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30 days no masterbation challenge.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 10, 2016

I wasn't looking for Love at First Sight, and I think not looking is a requirement for it to happen, but I was ridiculously horny for only being 3 days off and in hunter mode, and out pops this girl who is exactly my type. It's uncanny.

Never personally had that happen (for me, a strong attraction like that takes a while to build), but I know when a girl I really like pops up after being gone for a while, something similar happens. Nowadays I just don't let them in my head. Bitches like that be cancerous.

This has actually been going alright so far. I wanted to do this because last week I tried to get with this girl and was having a lot of trouble keeping it up. I blamed it on porn and jacking it, so I figured this would be a good reason to stop. Haven't even had the urge; I will admit it's a lot easier to quit when you know sex is on the table, but I guess like Chase said:
You can train your brain to find porn boring (because you never masturbate to it) and real women exciting (because you imagine having sex with them when you see them, when you masturbate, and eventually you start having real sex with them, too) instead.
And after I decided to quit, I met up with her again after a few days and the sex was way better. The real trial will be after we stop seeing each other, if I can keep going even if I'm not having sex.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 8, 2016
I'm amazed seeing you guys doing this with me, didn't see it coming.

So, I'm not the only one who can't control it.

My progression is like this - I controlled it for like 5 days or more .....than fapped . So today is the third day.

Let's keep controlling guys ;).


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Quick update- have stayed strong since 4/28. Have three dates and a party lined up for the week. Shouldn't be too hard to keep it up
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 1, 2015
Hey Kent,

I'll join aswell in this challenge.

Im on day 4 on no fap since May 2.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 8, 2016
Quick announcement : Anyone who wants to join are more than welcome. I've no problem at all.

Today is the 5th day.

Seeing few guys joining this gives me the competition to complete it before anyone can. It's like I wanna win ;)

Tell you what......when I was virgin back in 2015, I lost my virginity not because I wanted to.....but because I was under pressure plus it was competitive. I had only one last night left with her before I had to leave.

So .....I hope I might complete it this time.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 10, 2016
Congrats to everyone else joining in.

I broke my streak yesterday. Two weeks, and it had been a few days since last getting laid. I don't remember what it was but something turned me on, I was home alone, and I didn't get my mind off of it. I remember feeling bad. Not guilty or even ashamed really, just weaker. Like some force that made me feel confident and attractive slowly ebbing away. The release wasn't even worth it, all I wanted to do after that was fuck a girl for real and get it back. Today I did and I feel a little better.

So I'm gonna restart it as of 05/05. Hope you're all sticking with it too. Cheers.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

Still strong since 4/28. Been pretty damn horny lately. Today wasn't bad though. Helps having girls come over, but my logistics are so bad this happens twice a week max. Not fun having a guard dog father.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
So I did a lot of thinking, and I came to this conclusion: Porn is the real enemy. I discovered porn at 9 years old, and started masturbating to it at 12. Back then I didn't have nearly the same access to the internet as I do now, so when I wanked it usually wasn't with porn. I also spent most of middle school with a boner, despite wanking on average 3-4 times a day (not exagerrating).

When I got my first smart phone in high school, I started using porn a lot more. Virtually every time. I have come to believe that this had a huge negative impact on me in many, many ways, not limited to girls or socializing. I'm half convinced that I could have ended high school with a 4.5 and been a top recruited footballer, along with getting a girlfriend earlier on. Hell, if I hadn't been watching porn I could have dodged the Hell on Earth that was February 2015, and the many months of disarray following it. Of course I may never have found Girlschase...

I have tried to quit porn on many occasions, but this time around I am resolute on not looking at porn or anything close to it for an entire year. No excuses, no compromises, nothing. This article was the last straw for me: http://naughtynomad.com/2013/07/16/a-year-without-porn/

First day: May 27th

Life is going to be sooo different, I can already tell.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
Hey guys, so how are you doing?
I kinda stumbled upon this thread. For me, past 3 or 4 weeks I masturbated about once a week,partly because I am busy and at the end of the day I did not feel like it.
Today is my day 8.

Anyways, about porn, I have to agree that shit is the devil. I always had low libido, pqrtly because depression, partly because of a traumatic experience in childhood. Now, at 8th day I feel tension but I dont get erections, a little bit of precum just leaks out. So I guess I need to go longer than you guys. The longest I went without jerking it was 18 days and I felt kinda bad after doing it. Btw. if I were to have sex with a girl, would I have to start counting again?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 10, 2016

I gave in so many times I forgot I was even doing this. Recently started again a couple days ago after discontent hit me like a hurricane and it's been okay so far. It's super easy to get down on yourself for slipping up, but keep trying. You only really fail when you quit trying. It is a challenge after all.

I've noticed the libido thing too. Having easy access to stimulation makes it really easy to turn yourself on with that at will, so going cold turkey can make it hard to get aroused otherwise for a little bit. Give it a few weeks and a couple lays, you should be fine.

As for sex, that's different. The whole point of this - for most of us - is to retrain our minds to focus on sex and not something convenient, like porn or jacking it in the shower. Also, this is a lot easier when you've got a girl or two to fuck.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Haven't even looked at porn of any form since May 27th. This is the longest I've gone probably ever. I don't plan on ever going back.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
I'm joining you guys as well. The longest I've gone with no masturbation is 2-3 weeks, but that was some time ago

I quit porn a month ago, and it doesn't seem like I will be getting back to it at all =) But I'm hornier than ever and been masturbating daily this week except today (Sunday). Let's see if I can do no masturbation for a month.

Day 1 complete