+ direct
F: where you from? You look like your from korea
F: my name is F, whats your name?
+ I felt this girl wasn't interested from her reaction towards me. So I backed away a bit. She wasn't pretty at all, when I spot a girl, I open quickly to not get into my head. She was quite ugly actually lol. Maybe a Hb4 or 5. I got blown out a lot so decided to practice my self amusement on her, at this moment I was opened to socialising with anyone because of the blow outs.
+ I believe 5 or 6 minutes in, I invaded her personal space and she didn't back away lol. I was scared to escalate on her because I really didn't want to haha. I still wanted to have fun with this.
HB: May
F: May is not a Korean name
HB: it's an English name
+ she gave one worded answers, I felt she think I looked dodgy or wanted something from her. We where outside gap where the entrance door was. The gap employees where looking at us. I wanted to move her to one side but she decided to stay and plant her feet.
+ Next time don't worry about the staff members looking at you, pretend they are not there. If they don't want you to block the entrance, they will tell you.
F: you look like a tourist, you look like a traveller or something
HB: yeah
F: is it, do you like it in the UK?
HB: yeah
+ she has a professional camera
F: what are you taking pictures of? landscape or haha
+ I kept plowing and plowing even though she gave me one word answers
HB: now?
+ still confused why I was chatting her up. I guess no one chats her up and that's why it confused her.
F: yeah are you travelling or something?
HB: yeah, just travelling
F: why is you English very good
HB: err no
F: hahaha so have you been to central london?
HB: maybe, I don't know which is central
F: this is Central London, how long are you staying for in the Uk?
F: can we stand over here
+ I move her to the side, good
HB: I think I have to go now
F: oh, you have to go but your English is very good
HB: thank you
F: so have you been learning English in Korea?
HB: I'm studying in Malta
F: where is that
HB: it's a small Island near Italy. It's below Italy on the map
F: how long are you staying in Uk for?
HB: an other 3 days
F: so an other 3 days and bye bye
HB: I like it but have to go to other countries
F: your English is good, do they speak English in Malta?
NOTE: I think I wasn't expecting anything from the conversation, so I was able to plow. I just wanted a conversation.
F: you look like a photographer, do you study photography or something
HB: no, I just study Chinese language
+ I speak to her in Chinese but she couldn't understand it
F: are you the oldest in the family
HB: yes
F: so your the strong one, the one that strangles him
HB: maybe
F: slap him around abit. If he is naughty sphh spphhh ( slapping hnad movement)
HB: no
F: haha what does your brother do then?
HB: He is in the army
F: the army?
F: In Korea, you have to be in the army?
HB: when your 20, you have to join the army, it's your duty
F: I think it's the same in Taiwan
F: your so lucky, you don't have to join the army

why you so lucky
HB: I don't know because I'm a woman
F: I'm a women but you can say, no, i'm a man. look how big I am
HB: I think in future it will change
F: nah, it's better to not have women out there but do you not want to go?
HB: yeah i want to go
F: then why you didn't put your hand up and say, I want to go
HB: you can not
F: really, they are very sexist
F: you should tell your prime minister, your very sexist, you can't be like that, you should give woman a chance to go into the army
F: what do you do for fun then, apart from chatting to men
HB: where are you going to
F: basically i finished dim sum with my friend, and then I came out here to do some shopping, then i saw you and thought, you kind of look cute
HB: okay thank you but I think I have to go now
F: really why so quick.
HB: because I'm a traveller and not have so much time.
F: how do you say bye bye in Korean
HB: onion
F: onion. i thought that was hello
HB: it's hello and good bye
F: so have you been to Big Ben and London Eye
NOTE: good change the thread an continue. Something you did really well was, you knew she wanted to travel more and you recommended more places for her to visit. If there is a place, she has not visit before, she will see value in that.
F: how about Greenwich, you should definitely go, you have 3 more days and I recommend Greenwich
HB: Greenwich
F: I also recommend Primrose hill
HB: I been there
F: you can go back to Korea and become an English Teacher. Your English is very good
HB: ah no
HB: I saw there is a toy shop with harry porter
F: you like harry porter
HB: yeah
F: you should get a scar on the forehead or a tattoo on your head. You can be like harry, you can be special like him.
HB: no
F: then you can get harry porter hair. Do you like Daniel Radcliffe
HB: Yes I like him
F: he is your dream man, you want him to be your husband. He is still single, do you know that. I got his number, you can call him and
F: hello Harry, nice meeting you, I'm a big fan of yours
HB: I don't want
F: I'm kidding. British humour
HB: haha British humour
NOTE: you can learn a lot of thing from girls you have no interest in. You can ask them to break things down for you. This will help with other girls in the future
F: what other parts of Korea are there apart from Soul
HB: Buzan
F: I heard of Buzan, whats that like
HB: blah blah
F: there is a zombie movie in Buzan
F: blah blah
F: they are combining Zombie move with history
HB: Kingdom tv drama
F: do you have any tattoos, you look like you have tattoos
HB: no I don't have
F: you look like a bad girl
F: I should take you to a tattoo parlour and get you a tattoo
NOTE: I now have the ability to plow. I love the fact, she only gave one worded answers and i only focused on pressing my own self amusement buttons. It's like i didn't care about how she felt and focused on my own mood. I chatted with her for 18 minutes even though she wanted to leave a few times, i was able to keep the conversation going.