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You look "adorable"


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Hi guys,

So this is only a tiny piece of advice but something that has weirdly been a big piece of either getting the girl or not.

Use the word "adorable", not hot, cute, sexy, hey baby or anything like that...

I see this advice in some of Chase's article where you want to express interest.
I've seen the same from the Simple Pickup guys, the Pickup Podcast guys and a few others lately but using it has had an effect for me and but is easy to overlook this simple detail usually thrown into a bigger context.

I'm guessing that words like hot, sexy, or directly commenting on her is just something she has either heard before or just comes off superficial and disingenuous. Every guys says that crap, they want to get in her pants.
Using different language seems to have another effect. A word like "adorable" is something the shy guy isn't confident enough to deliever and means a lot more than the douche and his "Hey hey baby" routine.
Using better or more unusual language seems to set me apart a little. A word like adorable seems like more of a genuine confidence... I could be commenting on her looks, her body, her personality but this word just seems to sum up the whole package and comes off much more genuine without being douchey.

I've used it in several situations and it's really helped.
It works on approach, or at any time later in the interaction.

A few weeks ago I was chatting to a girl and just stopped and leaned in and kissed her. When I leaned back she had a slight "Omg, did he really just do that?" look on her face so I gave a little smile and told her "Sorry but you're so adorable I just HAD to kiss you" and her facial expression and body language intantly changed... she literally melted infront of me.

I've also just tried it as an opener like Chase wrote in some articles and it works well too... just deliver it with a slightly cheeky smile and straight forward tone.

Hope this helps some guys a little... I think using more unique and genuine words and language does down very well in all situations...
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

Interesting advice, might try it soon.

I still like to stick to beautiful, said in a sexy way, when complimenting a girl. Then again, I generally avoid complimenting a girl on physical traits altogether unless I want a relationship with them, because it seems to straightforward to me and feels like I am giving up some power in the interaction. I think of it this way; I wouldn't be talking to them if I didn't think they were sexy/adorable/beautiful/hot/etc, and they should know this by the way I am speaking to and interacting with them, so I shouldn't have to explicitly state it.

The only exception I make for this other than when I have genuine feelings for a girl is when I am already pretty late in the game and trying to accuse them of getting me horny. On an occasion I get resistance I'll say something along the lines of "You are way too sexy right now, I can't help it", which is simple and hasn't failed me but once yet as long as I don't hesitate keep plowing forward.

I also avoid pet names like baby or honey completely; even in a relationship. I will occasionally use "girl" but this has to be done correctly so you don't sound like a douche or like you are belittling her. The only time I ever use honey is when I actually am trying to belittle a girl (think a noisy bitch at the club talking my ear off while I am doing something more important and I say something along the lines of "Calm down honey, I'm busy right now" or "Listen honey, I need you to quiet down for a couple god damn seconds so I can hear myself think"; just don't let the girl you are currently gaming hear you say something like this ;)).

Keep it up,



Feb 7, 2013
I've seen this being used on a lot of pick-up sites. However, I was at a bar and I saw some punter come up to a girl and use it himself. I'm worried that it's already getting stale and being dubbed as a 'pick up' line.