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A good seducer is one who has embraced lots of uncertainty

Yet reducing uncertainty and lots of mistakes in your seductions...comes down to having a solid process that gets you girls.

Without it, you are just taking risks while shooting in the dark.

A reason most people quit early

Can't stand the losses in a row
Once you get advanced you realize how much sex you left on the table by not going for it on the first date.

All things being equal, girls are often ready than you realize.

You just have to run the seduction towards that end
Moving slow doesn't mean just that "moving slow"...oftentimes moving slow may mean getting her all aroused and not going in for the kill.

Whether be it she's yet to signal you or you think building trust over a series of dates will get her spreading her legs for you , you're wrong.

If you aren't taking her to bed today, don't be too sexy or go all sex talk-y on her.

Finish what you start
Ultimate hack to being a smooth dude is never getting excited on the way up

See dudes lose their head when they taste a lil victory

Refuckinglax. Lol

Can still get big Ws and have a flat face

Of note: nothing against wins
While you’re obsessed with how you phrase things and how you look

There’s dudes out there getting everything you want doing it as ugly as possible

As much as self-monitoring is great ...don't take it to the extreme*wink*
Used to think the zero fucks given attitude was the peak

It’s not. The “why not me” attitude is

Most people have no clue how “human” their idols are

How imperfect they are-same struggles as everyone else

They just think if they stay lower than everyone else they won’t get hit

Good luck...
Each type of women has their own patterns of vulnerability you can use to influence them. It’s like a loophole to exploit them into sex.

Women will slip up OR willingly provide you with their vulnerabilities…and as you escalate to the point of no return...there’s nothing they can do to stop it
Now with these girls, start to contrast yourself against other social crowds, and it will hit them like a brick. This is a weakness of theirs. They'll commonly start to bring up self-importance and meaning right after...which is another vulnerability of theirs... that you can use to influence them further towards sex.
can you illustrate this phenomenon in action? This seems like a valuable insight but I'm not quite following it in a way where I feel I can apply it.
@StrayDog Bacchus LRs illustrate this phenomenon in action quite well
two states women love:

1. bring energy to ground + increase environmental awareness + become gracious

2. fill up on sense of awareness about emotional well being
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guess what. i figured out how to adjust the energy in my body to attract different types of women
The other day while i had higher energy in my head, I attracted a girl who had this same balance. We hit it off right away and she was ready to be pulled within a few minutes...because we were on the same metaphysical and verbal wavelength
interesting, when you mentioned chakras, do you mean that you move this energy in a way similar to guided meditation (for example full body scan)?
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