Does anyone have a good advanced technique to seduce girls that are in your social clircle who are long time friends (but not necessarily close ones)?
I'm thinking specifically of a couple of female friends who I know from college (over 10 years).
I see them often at gatherings with our common...
So yesterday I went out solo, since my "wing" was doing something else (two weeks ago we went out and I approached 2 girls and made out with both, but nothing else came from it, still it felt good to "be back", last week we went to the same bar and the police shut it down like as we arrived...
Hey so I've recently went back to college to finish my degree. I'm a senior so I only have 1 year left.
The thing is, I don't have time to slow game and build a huge social circle, yet cold approach doesn't really work at college (from my experience). Most girls care about their reputations and...
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to re-coup my social prowess, and I realised that I'm really not a part of a lot of social circles. I used to be part of a big one that provided me with plenty of social momentum and opportunities to go out, but because of some weird circumstances I decided to take a...
Hey guys,
Greetings from Bangalore, India.
I've been out and about since December 2019 (excluding 6 months when we had the two lockdowns), approaching and getting better. Since then, I've racked a total of 18 lays (7 from day game, 11 from apps).
At this point, I'm not even close to...
I have been meaning to ask this for about a month but my lazy ass kept putting this off
and before i start - sorry , i couldn't approach any girls because the campus administration has been a bitch in letting us go out
we are not allowed to go out at all , unless there's a serious reason (...
Hello, everyone.
There are several articles on GirlsChase that teach us how to be a leader, how to be an alpha male, how to be the heart of a party, how to make sure everyone in the group has fun, etc. So, my question is should we always strive to become the leader or alpha male in any type of...
Howzit all, hope you're doing well. So there's this girl in our social circle that broke up with her boyfriend in the last week. She is hot af, that typical instagram girl with thousands of followers. I know her pretty well - we have good banter with one another and there's been a few sexually...
Went to therapist and they didn’t offer any advice so I’m posting this here
I’m 20 and feel stupid for only talking 1-2 females from ages 14-19. Now I’m 20 with no sexual experience, no party experience and very little social experience. How am I supposed to be good at sex with no experience at...
Everybody has their own social group and everybody knows everybody type of thing. When I meet new people, they don’t mind me interacting with them but than they say goodbye with no interest in meeting up with me again. I feel like such an outsider
How do I start social media from scratch? I have little to no friends. No social/partying/pickup friends. How do I start from scratch. Where do I find friends who go to parties and how I find the best parties, the most attractive friends and people to do pickup with and etc?
What about social...
I have been guilty of poking the bear.
Poking the bear, is normal.....
But i was doing this unconsciously and i was pretty good at getting high level people to give me more than i deserve.
Chase 'dressing down' of a certain forum member inspires me to help everyone who faced this problem.