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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 10, 2013
Hey guys,
So I've been lurking on here for years, occasionally posting (I think I may have broken a few of the rules for posting as well, sorry), and taking some action in high school. I have been in several relationships over the last few years thanks to improving my fundamentals and working a brooding social circle vibe. My last girlfriend I picked up with by directly saying "I want to kiss you, I know I shouldn't" (she had a boyfriend). I should have just kissed her then, I waited a few days and ended up getting a blowjob in her room and sex the next week. Unfortunately, I had an on and off girlfriend at the time, who then found out and dumped me publicly. It also didn't help that the old girlfriend's best friend was the sister of the new girl, and my ex. Needless to say, I was still in jerk phase. This lead to huge reputation problems that I didn't mend until the last month of school, then I graduated.
Post-graduation, I toured Europe with the new girlfriend, who I told about girlschase. She didn't mind, surprisingly. She also knew what she was doing. In a bar in Amsterdam, this happened.
GF: "You're going to need to learn to not rely on already knowing people so much. See the bartender over there, with red hair and a lot of cleavage"
I look. Yup. Cleavage like a black hole. She looked mid-twenties.
GF: "I want you to go up to her and order drinks. As you do it, slowly look down at her cleavage, back into her eyes, and smirk."
So I go. She's already serving drinks to someone else, super busy night. I wait. Bartender looks at me. I look at her eyes, look back down to her neck, back up. She keeps serving drinks but faster. She then walks up to me and asks what I want. I do the smirk and cleavage glance thing, she makes my drinks right in front of me, slowly.
I was wearing a leather jacket and dark jeans and felt like a boss. As I said, I've never done non-social circle anything.
Oh and hours later that night she remembered my order.
That was a week ago.
So now I'm in the US waiting for college. I don't know anyone here, I have lived overseas for ten years. I'm stuck with my family in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. After four days of doing nothing, I've been pretty down. In the last month I got my weighted pullups up to 80 pounds, and incline bench up to 160 (I weigh 150). But I have no weights up at this cabin, just a pull-up bar. Am going to try to work up to one arm pullups, I can already do one arm pushups.
Read the article on taking action today. I've gotten back to writing on this book I've been working on, as well as practicing guitar. I went to the local town (population 900) today. I walked around a bit, but was with my family so was limited. Talked to a few girls, but pretty much was just asking for directions (all the girls I met were there with parents as well).
So yeah. Just a sort of introductory post. The good stuff should come in a few months, when college starts. Will try to do some approaches between now and then but we will see.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 10, 2013
Oh I also have a tumblr (most of the girls I target are obsessed with it) and recently changed my profile pic to
Basically just my face.
Since then I've gotten shit like


So that does help with the laying around feeling like I can't do anything.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 10, 2013
Alright so this field report is a bit different from most of yours. I wasn't trying to get laid (although it would have been nice...)

But I was trying to make connections on campus. And I think I succeeded. Also, there isn't much dialogue and exact interactions unfortunately because I don't remember much of the exact things I said.
I'm at a new student thing (actually early on campus, everyone else moves in in a few days), and was mingling with the others who were here early at some pizza thing in the student center. Everyone is basically wandering around looking lost, and introducing themselves. It went something like:
Byron: Hey guys, I'm Byron. Where are you all from (going around the circle asking for names etc.)
Them: Oh hey we are from here and here.
Byron: You all must be so tired (some had just gotten off the plane and were like swaying)
Them: Yeah, we are so and so and so from here and here and here
At one point we started talking about this event that a girl (we'll call her Isobel) in another group had a shirt from, and I had been to. So I just yell:
Byron: Hey you, in the shirt! Come over here!
*she doesn't come and looks confused/weirded out, so I walk over*
Byron: Hey, I'm Josh.
Isobel: Oh hey, I'm Isobel!
Byron: Come over here please
*She follows*
And we talk about the event etc.

Oh and I also forgot to put on the new student nametag thing. It was in my pocket.

So I start just walking around saying, "Hey guys" really casually, getting names, explaining where I'm from (which is a pain in the ass, because I've lived several places), and opening everyone I see. Literally talked to everyone there.

Now, because of me not wearing the nametag, everyone assumes I was an upperclassmen. I explain that I'm not, eventually, after having been treated as one for a bit, which was a nice boost in prestige. I keep opening people walking around getting involved in convos and I meet some older students who had stayed in town (in a house off campus) for the summer. I started joking about the music with them and then deep dove about music and what they do (one girl, we will call her Ashley, was DJing). Oh and Ashley was wearing a strapless bra and overalls, that's it, and had a curvy as hell body underneath (my personal weakness).
Then some arab guys rolled in. They were pretty fucking smooth, and got everyone going a bit higher energy. High energy dance floor stuff isn't my thing, except when I'm drunk. So I go to the DJ booth.
The arab guy there doesn't like me, because I've been telling people I'm from the region (which is true) and I don't speak one word of arabic. My counselor is rocking away, and he's a pretty high-energy but sprezzatura'd guy, so I start talking about that. Ashley comes over and teases me for not dancing. I say, I only dance when I'm drunk.

Her eyes light up
And Im going to cut to the interesting part of the story. She invites me to her off-campus party house later.

So I end up chilling with these older kids, talking about music during the pizza thing, and then we head out to the party house.

We get in and its a fucking mess. Food laying everywhere, lighters galore, a hookah and three or four bongs, rats in the basement. It was beautiful. I sit down, trying to channel my inner Damon or Oberyn (I'm pretty shy, it's a sticking point, so despite walking around introducing myself to everyone I was trying to go more smooth and lowkey). A few girls come and go, it's still pretty early. We talk. Ashley smiles at me a lot, and the guy with her (let's call him James) and I talked a bit. I deep dove them a bit, talking about majors and college and just life. A few more guys came around, one of which was tall and had a really deep voice and beard, pretty good fundamentals, but really quiet. The other guy was loud as fuck and very edgy.
They hung out for a bit and when they left, Ashley told me that the only time she ever saw the tall guy was with some girl, that she understands being a player but he takes it wayyy too far.

Sounded like a really good natural to me. Someone to watch and learn from.

Then we decide to head to another, bigger party house. Keep in mind, there are very very few students around, the official move-in hasn't happened.

The other two guys are there too, my counselor eventually joins as well, and a few more girls who live in the other house come out, as well as the arab guys. We all sit around, I'm pretty quiet in the beginning but end up talking about stuff as the hookah goes round. Ashley flirts with Mr. Natural, and I saw an excellent example of chase framing from him, something about her constantly looking at him, then she turns to me and says "he's such a fuckboy" and then turns back to him, smirks and moves closer.

I sit by the arab guy who didn't like me, and deep dive him, show off a bit of my cultural knowledge and talk about how he doesn't actually consider himself muslim, but was raised that way, etc etc. You get the schtick.

Later I go do shots with the other freshman there, a black girl from Jamaica who was cute but not my type.

Then we head back to the first party house, some town guys come around, bring more booze, and then I go sit and talk about life in college on the roof with James and Ashley. Some guy from another college is there and tells me off for passing around his alcohol, but the other people there offer to buy me stuff (they are all juniors and seniors and most are 21-23).

Then we walk home and I pass out on my bed, and wake up five hours later.

Today hasn't gone so well, all the people at the party were gone working, and I was doing orientation shit on four hours sleep and a hangover. Been told I look at people weirdly and my conversations are a little stilted.

Got this text from my counselor (who I think is still unsure of me), while typing this up actually.

Him:Coming to bank and target? (this was a trip for freshman to get stuff, I had already gotten everything and was staying behind to type this up and get some rest before tonight).

Byron:nah I wasn't planning on it, sorry for not telling you

Him:It's ok man.
Should I let you know if we chill out in a bar tonight?

Byron:yeah that'd be great

Him: Mhmm

Byron: do you want my number or just on here? (we were on facebook)

aaaand he never responded. So we shall see how that goes. *update, we're on for tonight*

Some notes:
1. I think I'm coming across as very tryhard right now, and need to dial back, but I still wanna be invited everywhere.
2. Talking to everyone is great. It's how I got invited to the party and met all these people. There are two flaws I see in this right now though:
I. I'm trying for a chill vibe, it's a small school and I'm not socially aware enough to pull off loud and vibrant, so talking to everyone might be coming across as incongruent.
II. I'm trying to make friends with everyone right now, so I can figure out who I wanna befriend etc and have connections (again, it worked to get me to being the only freshman at a house party), but I'm going back and forth way too much, and have only a few closer friends in the freshman who have arrived so far, while everyone else is grouping up, although almost everyone recognizes me right now at least. But yeah way too much social butterfly.

So yeah, I'm now on my second day of college. :) Not exactly a field report but I wanted to let you guys know how things were going, and advice on how to be more calibrated and less tryhard would be much appreciated.
posted this in FRs and now posting in journal to track progress
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers