Decided to head out for a Sunday beer as it's holiday season
Approach on girl in my local pub down the road. She was with a friend at the bar. I opened them whilst ordering my beer. Went with an opinion opener. She didn't seem to really want to talk but that's kind of expected'. I 'rooted' the opener and talked a little. She still wasn't that responsive. Tried to carry on the conversation. Asked her name, age, where she was from. Made an observation about her drink and her clothes. Stacked a few assumptions about her. Still nothing so I bailed before I made her feel too awkward, lol. I wasn't her type. A 'no girl'.
Open a girl and am just like ''What's up? Thought you looked interesting so thought i'd say 'hi' quickly''. She tells me that i'm not her type. I'm like ''Whoa! Don't get ahead of yourself there!'' and she laughed and then walked away lol. I tried to get her to stop, but no dice. Not her type.
Open a 2 set at the bar and say 'hi'. Ask them what they are up too tonight. They say going dancing and I tease her about not being able to dance in the shoes she had on and she smiles. I ask them how they know each other and try to get them to open up a little but they are both super cagey and clearly want me to go away, but I try to stick in there. I ask their names. Make some assumptions about what they do and stuff, but they just basically nod their heads occasionally and are trying hard to not engage me lol. More 'no girls' so I decide to eject after some self amusement
I order a strange looking drink and then accuse the girl on my left of being jealous as she starred at it a little bit. She laughs and we banter a little. She's from Hungary which might explain the lack of negative attitude on her part. I make some jokey assumptions about what she does for a living. She's with a fat friend. I try to get the friend involved. We talk about Hungary. I tell them they look like they're waiting for their tinder dates to show up. They laugh and then the better looking one tells me she's married. We chat a little longer and I try to build some attraction with game, but I can sense that they aren't into me and I wish them a good night
Very pretty girl at a table with a mixed group of friends. I open her with a self amusement opener and tell her that the girls on the other table are saying that they are more fun than her group. She looks just at me. She kind of backs up towards the guy behind her into his arms almost. I just try to calibrate and back off a little bit (not that I was ever in her personal space!) and am like ''Only playing. how's your night been?''. She's like ''fine?''. Closed off body language like she's never spoke too a stranger. She's very young. I then make an observation. No reply. I ask her what she's up too. She still hasn't really said a word so I decide it's best to just bail. I'm not her type. Then the guy it turns out she's with kind of blocks my path and asks me 'what's up?' and tells me that he's her boyfriend. I think he's trying too intimidate me and but it's not gonna work, and when he see's that, he kind of flips the script after I laugh him off and he plays the 'friendly guy' instead and smiles and gives me a condescending pat on the back for trying, lol.
Super hot teen is hanging up her leopard print jacket. I look at it and smile and say ''If this is real leopard print, we can't be friends'' I think it was funny, lol. She gives me the classic look of contempt and says ''Yeah, Byyeeeeeee'' kind of sarcastically like she's Kylie Jenner or something and way out of my league lol (actually saw her a little later and she stood near me but I didn't bother trying to re-open)
Open up a girl at a table and straight away she tells me she's got a serious boyfriend but then her friend joins the table and the girl actually introduces me to her friend. Straight away I can tell this is different and that I might have a shot. She's not a 'no girl' like all the others. I can tell by the way she's looks at me and smiles as she introduces herself. I ask her name, age, plans for the night. Make a few assumptions about her. She actually is talking back!! lots. nice. Another IOI: She's filling in the gaps in convo and is pulling her own weight. (this is what every set is like for my handsome wing tbh) - She says something about her coat looking like an eskimo coat and I use that to go into talk about eskimo kissing and then we eskimo kiss. And then we do it again, but this time I go for the kiss and she kisses me back and we start making out. I move her too a different part of the bar and kiss her a bit more and rub her a bit and now seed the pull to go back to her place for sexy times. No LMR
Approach on girl in my local pub down the road. She was with a friend at the bar. I opened them whilst ordering my beer. Went with an opinion opener. She didn't seem to really want to talk but that's kind of expected'. I 'rooted' the opener and talked a little. She still wasn't that responsive. Tried to carry on the conversation. Asked her name, age, where she was from. Made an observation about her drink and her clothes. Stacked a few assumptions about her. Still nothing so I bailed before I made her feel too awkward, lol. I wasn't her type. A 'no girl'.
Open a girl and am just like ''What's up? Thought you looked interesting so thought i'd say 'hi' quickly''. She tells me that i'm not her type. I'm like ''Whoa! Don't get ahead of yourself there!'' and she laughed and then walked away lol. I tried to get her to stop, but no dice. Not her type.
Open a 2 set at the bar and say 'hi'. Ask them what they are up too tonight. They say going dancing and I tease her about not being able to dance in the shoes she had on and she smiles. I ask them how they know each other and try to get them to open up a little but they are both super cagey and clearly want me to go away, but I try to stick in there. I ask their names. Make some assumptions about what they do and stuff, but they just basically nod their heads occasionally and are trying hard to not engage me lol. More 'no girls' so I decide to eject after some self amusement
I order a strange looking drink and then accuse the girl on my left of being jealous as she starred at it a little bit. She laughs and we banter a little. She's from Hungary which might explain the lack of negative attitude on her part. I make some jokey assumptions about what she does for a living. She's with a fat friend. I try to get the friend involved. We talk about Hungary. I tell them they look like they're waiting for their tinder dates to show up. They laugh and then the better looking one tells me she's married. We chat a little longer and I try to build some attraction with game, but I can sense that they aren't into me and I wish them a good night
Very pretty girl at a table with a mixed group of friends. I open her with a self amusement opener and tell her that the girls on the other table are saying that they are more fun than her group. She looks just at me. She kind of backs up towards the guy behind her into his arms almost. I just try to calibrate and back off a little bit (not that I was ever in her personal space!) and am like ''Only playing. how's your night been?''. She's like ''fine?''. Closed off body language like she's never spoke too a stranger. She's very young. I then make an observation. No reply. I ask her what she's up too. She still hasn't really said a word so I decide it's best to just bail. I'm not her type. Then the guy it turns out she's with kind of blocks my path and asks me 'what's up?' and tells me that he's her boyfriend. I think he's trying too intimidate me and but it's not gonna work, and when he see's that, he kind of flips the script after I laugh him off and he plays the 'friendly guy' instead and smiles and gives me a condescending pat on the back for trying, lol.
Super hot teen is hanging up her leopard print jacket. I look at it and smile and say ''If this is real leopard print, we can't be friends'' I think it was funny, lol. She gives me the classic look of contempt and says ''Yeah, Byyeeeeeee'' kind of sarcastically like she's Kylie Jenner or something and way out of my league lol (actually saw her a little later and she stood near me but I didn't bother trying to re-open)
Open up a girl at a table and straight away she tells me she's got a serious boyfriend but then her friend joins the table and the girl actually introduces me to her friend. Straight away I can tell this is different and that I might have a shot. She's not a 'no girl' like all the others. I can tell by the way she's looks at me and smiles as she introduces herself. I ask her name, age, plans for the night. Make a few assumptions about her. She actually is talking back!! lots. nice. Another IOI: She's filling in the gaps in convo and is pulling her own weight. (this is what every set is like for my handsome wing tbh) - She says something about her coat looking like an eskimo coat and I use that to go into talk about eskimo kissing and then we eskimo kiss. And then we do it again, but this time I go for the kiss and she kisses me back and we start making out. I move her too a different part of the bar and kiss her a bit more and rub her a bit and now seed the pull to go back to her place for sexy times. No LMR
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