In terms of females? (Cause money wise i'd tell myself to double major in CS and Finance, and put all my money in FB, Goog, Amazon, Aapl, Random tech stocks, and Crypto)
1) Talk to more people, all the time, and enjoy it.
All that social experience carries over to women.
I didn't focus on connecting w/people in general, until I started talking to women. Taking my fledgling seduction skills into social skills was ass-backwards. It was developing my social skills that really made my seduction skills better.
And keep in mind, I wasn't some autistic loner. I had friends and people knew me. But turns out, for me at least, meeting more people, making more friends - made my external skills with women better as well as the social proof and deep inner game that comes from dealing with people regularly.
2) Get in the life long habit of working out, eating right, and enjoying those things -not doing them because you want approval.