Hi pks391,
It all depends on how important religion is for you. If religion is very important to you and you believe that God will punish you for sleeping with many women and having premarital sex, and that having sex with women is a sin, you may have lots of internal conflicts.
You will be basically actively trying to do seduction/sleep with women, while at the same time believing that you will be punished by this behavior by God. Do you go out and steal things if you know that you will go to jail? Probably not, you want to avoid being punished.
So that is no good, there is a potential for high conflict, lots of guilt and shame, lots of suppression, denial, high anxiety, possible rebellion against your religion and so forth...
We cannot help you with solving issues with your religion, you believe what you believe.
With that being said, there are lots of distorted views in many religions. Some radicals believe that killing innocent people will get them to heavens. Some believe that their God is better than any other God, and that their God is the only one to believe. Some believe that God is very strict and punishing, yet others that God is loving and forgiving.
Who is right and who is wrong? I have no clue. To me it is just a matter of BELIEF, and belief as such is based on what were you thought, how were you raised, what your parents and society believes in...
Religion and believe in God is very sensitive issue. People are willing to kill because of their convictions/believes even today.
So with that being said, IMO Religion and God are two different things. You don't have to be religious to believe in God. You don't have to worship God on Sundays at church only, if you believe that God exists you can simply worship him everywhere you go, any day and any time. IMO, we don't know if God exists or not, it is a matter of Belief, personal conviction.
There are no facts that would prove or disprove God, everything that is presented as fact can be interpreted differently: For example, One believer can say that God created Earth and the whole Universe. Scientist can claim that Evolution exists because we have fossil records and DNA/Carbon dating analysis proving that Evolution is true, and thus it is disproving God. Another believer can however say that God exists and Evolution is only a way he created Earth/Life...
So who is right? Again, it is only a matter of personal interpretation and believe of that individual... Just because X billions of people believe in God doesn't really prove His/Her existence, and just because scientists start to understand Evolution and how our Universe was created doesn't really disprove God in any way...
So we don't know whether God exists or not, it is a matter of belief. But, at the same time, we know that Religion was created by people. Different people, different cultures, different believes, different ceremonies, different worshiping and behavior of people...
So religion has good and bad aspect in it. Some good things on religion are for example emphasizing of higher morals, respecting neighbors, feeding poor people, showing forgiveness and tolerance to strangers and so forth. This in essence shows sort of Love, and there is lots of good religious people.
At the same time religions also contains lots of bad things: Suppression of natural desires, lots of wars in the name of God, strict rules (abortions, sex after marriage), gay rights, women rights,... So religion can also generates lots of Hate, e.g. if one is a gay and unbeliever he or she has hard time understanding why religious people do what they do... Thus there is also a lot of rebellion towards religion, even from people who believe in God because they just don't see any point in Religious worshiping.
Religion also creates lots of perversion, lots of unhealthy views on sex, and it is all because of suppressing natural desire for other sex. I mean, the guy wants to achieve some sort of sainthood, he gives up on women because he is a Nice Guy and thus is rejected by women he wants, so he goes and becomes a priest - and next thing you know is that he is molesting innocent children, and the whole church establishment covers it. Seriously?
Just couple of days ago, I read something from religious person in sense that only those who gave up on desire for women can go to Heavens. The others have no chance, because they are not pure yet. Really? It just pisses me off, because I love women, I don't see anything wrong with having a great relationship with them. So the logic is: if there is a God and he created us humans, and if one human loves another humans and tries to express the love in a healthy way - he will go to hell because of that love. Yet the other guy, who is avoiding women and any topic on sex, will go to Heavens because he is pure. It just doesn't make any sense to me, it is just aggravating to even listen to what nonsense people worship their own heads...
So each Religion is only as good as its members make it...
I would recommend moderate approach, simply know that some religious believes are quite unhealthy even today. You probably don't want to beat yourself up because you love girls and want to have intimate relationships with them. IMO you don't have to fear God for loving his creation, women. You don't want to believe that you will burn in Hell just because you had sex before you marry that girl, it is IMO silly as marriage is also a creation of man. Know that it is year 2015 and not 1515, thus you probably want to express yourself in more healthier way then people who are stuck with everlasting punishment because are terrified by Sin of having sex with woman. Chances are, that people who are telling you that you will go to Hell because of your sins are exactly like you - they never saw God either, they only heard or read about him. They only heard what sins are, and they never even thought why Sin is considered Sin at first place. Chances are they that believe because they were raised in that religion and so on... Chances are, that they also desire opposite sex, thus if you go to Hell you will at least have a great company, LOL. At the same time, avoiding e.g. girls that are taken/married is not a bad idea either, if nothing else it shows respect to other men and it shows good morals as well...
But again, who am I to judge. The least thing I want is to bring some furious beast with ten horns and seven heads, spiting flames and burning every soul in dust upon you...