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Once you get good with girls, closing things out is a matter of where

Cause then you've got the how part handled

Overcome hoops that'll stop you from ending together with them

Plan things to lead to a secluded place where you two can be alone

And watch the no of girls it goes somewhere with skyrocket
It is great to knock everything you do out of the park

It makes you feel better that you are that good at it

But what do you do when nothing is going your way

What does it feel like when things don't turn up as you expected?

Your ego is threatened

You question if you really got it or you lost it all

Things don't have to be this way tho

You can get to a level where it doesn't bother you any how things go
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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
How do you get there tho?

By making peace with the fact that you won't get it right 10 times out of 10

Striving to get there gives you every reason to stick at it and get even better that you don't get complacent

But "coming" into acceptance gives you every reason to muck it up that you get an opportunity...heck a chance to do it even better next time
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Don't deny yourself those opportunities

Cause hey it gets even better with time
Hey man, i got your name from bacchus he said you’d have the nextASF files can you please share them with me? I’d be very grateful
She's not special

I'm not special

But I know my value


Girls tell you a lot of what they think of you by the way they treat you

If it's rare ,she won't treat it like it's a regular

I guarantee it
Being a genuine man isn't being walked over

You still have that asshole side to you ...only that you have chained it

And trust me,if you are doing it right girls won't dare "use" you

Or not take you seriously

As they do with nice guys

They easily pick up on that "fire" burning within you 9/10

A scoundrel with a heart of gold

If you know what I mean
You should strive to maximize your game every waking day

The number of chicks out there in autopilot mode is innumerable...lol

Good game gets you flipping the script on them

Cause trust me most chicks are better at playing the game than most guys are

They challenge your thinking...they take things backwards ...just about anything not conducive for seduction,a chick will do
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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Exceptions exist of course ... regardless you should always come out on top

You are the captain in control of the ship

She has every reason to be skeptical of you

She has every reason to question where the ship is headed

She has every reason to have second thoughts

Great game puts this worries away most of the time

Get it and see it for yourself
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Things are fun for you two when she is in uncharted territory with you

You call the shots
Hey man in one of your posts you said: It's about learning attractive mannerisms and fun to be around but not a clown. Do you know anyplace I can find that target these things like directly improve them/if so/or how to?
it's good to see all chicks you've approached bombarding you with texts

You are getting results, right?

But guess what happens when they don't

You are left down low

You are best served with "one for today" kind of mindset
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
It isn’t I should get that one girl Sarah or Jenny out

It’s get one girl out today

It’s get one girl to my place today

It’s get one girl to bed today

And if you dont, it doesn’t matter

You stick to it regardless

Sooner or later you’ll get a girl who will go along with you

To a different venue

To your place

To bed too
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Trust me ….you won’t be beating yourself up as much as you would have if you tried to get everything right with all of them

And of course , “ today’ depends on your skill level…might as well replace it with this week or this month if you are getting your feet wet
You are only ever jealous of what your FwB is doing with other guys if you aren't shagging other chicks yourself

Shag other chicks and see how carefree you become
Guys get stuck moving slow because they are afraid of losing the gal

Yet getting girls is all about that:being willing to lose her

This doesn't mean move fast and fumble things up

It just means doing the right things that need to be done to get her but still making peace with the fact she may not go along with the plan.

Fun fact: the better you get at doing things right,the more they'll go along with the plan
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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Matters little if you guys just met

See, most of seduction isn't talk,talk and even more talk

Nor is it dates,dates and even more dates to get her "ready"

Most of seduction is action,action and even more action that gets things moving forward

Moving too slow? You aren't taking enough action
In 3 years and 8 Months i would have racked up at least 100 knotches (End of 2027)
would have, brah!
3 down, 97 to go.
Any tips would be well appreciated.
Girls who play dumb even when you talk simply and clearly are most of the time stringing you along


It's good to see how far you can go with challenging girls but make sure the juice is worth the squeeze when you do

If you are spinning your wheels

If you are tangled up in draining emotions trying to make something happen

Trust me ...It ain't
Most chicks will string you along if they pick up you are that hard up for them

If you don't feel you are giving her a chance deep within you or may walk away at a moment's notice

You are doing it all wrong
It always pays to meet more women

If you are stuck gaming one chick, trust me 9 times out of ten you'll chase her when she slows things down

You have different agendas

And whichever party wants things progressing is the chasing one, obviously

Women can easily pick on a carefreeness aura when you are meeting more women

That doesn't necessarily mean they'll make it easier for you
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
You'll need to be exceptional for that

And if you are exceptional enough that you move fast with Mary

Would it matter if Jane is playing games?

Hardly, right?

She is quickly forgotten as you consistently meet women who will go for it faster with you.

Would it matter if she never gets back to you?

Heck no...you are enjoying other women already to even care
Even with good game,you won't get some girls

Heck,you can be socially savvy for her yet for whatever reason she wouldn't like things progressing with you

Does that mean your game is subpar?

Chances are... but at advanced levels,it ain't

Do you lose your value especially if you are a cool dude?

Hell no

You still retain your universal value that appeals to most ,either way

Go find women who will appreciate it