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A night to remember


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I went to a birthday party last Saturday night.

There were three hot girls there.

One was a prim Catholic, the other had a boyfriend, and the third was up for getting a coffee, after I isolated her, sat while she stood, and quizzed her about the exotic country in which she now lives.

What drew me to her, aside from her good looks, was her super relaxed vibe.

I got her number and left the party shortly thereafter, not before kissing her on the cheek.

Texting was smooth. She was chatty, which is nice.

We met last night at my usual spot.

We spent two and a half hours connecting.

From our first interaction at the party, I felt a connection to her. Despite being a foreigner, her region is very similar to my hometown in behaviour, attitude, and life outlook.

I enjoyed getting to know her better at the bar. Eventually I didn’t even notice she’d finished her beer, as I was lost in her eyes.

On the way home, I could sense her tremble against the cold, so I held her tight.

At home, I got out the sweet wine, and she sat on the sofa sipping it. I sat next to her, so that our legs were touching.

Shortly into our conversation I moved in to kiss her.

Then we continued chatting.

I kissed her again, and shortly into it stood up and took her hand, pulling her up from the canapé.

Jazz was playing in the background, and I held her close. We swayed our bodies a bit before I took her in my arms and threw her on the bed.

What followed was the most intense lovemaking I’ve had this year. I didn’t cum.

I wanted to stay there with her all night, but I had to go to the office this morning, so I called her an Uber at 2.45 a.m. Which means we spent 4 hours on the bed.

Do you know when you’re in bed with a girl, and it seems like she understands your physical touch, and really appreciates it?

Like the both of you are composing a symphony together with your bodies.

Unfortunately, I’m traveling this Sunday and on the day of my return she’ll be gone.

Hopefully we’ll still be able to see each other before then.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Beautiful! Sounds like this was a really fun and satisfying lay.

Do you know when you’re in bed with a girl, and it seems like she understands your physical touch, and really appreciates it?

Like the both of you are composing a symphony together with your bodies.
Absolutely. It sounds like you had strong emotional chemistry with her too which amplifies the intensity of the sex.

iceberg slim

Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2024
Sounds smooth and passionate. Why didn't you come?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
Nice report! Sounds like you two really had a chemistry-bubble going on...

Would be interested in your escalation at the bar and the way you insisted the bounce (although you might have spoken a lot about this in other reports)?

Currently, my escalation on the date in the bar is a bit rusty and looking to improve.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey guys, thanks for your replies!

@Atlas IV yeah on second thoughts it was my best night of lovemaking since 2019. I think even if you have a high level of skill in the horizontal arts, ultimately, to reach the level of synergy we had, it also depends on the girl and how much chemistry/connection the two of you have.

@iceberg slim because I'd jizzed twice with the German two nights before (rawdogging) so didn't have so much jism pent up despite the Ashwagandha I've recently started to supplement again. Additionally, after cumming I can get tired and lethargic the next day, so I wanted to preserve my "essence" (cred. the American general in Dr Strangelove).

@bkw good questions. So at the bar I inspected her necklace and bracelets right at the start. We were sitting opposite each other btw, which is not ideal for kino but good for EC. Our knees also touched a bit throughout. She was leaning back in her chair and the sexual tension increased when she leaned in because the music in the bar became louder due to a show downstairs.

I seeded the pull like I always do, sandwiched in the middle of the date, by asking her if she'd tried a certain type of wine and saying I'd been given a bottle as a present and still had some left, so "maybe we can go there later" (i.e., back to my place) which she agreed to.

In terms of conversation management, I set the sexual frame, which she agreed to, and did light bf disqualification. Didn't ask her her love languages though, forgot to do that. Honestly I was mostly enjoying getting to know her better, and soaking up her amazing vibe.

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
Do you know when you’re in bed with a girl, and it seems like she understands your physical touch, and really appreciates it?

Like the both of you are composing a symphony together with your bodies.
Man I get you. Best thing ever