with Yoga is that you can get a "this guy comes here to do this" vibe very easily if you go in there guns blazing and start asking numbers right away. Probably want to settle into the class a little and get the instructors to like you a lot so that women will open up very easily for you. Also women will very easily be able to become attracted to you beforehand if you are a physically attractive man.

Good point. I started to go because of a genuine interest in yoga and the fact that it attracts attractive girls was a bonus!