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She can be above all human laws

But she can never be above the laws of woman nature

Who she really is deep down doesn't change

There is a point of diminishing returns once you get good

A point where you never have to bother racking your brain up to come up with new tactics or strategies on how to get her

Certainly you can but you don't need to
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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
In essence, once you have mastered how to "manipulate'' (lol) her brain and seen the effect on her, you can be damn sure she'll behave the same way again and again and again
Get close to those you most admire

And discover a being with human flaws

You can become whoever you want to be

Once you quit idolizing

I promise
For those beating themselves up,

Get this:

3 years from now...5 yrs...10,

It won't matter a flying fig whether you got rejected on your first approach,

Or you couldn't get that girl Penny out.

Nor would it matter how bad you wanted to make things right with Cathy ...once you messed things up

What would matter is what stuck with you

Is it the lesson(s) or the experience?
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Fun fact: the loser effect and forehead slaps vanish and all you're left with are lessons

You may not get it(them?) from a single experience

But the patterns from all your fuck-ups are your lessons

Pattern recognition is truly a sign of genius

And hey if you're still feeling like shit and loser-y,years down the line ...one thing is for certain

-You just don't get it
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There's a kind of indifference that every guy that's been down the block embodies

And most importantly, during the escalation to sex

He doesn't get bitter when she's resisting his escalation attempts

Nor does he plead with her to put out like every needy guy she's been with before

He remains his normal self whether he gets the lay or not

And if he doesn't get the lay ,that's ok

No skin off his nose
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
At no point , though,does his investment in her increase( if he doesn't get the lay)

He isn't bitter , remember...just indifferent

His investment is lower relative to hers just like in the beginning

If hers drop,his drops too

Some part of him is still interested but he isn't chasing

And that's attractive to her

He still stands a chance(hate putting it this way) of getting her
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Most guys lose it when they don't get the lay because they get chasey

It doesn't matter if she was chasing him all along

Once you flip the script, it's mostly over

She doesn't have to be chasing as much like she was before

But she should feel it within her that it doesn't bother you

And that she's still invested in the courtship
Here's my geeky gaming analogy for seduction:
Gambits are magic spells, fundamentals are core stats.

Gambits are powerful tools that can turn the tide of the battle (seduction). However they are situational, must be transitioned into carefully, and can only be used once.

Fundamentals, on the other hand, are your core stats that will carry you through all seductions. By leveling them up, you become stronger overall.
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Atlas IV
Atlas IV
Fundamentals should obviously be your main priority. But gambits are useful too, and I think every skilled seducer should have at least two or three memorized and ready to deploy.
Hello @Marcellus this is Hunter O I can't answer on the thread I posted since I lost my phone but what if I can't get proximity since we are on a recess break and I won't be able to see the girl for a while I'm talking about the relationship thread you answered in
read that article i posted on the thread then go meet some new girls in the meantime. meet more girls and whenever she's back you can try one more time
Hunter O-2
Thanks Marcellus 🤝
Everyone,when starting out, is out for that magic secret that will land him chicks easily and faster

We always think that we can magically skip to the good part and avoid the bad one

But Father Experience teaches you that easy and fast seductions are built on the back of 100s of little "nothings"

It looks superhuman ,from the outside , and sort of a magic potion that wannabes could drink from ...
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
And presto they are great and at the top of their game

But from the inside,for the experienced mind, it's 15-30 items that move the needle forward 5-10% each

It's a combination of tactics,techniques , mindset(s) ...name it, that gets anyone to do it that fast

In the beginning,all these don't seem to count

By themselves they may seem nothing to some
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Put all them together and you've solved the puzzle

You've got your magic secret

And once you get to that point ,you can do it as easily and as fast as you want
She's not off the hook for being a girl

I have every reason to challenge her ,screen her and find out whether she's worth my time

I don't care how pampering,how doting ,how "whatever"...other suitors may be with her

With me , she's off the pedestal and put to the test

She gets me if she's up to the test

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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Just having this running in the back of your brain affords you sleeving aces

Just going through the comments shows how most guys take what chicks say at face value


Throughout your seduction career,you are better served expecting women to resist at one point or another in the interaction

This way you won't be fazed whether she resists or faux-resists
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
No" doesn't always mean no if you know what you are doing

Idc how good you are,how sexy ,how many sexual frames you've set...it pays to expect it

Best ,this go a long way to help you combat it before hitting the bedroom or wherever you're closing at

Regardless,it's not over until it's inside

I'd learn how to combat it in the bedroom too
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
If you think of women as mean or nasty or that they like to play games(just because you couldn't get them) then I guarantee it ,you are looking at this woman thing all wrong

It's in her nature to second guess whatever she is about to do especially with a stranger

Approach it this way and all the naivete and head scratching fades away
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Dudes hit on chicks with no process

No model to follow and still expect to get them

Tough luck

The best guys have a model and process they adhere to most of the time making their own luck in the process(no pun intended)

You just can't ramp up attraction with chicks while relying on what others with little or zero experience with chicks say
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Learn a model or process structure from someone who has been down the road of wherever you want to get to ,if you want to succeed

If I've seen any success ,it's by standing on the shoulders of giants
1000 times out of 1000 ,the guy that has got his body,vocal and social fundies down will beat the guy that has got fashion fundamentals handled alone

Get all four handled and you have a leg over just about every guy out there

Any guy with a good handle on the social one is and will always be thought of as cool
Hey man!

Saw your in Toronto for a few weeks, and your down to wing each other

I'd be down for Friday the 26th if your down
yeah I’m ok. i do mostly Daygame though. do you have Telegram?