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A girl bringing a friend to the first 'meetup'?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 26, 2020
Basically, I met this girl while eating. She was a waitress and started talking/connecting. Long story short, we agreed to hang out and just visit some interesting spots around the country.

She recently messaged me saying we should meet up tomorrow, and she said 'I could also bring a friend'. I told her to bring her!! so we can all chill (Hopefully she's hot)

I just wanted to see what her position is. She's young but to me it seemed like she was a bit nervous to meet me so brining a friend with her would make her feel more comfortable.

Anyone experience the girl youre 'hanging out with' bringing a friend? What should i expect?

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Basically it's because she doesn't trust you or she double booked you. Nothing physical is going to happen. Welcome to the friendzone.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 24, 2019
Basically, I met this girl while eating. She was a waitress and started talking/connecting. Long story short, we agreed to hang out and just visit some interesting spots around the country.

She recently messaged me saying we should meet up tomorrow, and she said 'I could also bring a friend'. I told her to bring her!! so we can all chill (Hopefully she's hot)

I just wanted to see what her position is. She's young but to me it seemed like she was a bit nervous to meet me so brining a friend with her would make her feel more comfortable.

Anyone experience the girl youre 'hanging out with' bringing a friend? What should i expect?
Hit on the friend.

threesome opportunity- go for it!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 2, 2017
Hit on the friend.

threesome opportunity- go for it!

Yes, nothing to lose!

Flirt with both of them a little bit and see if you can get them competing for your attention.

Someone bringing a friend doesn't always mean you've been friendzoned or being double-booked. Looks like the case here, though. Especially since she planned it like that.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Basically, I met this girl while eating. She was a waitress and started talking/connecting. Long story short, we agreed to hang out and just visit some interesting spots around the country.

She recently messaged me saying we should meet up tomorrow, and she said 'I could also bring a friend'. I told her to bring her!! so we can all chill (Hopefully she's hot)

I just wanted to see what her position is. She's young but to me it seemed like she was a bit nervous to meet me so brining a friend with her would make her feel more comfortable.

Anyone experience the girl youre 'hanging out with' bringing a friend? What should i expect?

^ Seduction is a game of odds.... This is horrible odds... You should have said, no i rather meet you alone so i can get to know you better or i rather meet you one on one so i can get to know you better, usually when friends involve feels like an "audition"....

P.s. i will take any bets i know palmasailor got money, i will bet all the money i have that he won't get a 3 some...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
I had this happen before. Skills is right, this demolish the odds for banging the girl and sets a wrong frame. Maybe she's not comfortable with you, maybe she double booked, maybe they are just bored. you would have a higher chance of threesome by seducing this girl first and then bring her friend into the picture later.

Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
Message her back and ask her if she was hoping you'd offer to bring a friend/wing also to make up a 4 some - rebalances the odds and changes the frame


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Sometimes the girl does like you, but she is not sure about the social frame (hence she needs the opinion of the friend!)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
If she is bringing a friend is because she is afraid you will hit on her because she doesn’t feel ready for it.
You need to build more attraction and comfort.
In other words, you asked for a date too soon… but she is neither ready to let you go, so she is giving you a chance.

Bring a friend yourself and make it a double date.
If your friend knows what he is doing you will have a chance to come off as a cool guy and isolate her later in the date.

If you try to go solo, chances are the friend will not let you isolate your target and you will almost certainly be friendzoned.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
It is possible for this to work out if you go there alone... I know people who have done it where the friend ends up leaving at some point to give you privacy with the girl.

But there's a clear frame set from the beginning that you're interested in banging her and she's possibly interested in you, which I don't know if there is here or not.

Sometimes when I've approached girls, they weren't sure about why I was talking to them or wanting to meet up (is it friendship? is it romantic?), so they will try to figure it out by asking you stuff like that... "I could bring a friend?" and which if she says that, she's asking your permission, which is a good thing, she's treating you as the authority, the one in charge, and she's asking whether it's okay, which is a submissive position.

Like others said, it could also be a comfort thing or trying to set the friendship frame, which isn't the worst thing in the world. Lots of guys give the friendzone a lot of shit but I've done some amazing things from the friendzone because the girl tends to be more relaxed around you. I had a girl show up at my place with dinner on a day 2 earlier this year, which I don't think she would have ever done if we didn't come from the friendship frame.

I don't know what the interaction has been but it could be a "is this a friendship thing?" kind of a question. The only time I've ever done this where I let the girl bring a friend on the date, I recovered it by bringing a friend myself and isolating the girl. She was super disrespectful to me on the date so I ended it early and just walked.

We talked again and she tried to bring a friend for the second meeting and I made it clear that I just wanted to spend time with her or I wasn't interested in meeting at all, which worked.

Curious to hear how this goes!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
The only reason i don't like the Comfort theory is cause according to op this is what she SPECIFICALLY SAID:

'I could also bring a friend'.

^ could meaning she gave room for op to say yes or no.... op got greedy about the friend being "hotter" aka got greedy and fucked up by agreeing to a 2 friend meet...

Look how i handle things like this, done it a million times... When op agrees to thing like this also send the message, he is agreeable, vs a dude with bounderies.... Agreeable could delay sex cause nice guy territory vs a cool sexy guy, cool sexy guys have boundaries which in turn increases attraction....here is sample on how i handle this with a girl PRE-BANG:

Julie: Would you want to hang out in Pompano and go out to eat with another couple and then see if we’re good? 3:01 PM
Julie: Just cause we’ll be short on time 3:01 PM
Julie: If not it’s ok 3:01 PM
Me: when are you planning to come back 3:02 PM
Julie: What 3:02 PM
Me: when are you going to be home 3:02 PM
Julie: His flight just landed waiting for him to get off 3:03 PM
Julie: We can be alone it’s fine 3:04 PM
Me: I tell you what lets play it by ear, yeah i don’t do that double date stuff 3:04 PM

Julie: Ok 3:28 PM
Julie: Leaving airport now 3:43 PM
Me: okay 3:44 PM
Julie: How far are you from me? 4:02 PM
Me: 20 min. 4:03 PM
Julie: I’m on my way home , stuck in traffic 4:03 PM
Me: k don’t worry about it maybe next week is better… 4:04 PM
4:04 PM
Julie: Up to you 4:05 PM
Me: it will be too late, the ideal day to see you with the carfue and all that stuff is probably a Saturday to be honest that way it does not feel so rush… 4:06 PM
Me: plus there was an emergency 4:06 PM
Me: which takes priority 4:06 PM
Me: and is understandable 4:06 PM
Me: plus the trauma lololol 4:07 PM
Julie: Ok 4:12 PM
Juliee: I’m really sorry about today. 9:07 PM
Me: there is nothing to apologize my beautiful nurse 9:08 PM
9:08 PM
Me: * apologize fo 9:08 PM
Me: r 9:08 PM
Me: darn can’t spell 9:08 PM
Julie: You really are very attractive and intelligent which is rare lol 9:13 PM
Me: reallyyyy, please tell me more.. don’t stop 9:14 PM
Me: taking a screen shot 9:14 PM

Julie: I’m sure your ego gets stroked often lol 9:18 PM
Me: the only thing i strike a lot with my right hand is optimus prime, aka goliath aka empire state post 9/11, aka beloved pipi, aka paco but my ex used to call him two incher when she was mad…. 9:20 PM
Me: so no 9:20 PM
Me: nurse julie 9:20 PM
Me: what are you doing besides thinking of me and smiling anyways??? 9:20 PM
Julie: I’m just getting home my friends and I were at the beach 9:24 PM
Julie: What are you doing? 9:24 PM
Me: not you,
unfortunately 9:25 PM
Julie: I know
9:25 PM


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 26, 2020
Curious to hear how this goes!
So we all ended up hanging out. The friend was acting like a mother hen and scoping me out. It seemed like the girl I was going for was just being shy. We all ended up having a great time. We should be set to meet 1 on 1 soon.

One thing I'm learning is to pretty much go out and experience things yourself. Ignoring what most of what people say or being very skeptical and to go through it myself is the best teacher. Learning to spot what's just noise and what's actually a solid advice is a skillset itself.
Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
So we all ended up hanging out. The friend was acting like a mother hen and scoping me out. It seemed like the girl I was going for was just being shy. We all ended up having a great time. We should be set to meet 1 on 1 soon.

Cool dude, hope it works out!

One thing I'm learning is to pretty much go out and experience things yourself. Ignoring what most of what people say or being very skeptical and to go through it myself is the best teacher. Learning to spot what's just noise and what's actually a solid advice is a skillset itself.

A lot of guys on here are coming from a certain perspective. And like most people, they think their perspective is the best. And outside of ego and connection, they post here to help you be successful, coming from their perspective.

But you have to realize a lot of guys are "meet to sex in as short of a time as possible and move on to the next" type of guys. Or they're looking for bisexual women (a lot of the guys teaching this stuff end up in open marriages or some shit) or they're about the drinking and drugs, party lifestyle and want girls who do that as well, or whatever... that's typically what PUA communities attract, ime... which isn't for everyone. I don't drink or smoke (or party) but 90% of the PUAs I've met in my life are big partiers.

I don't know you but let's say you meet a girl, you date her for 3 months before sleeping with her, you decide she's the right woman for you, and you end up getting married, raising a family, and living happily ever after... there's nothing wrong with that at all, if that's what works for you.

But if you were taking advice from this forum, there might be a bunch of guys who discourage you from spending so much time with a girl like that because they're concerned that you'll get tooled, taken advantage of, you're over valuing someone, or that you're wasting your time with something that will never happen, and rightly so... especially seeing their values, life experience, perspectives, and goals for dating.

There are a lot of guys with some great wisdom on here but you always have to see people as guides, not someone with all the answers. And they (we) only have our own perspectives, out of many that might help serve you through this area of life. And some of the things people say could actually limit you in some ways since your goals might be different. But hopefully, a lot of it will accelerate your growth towards being the man you want to be with the types of women (or woman) that you want to have in your life.

Good luck man! I hope this turns into something you want!


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
We should be set to meet 1 on 1 soon.
Hope she's into you and it all goes well! But don't count your chickens before they hatch. The friendzone is after all the place where things always seem about to happen :)

I agree with your idea of experiencing things for yourself too. A man needs to try lots of things to find his own successes against the odds and learn from mistakes first hand.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 26, 2020
Hope she's into you and it all goes well! But don't count your chickens before they hatch. The friendzone is after all the place where things always seem about to happen :)

I agree with your idea of experiencing things for yourself too. A man needs to try lots of things to find his own successes against the odds and learn from mistakes first hand.
I would worry about getting a first text back before giving advice about where my chickens hatch if you want me to take you serious. No disrespect ofc. Hope it all goes well for you as well! :)