Once you get good with girls, closing things out is a matter of where
Cause then you've got the how part handled
Overcome hoops that'll stop you from ending together with them
Plan things to lead to a secluded place where you two can be alone
And watch the no of girls it goes somewhere with skyrocket
Cause then you've got the how part handled
Overcome hoops that'll stop you from ending together with them
Plan things to lead to a secluded place where you two can be alone
And watch the no of girls it goes somewhere with skyrocket
By making peace with the fact that you won't get it right 10 times out of 10
Striving to get there gives you every reason to stick at it and get even better that you don't get complacent
But "coming" into acceptance gives you every reason to muck it up that you get an opportunity...heck a chance to do it even better next time