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You're probably texting me just to fuck


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
Hey guys, I've been noticing some strange pattern in the girls I managed to pull.

It basically goes something like this:
- I meet the girl, she shows a lot of IOIs
- we end up fucking relatively quickly (on the first date for both, up to 1- 2 weeks of meeting her)
- I either find someone else or lose interest and stop texting her
- some time passes and I just send a simple message
- the girl says something like "You're probably texting me just to fuck"

I don't really know if this is some form of auto-rejection or if I'm being too obvious with my intentions. I might also not be showing too much attainability but just as a side note, one of these chicks stood me up twice and I still agreed to a 3rd date (made her come to a park about 3 squares from my house instead of her initial 2 places).

Has this happened to any of you?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 10, 2017
Not auto-rejection, but doubts.
I would try: "Was just remembering how great the sex was!"
She knows you are texting for sex, make it seem she was special.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
Question: What's your goal with these girls?

I ask because if you're just trying to bang, and they say "you're just trying to bang", then why not be honest with them? If you're only in it for sex, then them stopping talking to you because you want sex means there is compatibility issues. On the other hand, if you want more from these girls, then why also not be honest with them?

I feel like being honest with them at this point might make your life easier if you're looking for reciprocation and similar interests. If they fall off because they don't like what you authentically want, then find another girl that does?
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers