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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Was out trying to game earlier in the week and having a lot of AA. Spent almost an hour and half without a single approach before I pass by this girl in a leopard print coat, as well as a different one in a white puffy jumper.

I go after the leopard print girl, and eventually see she's with another person (maybe). So I double back and approach the other girl. I compliment her that her hair looks amazing and shiny. She hooks very fast and we chat, with me focusing on Hector's advice. She ends up talking a lot, and I do pull her to the side with a light physical grab. She's going to meet a guy on what I assume is a date, but she also has plans to meet her cousins after. She's actually visiting for her birthday and leaves the day after. I tell her I would have loved to grab drinks to which the girl says she visits often-so we exchange numbers. I actually send her my name right then and there so she has my number. I expect that will be the end of it.

But two hours later-I get a text from her asking what time I go to sleep at. Realizing what's happening I lead the way to her coming to grab a drink near me. We end up meeting close to midnight.

She arrives in the same outfit I had met her in. We hug and walk over and I eventually do the arm in arm gesture (a bit later than usual). We walk up and the bar is empty except for us. I make some jokes with the attractive attendant which both ladies laugh with me.

We grab a drink and it's a mix of playful and deep diving. I don't hesitate to dive into deeper subjects but also make sure to keep it light and tease her along the way-and am increasing touch as well.

There's not much that's super crazy about this-we spend an hour at the bar before they kick us out to shut down. I know she wants to come home, but I sense she needs a bit more comfort (or maybe I'm too hesitant), regardless I have us go and chat in the hotel lobby for a bit.

We chat more and I increase the tension by letting silences linger more, to which she starts commenting on-and she's the one who is breaking the tension. At some point I pull her in and it's a quick transition a bit later into making out.

I wait a bit and on a high note suggest we go back to mine. She asks me for what and I say to keep chatting and she calls me a liar. I agree with a smile and gesture come on. She has a lot of hang ups more related to the safety of coming with me, to which I defuse. I mostly just let her think about it for a bit, and also gave her some of my social medias so she could share it with family/friends.

So eventually she agrees and we go off. It's a fun walk and she then asks on the walk if I have HIV, and if I have condoms. I answer in the negative to the first, and in the positive to the latter.

No LMR, good sex, great time.

First time I knew a girl came on my dick even if I was using my hand to rub her clit while she rode me. She also asked me to go raw after round 1 which was funny after her earlier objections.

Overall a pretty lucky set of events, given she took the initiative to set things up, though I had to lead and focus on closing.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
Quick work considering that you've been battling AA recently.

I believe this will dust off the cobwebs and you'll be on positive momentum soon.

Love the part where you let the sexual tension build leading to a smoother pull.

I need to try that on my next 2 dates this weekend


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Quick work considering that you've been battling AA recently.

I believe this will dust off the cobwebs and you'll be on positive momentum soon.

Love the part where you let the sexual tension build leading to a smoother pull.

I need to try that on my next 2 dates this weekend
Thanks man, yeah I think the 65 ish ratio is pretty accurate so once I confront the anxiety and beat it should be a lot of fun.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
But two hours later-I get a text from her asking what time I go to sleep at. Realizing what's happening I lead the way to her coming to grab a drink near me. We end up meeting close to midnight.
I wonder what sort of events happened to create this initiative from her. I also wonder if you had texted her yourself first, if she would have been down to come out as well?

My guess is that the date with the guy was bad, or perhaps, the guy did not compare to you, and she wanted to end her birthday with a bang :). but i wonder if there's more to it because it would be sick to try texting same day for the meet for a same day lay consistently.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
There are some details I didn't include bc they're kind of personal to her. But it had been a long time since she'd last had sex-and yeah the date was def not stellar. She'd also been drinking a little so maybe some liquid courage there. Also me looking like an old ex of hers.

Nothing I can think of on my part besides being chill and attractive. Sometimes you just get lucky.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
There are some details I didn't include bc they're kind of personal to her. But it had been a long time since she'd last had sex-and yeah the date was def not stellar. She'd also been drinking a little so maybe some liquid courage there. Also me looking like an old ex of hers.

Nothing I can think of on my part besides being chill and attractive. Sometimes you just get lucky.
this is why the world needs seducers lol. if not for you, she'd likely go home frustratingly horny on her birthday.